
  1. 本文运用泛珠三角九省从1995-2008年的年度面板数据,构建基于C-D生产函数的计量模型,测算出各省的TFP数值。

    This paper is based on panel data of nine provinces in this area from Year 1995 to 2008 and C-D Production Function , with which we can calculate Total Factor Productivity .

  2. 四川省在西部九省一市中处于举足轻重的地位,四川经济的发展状况和速度将直接影响整个西部地区的经济发展。

    Its economic development has direct impact on the whole west .

  3. 南方九省、区水田土壤参数分析

    Analyses of paddy-field soil parameters of southern provinces and district

  4. 长江流域九省二市现代化水平比较

    A Modernization Level Comparison among Nine Provinces and Two Cities along Yangtse River

  5. 自古就有“北临三关,南通九省”之誉。

    Since ancient times " three-north , Nantong nine provinces " of reputation .

  6. 结果中国九省家庭中有6.9%的家庭存在营养不良和超重个体并存。

    Results In 9 provinces of China , 6.9 % of all households were found to have undernutrition and overweight members within the same household .

  7. 学校位于“九省通街”的湖北省会武汉市,占地面积314公顷,建筑面积达110万平方米。

    WUT is located in Hubei Province 's capital Wuhan known as " the thoroughfare leading to nine provinces . " The total area of campus is 314 hectares .

  8. 湖北恒泰国际贸易有限公司,坐落在有九省通衢之称的江城武汉。

    Hubei Hetek International Trade Co. , Ltd was located in A River City of WuHan where has long been well known as a " thoroughfare to nine provinces " .

  9. 华中科技大学位于“九省通衡”的湖北省武汉市,校园总面积467公顷。

    HUST is located in Hubei Province 's capital Wuhan known as " the thoroughfare leading to nine provinces . " The campus covers an area of over 467 hectares .

  10. 在此基础上采用相似系数及区位商,对九省的工业结构现状进行测度分析,得出九省之间存在工业合作空间的结论;

    On the basis of analyzing nine provinces status in quo of industrial structure with Similarity Coefficient and Location Quotient , one conclusion is drawn : nine provinces have a cooperative space in industry .

  11. 广东等九省提出的泛珠三角经济区的战略构想为我国东、中、西部的区域经济合作提出了新的形式,它对我国西北地区的区域经济合作极具启发性。

    The strategy of Extensive Zhujiang River Delta economic zone , which is embraced by nine provinces , including Guangdong , provides not only a new form of regional economic co-operation in China but also offers some revelations to Northwest China .

  12. 本月,新的检测和咨询活动将在南非九个省的单独的位置分别开始进行。

    The new testing and counseling campaign will start at a single location in each of South Africa 's nine provinces this month .

  13. 这九个省制造的新重型卡车必须安装该系统,否则无法获得交通运输许可证,交通运输部副部长说。

    New heavy trucks manufactured in the nine provinces must install the system or they will not receive transportation permits , the vice minister of transport said .

  14. 常州市是江苏九个省辖优秀旅游城市之一,目前国内旅游各项经济指标在全省名列第四。

    Changzhou is one of the nine excellent tourist cities in Jiangsu province . Its inbound tourism economic contribution listed as the fourth largest in Jiangsu province at present .

  15. 2013年1月,交通运输部责令九个省为所有旅游大巴、长途客车和运送“危险物品”的车辆安装北斗系统。

    In January 2013 , the country 's transportation authority ordered all tour buses , long-distance buses and vehicles transporting " dangerous articles " in nine provinces to install the system .

  16. 并运用生态位原理对我省九个省辖市的生态位进行剖析,揭示出人口激增,水资源短缺和环境污染是城市发展的制约因素。

    On the basis of analyzing the niche of the main cities , this paper makes it clear that the limiting factors of urban development are rapid growth of population , lack of water resource and environmental pollution .

  17. 中国政府一直在缓步出台强制使用北斗系统的新规。2013年,中国交通运输管理局要求九个省的所有长途客车和“危险物品”运送车辆安装该系统。

    The Chinese authorities have been slowly rolling out new rules that mandate the system 's use . In 2013 , China 's transportation authority ordered all long-distance buses and vehicles transporting " dangerous articles " in nine provinces to install the system .

  18. 本文针对第九届山东省大学生电子设计竞赛B题展开论述,总体设计方案实现了各项功能。

    Explanation on the 9th Shandong province Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest was given in this paper .

  19. 从降香中分离得到了3个化合物,其中2个化合物经理化和光谱鉴定,分别为异甘草素;在戏剧命运的搏击中提升&记第九届山西省戏剧杏花奖评比演出

    Compounds are extracted and identified . Getting sublimated in the fight for dramatic destiny

  20. 九月份广东省将提高最低工资水平,目的是让广东成为吸引外来劳工工作的地方。

    South China 's Guangdong Province will raise its minimum salary levels in September , in attempt to make the province a more appealing destination for migrant workers .

  21. 九运与广东省体育市场的发展

    The " Ninth National Game s " and The Development of Sports Market in Guangdong

  22. 九华山位于安徽省青阳县南,中国四大佛教名山之一。

    Mt Jiuhua located in the south of Qingyang county , Anhui province , the Jiuhua moutain is one of china 's four Buddhist shrines .

  23. 第九章对湖北省的五种类型的县域模式分别进行了具体分析,提出了每种模式的统筹发展措施。

    Fourth , the author divides different county land modes of establishing a coordinated urban-rural development of Hubei in the area , and analyses deeply , and puts forward the corresponding development measure to each kind of mode .