
  • 网络In energy;intermediate energy;medium energy
  1. 中能电子散射能谱学

    Medium energy electron scattering spectroscopy

  2. 一个用于中能X射线照射量基准的自由空气电离室

    A Free-air Chamber Used as the Primary Standard of Medium Energy X-ray Exposure

  3. 他们在黑暗中能看到一座教堂的朦胧轮廓。

    In the darkness they could see the vague outline of a church .

  4. 现在人们一生中能有三分之一的时间过退休生活。

    Up to a third of one 's life is now being spent in retirement .

  5. 婴儿和父母睡在一块儿比单独睡在婴儿床中能得到更多的触觉刺激。

    Babies who sleep with their parents receive much more tactile stimulation than babies who sleep in a cot

  6. 但他们在电厂工程中能给予多少帮助尚不清楚。

    But it is not clear how far they could help with the work on a power plant .

  7. 半导体器件在电子设备中能起各式各样的控制作用。

    Semiconductor devices can perform a variety of control functions in electronic equipment .

  8. 浓密的植被的叶子中能截留大量的降水。

    Heavy vegetation may intercept a large amount of precipitation on its leaves .

  9. 从本质上看,粘土矿物具有催化性质,这是因为粘土矿物在反应过程中能放出质子或接受电子。

    Essentially the catalytic properties of clay minerals arise because of their ability to donate protons or accept electrons in reaction mechanisms .

  10. 为了计算母亲们从这项劳动中能挣多少钱,报告提出了一些母亲们可以担任的角色,包括管家、兼职律师、私人教练和艺人。

    To calculate just how much mothers would earn from that labour , it suggested some of the roles that mums could take on , including housekeeper , part-time lawyer , personal trainer and entertainer .

  11. 9、一生中能改变命运的机会,可不多呀!

    Chances to change your destiny in your life are few and far between .

  12. 有理论称,人们在非正式的谈天小组中能想出最好的创意。

    A theory says that people come up with their best ideas when grouped informally . Example :

  13. 该文所获得的定理是近期相关重要结果的改进和推广,这些定理在fuzzy非线性分析中能找到应用。

    Our theorems improved and generalized the corresponding recent important results , and they will find application in fuzzy nonlinear analysis .

  14. 中能质子在Si和GaAs中导致的非电离能损研究

    Non-ionizing Energy Loss of Middle Energy Proton in Si and GaAs

  15. 对中能以上的电子剂量响应在实验误差范围内、与电子平衡条件下~(60)Coγ辐射剂量响应相同;

    Equivalent response for gamma rays from ~ ( 60 ) Co and electrons with the high energy ;

  16. 利用PVA在硼酸介质中能与碘生成蓝绿色的络合物的特性,建立了用分光光度法测定其含量的简便、快速的分析方法。

    Spectrophotometry can be used to determine PVA content .

  17. 动量空间中能质子-~(12)C弹性散射截面和自旋量的研究

    A study of the cross sections and the spin observables for proton - ~ ( 12 ) C elastic scattering in momentum space in the intermediate energy region

  18. SVC补偿技术应用在工业节能中能发挥很好的作用。

    The SVC technology has excellent performances in the industrial energy saving .

  19. 最近报道显示,硼掺杂同质外延金刚石层暴露在氘离子束中能形成浅施主态的n型电导。

    Recent report showed that exposure of p-type ( B doped ) homoepitaxial diamond layers to deuterium plasma can form n-type diamond with a shallow donor state .

  20. 钠离子注入聚乙炔(PA)中能生成pn结。本文介绍了离子注入的基本原理及其在高聚物改性中的应用。

    This article introduces the basic principles of ion implantation and its application in the modification of polymers .

  21. 此外,可能还需要修改URL以便在您的环境中能正常工作。

    Also note that you may need to tweak your URLs to get them to work properly in your own environment .

  22. 分析结果表明,地震CT有较高的精度和可信度,在工程地质勘察中能做到对地下介质的精细成像,远远优越于常规勘察方法。

    As the analysis shows , the seismic CT technology have the advantages of higher precision and credibility , which can make preciser imaging of subsurface medium in engineering geophysics than usual explorative methods .

  23. 应用实例表明改进识别方法的BP网络应用在房地产估价中能使待判样本分类正确率从90.5%提高到100%,相应的估价误差从1.7%降低到0.3%。

    The applied example shows that the improved method can increase rightness rate of sample classification from 90.5 % to 100 % , decrease appraisal error from 1.7 % to 0.3 % .

  24. Northern杂交分析表明,该反义基因在转基因植株中能正常转录并导致内源classⅠpatatinmRNA含量的下降。

    Northern hybridization analysis showed that the antisense gene was transcribed normally in the transgenic potato plants and resulted in a reduction of endogenous class I patatin mRNA .

  25. 结论:VCIC平面超声成像结合3D重建信息量大,可以进行任意角度的图像后处理,在显示股动脉粥样硬化斑块中能比2D提供更多的诊断信息。

    CONCLUSION : In the diagnosis of atherosclerotic plaque in femoral artery , VCI-C plane and 3D US reconstruction can provide more useful information than those of traditional 2D US .

  26. 中能π吸收反应的Isobar模型

    The Isobar Model of Pion - absorption Reaction at Intermediates

  27. 结论:HSD在烧伤休克延迟复苏中能发挥其容量负荷小,扩容效果好及改善心肌功能等特点。

    Conclusion : HSD can expand plasma volume significantly with small volume solution and cardiac function is improved during delayed resuscitation of burn shock .

  28. BHT是一种优良的抗氧剂,应用于催化裂化汽油中能提高汽油诱导期,有效地解决汽油长期贮存氧化安定性变差的问题。

    Applying in FCC gasoline can increase the guiding period , and solved the problem that gasoline oxidizing stable property when it was kept long period .

  29. 在条件实验的基础上提出了一个从中能18O离子照过的天然铀样品中简便、快速地分离钍的化学流程。

    Based on the experiments , a chemical procedure used for rapidly separating thorium from the natural uranium irradiated by 18O ions was developed .

  30. 10-in单球rem计测量中能重离子反应中子剂量当量的理论修正

    Theoretical correction on measuring neutron dose equivalent for the intermediate energy heavy ion reaction with the 10-in single-sphere rem-meter