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  • 网络musical theory;music theory;yuelun;the theory of yue
  1. 表现在理论上,文论、画论、书论、乐论等在理论范畴、批评方法等方面便存在会通,它们相互渗透,彼此影响,共同发展。

    Performance in theory , literary theory , painting theory , calligraphy theory , music theory and so on have the common ground in theoretical categories , critical methods . They penetrate each other , influence each other and common development .

  2. 以政治、伦理、道德、人性等他律来阐释并约束艺术活动,是儒家乐论的本质特点。

    And he concluded that it was the essence of Confucian music theory to explain and restrain artistic activities .

  3. 金声玉振&儒家乐论对上古礼乐制度的阐释

    Jin sheng Yuzheng : interpretation of ancient rites system by Confucianism

  4. 历史悲乐论论争的问题,关切到人类的生存与发展,研究这一课题具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

    The question concerns man 's existence and development , so it is significant to research the issue .

  5. 历史悲乐论的论争,是从古至今一直争论不休的问题。

    It is a vexed question on the controversy of pessimism of history theory and optimism of history theory .

  6. 这种乐论是一种体验与理性的紧密结合,它所启悟的理性体验对保持现代化压力下的人格完整,纠正工具理性所导致的异化现象,有着重要的现实意义。

    Such theory of happiness is a close combination of experience and rationality and has significant meaning in modern world .

  7. 资深音乐制作人、乐论人王磊提醒道,电视选秀蕴含风险。

    Wang Lei , a veteran music producer and critic , warns of the risks entailed in TV music talent shows .

  8. “金声玉振”是上古礼乐文化中最富有艺术性的部分,在儒家乐论体系中占有重要地位。

    Jinsheng Yuzheng is the most artistic part in ancient ritual and music culture and occupies an important position in Confucian music theory .

  9. 第一部分,追溯哲学史上历史悲观论与乐观论的论争及其思想,阐明现代历史悲乐论论争的历史根源;

    In the first part , history foundation of the contemporary controversy of pessimism of history theory and optimism of history theory is described .

  10. 本章主要从荀子对墨子节用思想、节葬思想、非乐论和非攻思想的接受四个方面阐述了荀子对墨子思想的接受。

    This chapter performs from four aspects to analyze separately in terms of frugality , funeral-controlling theory , anti-music thought and no attacking theory .

  11. 第三部分,通过分析历史悲乐论论争的问题得出启示,找出现代社会发展之路&社会的可持续发展观。

    In the last part , we can get revelations from the controversy , and find a new way that is the view of social sustainable development .

  12. 这里通过对魏晋时期乐论、音乐文学作品及相关史料的解读与分析,阐述了音乐对文学发展的影响。

    This paper expounds the influence of music on literature through reading and analyzing the theory of music , works of music literature and related historical material in the Wei and Jin Dynasties .

  13. 以《乐论》和《乐记》为代表的荀学音乐思想,在学术上是对之前各家思想的一个批判的继承与总结;

    Xunzi and his school 's thought of music , which represented by the " Music Theory " and " Music ", was a critical succession and a summary to those before academic thinking .

  14. 本文上篇通过王阳明乐论的个案研究,初步考察了美与善的关联及其在以美的教育实现善的教育的目的中的思想意义。

    Taking WANG Yang-ming 's talk about music as a case , this article inspects the relation between beauty and goodness , and how to realize the education goal of goodness through the education of beauty .

  15. 治世之音安以乐&论孟浩然诗中的盛唐气象

    The Phenomenon of Prosperous Tang Dynasty in Meng Haoran 's poetry

  16. 美善相乐&论荀子的礼乐关系思想

    Harmony in Beauty and Good & Tsunzi 's Thought of Relations between Ritual and Music

  17. 践行义理,不忧即乐&论明代理学中的苦乐观玫瑰皆有刺(快乐之中有痛苦)。

    Adhering to Beliefs No sorrow Means Happiness On the Outlook of Suffering and Happiness in Confucian School of Idealist Philosophy of the Ming Dynasty ; There 's no rose without a thorn .

  18. 论陈白沙自然之乐的境界论

    On the State Theory of CHEN Bai-sha 's Enjoyment of Nature

  19. 本体论强调以象德为乐,作品论强调以象章德,创作论强调使德成象,功能论强调以象致德。

    Ontology emphasizes Image Morals is the real music , Works theory emphasizes Image is used to express Morals , Creative theory emphasizes we make morals become image , Functionalism emphasizes people get Morals by Image .

  20. 乐合同礼别异&荀子《乐论》中礼乐关系之美学内涵

    Aesthetics Connotation in the Relationship of Yue and Li in " Xunzi Yueiun "