- 名metaphase chromosome

Photometric Scanning of Area and Relative Content of DNA in Human Metaphase Chromosome with a Microscope Photometer
Comparision of the activity between metaphase chromosome NORs and interphase nucleus AgNORs in some cell lines
The Highly Efficient Methods for Preparation of Rice Metaphase Chromosomes and DNA Fibres
Comparative Study of FISH Resolution on Interphase , Pachytene and Metaphase Chromosomes in Rice
There are many chromosomes in the nuclei , but the chromosomes remain permanently condensed during cell cycle ;
The Methods of Preparing Early Metaphase Chromosomes and the Study on Their G-banding Patterns in Mouse Fibroblasts
In situ Localization of rDNA to Metaphase Chromosomes in Six Species of Plants
Studies on RNA in the metaphase chromosome of Zea mays by electron microscopy in situ hybridization
However these techniques are still in deficiency at present . In this study , a method to prepare metaphase chromosomes with high efficiency was deve-lopped in rice .
Analysis of high resolution G bands of prometaphase chromosomes in pigs was carried out by cell synchronization using amethopterin and thymidine treatment combining GTG technique .
In the paper , we have studied the RNA distribution in the metaphase chromosomes of K_ ( 562 ) cell using RNase-gold method .
The above BAC clones of20 chicken genes were hybridized by FISH with duck and ostrich metaphase chromosomes prepared from embryo fibroblasts .
The CPD bands exhibited on mitotic metaphase chromosomes corresponded to the prominent bands exhibited on the pachytene chromosomes .
Karyotype and C-banding of chromosomes of Salvia miltiorrhiza at mitosis metaphase were analyzed with traditional methods .
Observing the non-banded and G-banded human metaphase chrom - somes of the same patient by the LM and the SEM , It was evident that chromosomes specific gross morphology was the same .
Synaptonemal complexes in meiotic pachytene displayed conspicuous C-banding and G-banding , but the bandings regularly distributed along the lengthwise chromosomes . The results of C-banding and G-banding in mitotic early metaphase was not clear .
Ten red CPD bands were shown on eight pachytene bivalents , and 12 bands were shown on six pairs of mitotic metaphase chromosomes .
In order to identify specific chromosomes rapidly , with specific primers for chromosome 7 , 17 , X and Y , both metaphase and interphase nuclei of peripheral blood lymphocytes were detected by primed in situ ( PRINS ) labeling technique .
The result from one case with interphase cells by FISH was coincidence with it by amniotic cell culture . The other case got a little metaphase chromosomes by amniotic cell culture , and then got better signals in interphase cells by FISH .
【 Result 】 Five pairs of hybridization signals of 25S rDNA and three pairs of hybridization signals of 5S rDNA were detected on the metaphase chromosomes .
Chromosome localization of 45S rDNA was studied by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) on metaphase chromosomes of different ploidy Citrus grandis .
The ultrastructure of prematurely condensed chromosomes ( PCC ) in BK cells and the CHO metaphase chromosomes ( the PCC inducer ) were studied with cell fusion technique and SEM .
METHODS : Giemsa method and Simultaneous silver staining technique of both NOR and Cd are used to stain metaphase chromosome specimen of human outer circular blood respectively .
Methods Slides of metaphase chromosome were examined by the method of PCR in situ . And PCR reactions without Taq DNA polymerase , primer and bio 11 dUTP were set up as control groups .
The distinctive CPD bands , which could be constantly and clearly detected using the CPD staining procedure we improved , provided new landmarks for chromosome identification in tomato .
【 Method 】 Fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) technique was used to locate the 25S rDNA and 5S rDNA on the mitotic metaphase chromosomes of Chinese cabbage-pe-tsai .
The mitotic metaphase chromosomes of garlic cells were studied at the ultrastructural level with silver ac - cording to Sato about Ag-staining technique devised for plant cells .
In this study , we performed sequentially combined PI and DAPI ( CPD ) staining and FISH with two different 45S rDNA clones on meiotic pachytene and mitotic metaphase chromosomes in tomato .
Metaphase chromosomes showing multiple banding pattern were easily reproducible using BrdUrd-Hoechst-Giemsa technique in Amphibia .
The isolated or intact metaphase chromosome scaffold of BK ( Bovine Kidney ) cell has been studied by using several techniques , such as isolated chromosome scaffold TEM , ultra thin-sectioning cytochemical EM , RNase-gold complexes labeling and Ag-staining .