
  • 网络Medium and long term loans;Term Loans;Long-term Loans
  1. 这减少了中长期贷款的资金来源,但是增加了流通的压力。

    This reduced the resources of funds for mid-and long-term loans as well as downgrading the stability of deposits , but increased the pressure for circulation .

  2. 农业发展银行:一月至八月,新生中长期贷款持续增长。

    ADBC : New medium and long-term loans rise in Jan-Aug.

  3. 中长期贷款:增长态势与因果逻辑

    Medium to Long Term Loan in China : Growing Trend and Consequence

  4. 中长期贷款增长与未来货币政策走势研究

    Mid-to-long-term Loans Growth and Trend of Future Monetary Policy

  5. 近年来,我国商业银行中长期贷款占比呈现日益上升的趋势。

    In recent years , the long-term loans share of commercial banks showed rising trend .

  6. 以往,银行信贷是限量供应的,中长期贷款的其它非银行来源也被有效封堵。

    In the past , bank credit was rationed , and other non-bank sources of medium to long-term debt were effectively suppressed .

  7. 中长期贷款基金投资项目股票的增长标志着这刺激正在觉醒的信号。

    A rise in the share of medium - and long-term loans to fund investment projects also would signal the stimulus is kicking in .

  8. 第二,在坚持实行适度从紧货币政策的前提下,适当增加货币供应量,扩大中长期贷款。

    - Appropriately increasing money supply while adhering to a moderately tight monetary policy , and expanding the issuance of long-term and medium-term loans .

  9. 适时制定和调整信贷政策,引导中长期贷款的总量和投向。

    Policies on loan and credit shall be formulated and adjusted at due time to guide the aggregate and direction of the medium-and long-range loans .

  10. 银行贷款期限倾向于中长期贷款,但目前短期贷款的增速高于中长期贷款。

    The length of maturity tends to medium and long term loan . But the increasing speed is slower than short term loan in recent years .

  11. 今年1-5月份,各金融机构发放的中长期贷款占总贷款的21%。

    In the first five months of this year , long-term and medium-term loans issued by financial institutions nationwide made up 21 percent of the total amount of loans .

  12. 1998年后商业银行为降低不良贷款率的压力开始主动追求中长期贷款规模的扩张,直接推动了近几年中长期贷款扩张。

    After 1998 , commercial banks seek for an expansion of medium to long term loan in order to reduce the pressure of NPL rate , which directly promotes the expansion of medium to long term loan .

  13. 而资本市场融资结构对产业结构的升级具有结构效应,其中股票市场融资对产业结构升级贡献最大,其次是中长期贷款市场,作用不明显的是债券融资。

    And capital market financing structure on the upgrading of industrial structure has the structure effect , including stock market financing the largest contribution to the upgrading of the industrial structure , followed by long-term mortgage market , does not play a significant role is the bond financing .

  14. 初始投资被定义为中、长期贷款或者是在中国的股份投资,并且不可将其转换为外币。

    The use of proceeds is confined to mid-or long-term loans or equity investments in projects in China and can not be converted to foreign currencies .

  15. 去年,中国、印度和巴西向本国出口商总计提供了720亿美元中长期信贷款,是美国的五倍以上。

    Last year China , India and Brazil provided $ 72bn in medium and long-term credit financing to their exporters – more than five times what the US mustered .

  16. 在新增贷款中,中长期贷款占32%。

    Of the newly increased loans , long-term and medium-term loans accounted for32 percent .

  17. 1997年中长期债券和银行贷款形式的国际债务达到1.2万亿,而1988年为0.5万亿。

    International lending in medium-and long-term bonds and bank loans reached US $ 1.2 trillion in1997 , up from US $ 0.5 trillion in1988 .

  18. 其次,该行纠正了一个重要的市场失灵现象:即缺少一个为与风险较高地区做中长期贸易提供商业贷款的市场。

    Second , it redresses an important market failure : the absence of a commercial loan market for longer-term trade with riskier parts of the world .

  19. 在建行的最初两三年内,信贷业务比较少,主要是针对少数大型日资企业的流动资金贷款与中长期的固定资产贷款。

    During the initial few years , the branch handled only a little credit businesses that were mainly short-term and long-term loan for big scale Japanese joint ventures .

  20. 审计署表扬国家开发银行“注重发挥政策性银行作用,大力支持国家重点项目建设”,但表示,该行“部分信贷业务存在风险,一些中长期信贷业务的贷款主体不符合要求”。

    The auditor praised CDB for " emphasising its role as a policy bank and strongly supporting key national construction projects " , but said it extended too many risky loans and that some medium and long-term lending did not meet basic standards .

  21. 结果表明:上海上市公司的银行债权融资水平与公司绩效负相关,银行贷款期限结构中短期贷款和长期贷款对公司绩效均成负向关系,银行债权没有起到促进公司绩效的效应。

    It is shown that there is a negative correlation between the level of bank debt financing of shanghai public companies and company performances , a negative correlation between companies short-term loans and long-term loans and company performances , thus bank credit fails to promote company performances .