
  • 网络george town;PENANG;Georgetown
  1. 这些精彩的素描不仅提醒我们乔治市昔日的风貌,也提示了乔治市可能再现的风采。

    These sketches are also wonderful reminders of what George Town was and sometimes still can be today .

  2. 这部素描作品集明显呈现了嘉强对乔治市及其遗产的爱恋。

    Kiah Kiean 's love for the city and its heritage is conspicuous in this book .

  3. 但,如果你是俄克拉荷马雷霆队,你就会认为留住保罗乔治是最佳运作,在无法确定乔治会留在小球市情况下,仍然为了他进行了一场豪赌。

    But if you 're the Oklahoma City Thunder , you have to feel like it was locking in Paul George after making the enormous gamble to trade for him without knowing whether he 'd stay in the small market .