
  • 网络moderate;moderative myopia
  1. 低、中度近视组平均暗视瞳孔直径(6.24±0.72)mm;

    The scotopic pupil sizes in low , moderate myopia group was 6.24 ± 0.72 mm ;

  2. 角膜基质环(intrastromaclornealring,ICR)植入术是一种矫正低、中度近视的角膜屈光手术。

    · Intrastromal corneal ring implantation is a kind of refractive operation for the correction of low and moderate myopia .

  3. 6.0mm瞳孔下,同一眼内3~5阶像差的RMS值呈递减趋势。在低度和中度近视患者中,各高阶像差和屈光度无明显相关性;

    The RMS values were decreased from 3rd to 5th order aberrations with pupil diameters of 6.0 mm in the same eye .

  4. 结果中度近视组术中角膜切削深度较深,haze形成比率较高;

    Results The cutting depth of the medium myopia cases was higher and had higher ratio of haze than that of low myopia .

  5. 结论:在低、中度近视中,LASIK术后的偏心程度较PRK的稍重,引起裸眼视力偏低。

    Conclusion : When myopia degree is lower than - 6.00D , the eccentricity on corneal topography after LASIK is more serious than after PRK , and naked vision is also lower .

  6. 方法:应用ATL超9型APOOGE-800型彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,探头频率5.0~10.0MHz。对26例正常眼,36例轻中度近视眼,51例高度近视眼后巩膜进行观察。

    Methods : Morphology of rear sclera in 26 cases of normal control ( NC ), 36 cases of light and medium myopia ( LAMM ) and 51 cases of high myopia ( HM ) were observed by color Doppler ultrasound .

  7. 客观验光低度近视眼组和中度近视眼组采用SNK进行组间两两对比结合均值研究发现,两组12月较6月和9月均高。

    Objective refraction : myopia had become worse in Dec. when compared to June and Sept. in both the low myopia group and the medium myopia group by SNK statistical method in the two-factor analysis of variance ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 准分子激光治疗中度近视临床疗效分析

    Analysis of Clinical Results of Excimer Laser for Correction of Moderate Myopia

  9. 针刺治疗青少年轻中度近视眼临床研究

    Clinical study on acupuncture for treatment of juvenile moderate and mild myopia

  10. 低中度近视人群优势眼和高阶像差的关系

    Relationship between ocular high-order aberrations and dominant eyes in low and moderate myopia

  11. 两种方法治疗中度近视远期屈光度稳定,无明显回退。

    Two kinds of methods to treat moderate myopia postoperative forward dioptre stable . 3 .

  12. 角膜矫形学治疗轻中度近视的临床观察

    Clinical observation on orthokeratology for correcting myopia

  13. 两种方法对于薄角膜中度近视都具有很好的远期效果。

    Two methods for thin corneal moderate myopia has a very good long-term effects . 2 .

  14. 针刺能提高近视患者的视力,以轻度近视的疗效优于中度近视,治疗中视力呈缓慢上升趋势;

    The visual acuity was improved by acupuncture with a better effect on mild myopia than moderate myopia ;

  15. 10、大部分中小学生存在不良用眼卫生习惯。[结论]1、历下区中小学生近视患病率较高,且以轻中度近视为主。

    Most of the small and medium-sized students are bad use eye health habits . [ conclusion ] 1 .

  16. 而在高度近视眼与中度近视眼组之间,垂直角膜屈光力的增加无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    However no significant difference was found between vertical refractive power of hight myopia and that of moderate myopia ( P > 0.05 ) .

  17. 结论AllegroAna-lyzer像差仪对低中度近视及散光的测量误差小,可靠性强;

    Conclusions Allegro Analyzer aberrometer is reliable in measuring low or moderate degree of myopia and astigmatism , also in the axis of astigmatism ;

  18. 术后裸眼视力下降的平均时间为高度近视组3.335月,中度近视组为3.196月;

    The mean time was 3.335 months that the uncorrected visual acuity was oss in high myopias , the middle myopia mean time was 3.196 months .

  19. 高度近视眼组角膜散光和全眼散光程度与轻、中度近视眼组比较差异均有显著性意义(P<0·05)。

    In the high myopia group , the degrees of corneal astigmatism and whole-eye astigmatism were significantly higher than those in the moderate or low myopia group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  20. 结论儿童共同性外斜视以轻度远视为主,随着年龄的增加,轻、中度近视逐年增加,远视逐年减少。

    [ Conclusion ] Concomitant exotropia of children are mainly slight hyperopia , and with the increasing of their ages , light and medium myopia increase year by year and hyperopia decreases year by year .

  21. 方法将240例(480眼)按近视屈光度分为2组:组Ⅰ(低、中度近视组)-1.00D~-6.00D;组Ⅱ(高度近视组)-6.25D~-12.50D。

    Methods 240 patients ( 480 eyes ) were divided into 2 groups : group ⅰ( low and moderate myopia ) - 1.00D ~ - 6.00D , group ⅱ( high myopia ) - 6.25D ~ -12.50D .

  22. 正常组、低中度近视组之间后极部视网膜平均厚度差异无显著性,而他们与高度近视组之间差异有显著性。

    The mean retinal thickness at the posterior pole was not significantly different in middle and low myopia and emmetropia , but there was a significant difference when comparing high myopia to the other refractive states .

  23. 在夜晚状态下3cpd处高度近视组眩光失能值明显高于对照组及低中度近视组。

    However , it was significantly lower at 3 and 18 cpd at night in high myopic group . Significant differences in glare disability score were found only at 3 cpd at night in high myopic group compared with other groups .

  24. 结果17例均为中度以下近视,平均年龄24岁,16例单眼发病。

    Results All of the 17 patients had sub - medium myope . Their average age was 24 years . 16 patients were affected unilaterally .

  25. 结论:LASIK手术对于中度、高度近视组远期效果是安全、有效,稳定的,对超高度近视也是非常安全、有效的。

    Conclusion : LASIK surgery is safe , effective , stable for the medium and high myopia , and it is also very safe for super-high myopia .

  26. 目的:通过对低度,中度,高度近视眼患者行准分子激光原位角膜磨术前与术后早期对比敏感度视力的变化观察研究,完善对不同程度近视的术后视功能的评价。

    Purpose : To evaluate the changes of visual function after laser in situ keratomileusis ( LASIK ) with contrast sensitivity visual acuity ( CSVA ) in low , medium , high myopica .

  27. 在6~12岁和13~15岁组中,中度和低度近视平均眼轴长度之间差异没有显著性(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in the length of the optic axis between the groups with lower dioptric errors and middle dioptric errors in the groups 6 ~ 12 years and 13 ~ 15 years of age ( P > 0.05 ) .