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wū shā mào
  • official position;black gauze cap
乌纱帽 [wū shā mào]
  • [black gauze cap;official position] 古代官吏戴的一种帽子,比喻官位

  • 丢乌纱帽

乌纱帽[wū shā mào]
  1. 我让你参赛是为了我能保住我的乌纱帽。

    I need you to come in first to get re-elected .

  2. 他因无法控制局势而丢了乌纱帽。

    He lost position through situations beyond his control .

  3. 我帮基丰根不是为了我的乌纱帽!

    I 'm notjust doing this to get re-elected .

  4. 我应该摘下你的乌纱帽就不参你一本了

    I should have your hat for that . Snatch it right off your head .

  5. 自那以来,危机已吞噬了希腊、葡萄牙和意大利,夺走了政治领导人的乌纱帽,要求前所未有的纾困并再次吓坏了投资者。

    The crisis has since engulfed Greece , Portugal and Italy , claiming the scalps of political leaders and demanding unprecedented bail-out packages and spooking investors all over again .