
rǔ zhì pǐn
  • dairy products
乳制品 [rǔ zhì pǐn]
  • [dairy products] 由奶制成的各种食品

  1. 乳制品可能会引起某些人的过敏反应。

    Dairy products may provoke allergic reactions in some people .

  2. 脱脂乳制品能提供身体所需的营养,而不含过多的热量。

    Non-fat dairy products supply the needed nutrients without excessive calories .

  3. 任何乳制品都会让他呕吐。

    Any product made from cow 's milk made him vomit

  4. 他按照医嘱要食用乳制品。

    He was put on a diet of milky food .

  5. 医生已经告诉我不要吃乳制品。

    The doctor has told me to avoid dairy .

  6. 生产和运输食品的现代技术使得食品更加多样化,数量更丰富,包括可购买的动物蛋白以及乳制品数量的大幍增加,这使得我们比自己的祖先更加有活力。

    Modern techniques for producing and shipping food led to greater variety and quantity , including a tremendous increase in the amount of animal protein and dairy products available , making us more vigorous than our ancestors .

  7. 星巴克今天对Delish说,在现有的星巴克奶精产品中添加了一款非乳制品奶精。

    Starbucks is adding non-dairy options to its existing line of Starbucks Creamers , the brand confirmed with Delish today .

  8. 乳制品之所以添加三聚氰胺是因为它可以虚增蛋白质含量、在质量测试中蒙混过关。

    That substance illicitly to fool quality-inspection testers because it can mimic the properties of protein .

  9. 适量食用鱼和海鲜、蛋、家禽及乳制品

    Moderate intakes of fish and other seafood , eggs , dairy products ( principally cheese and yogurt ) and red wine

  10. PET乳制品包装:色彩是流行发展趋势更是保护产品需要

    PET Packaging for Dairy industry : Colours for Fashion and Protection

  11. HPLC法柱后衍生测定乳制品中牛磺酸的含量

    Determination of taurine in dairy by HPLC derivation after column

  12. RFID的乳制品供应链安全风险控制

    Research of dairy products supply chain security risk control based on RFID

  13. ELISA法检测乳制品中的三聚氰胺质量浓度

    Determination of melamine in dairy products by ELISA

  14. 在这篇文章里我们会深入讲述与PET乳制品包装有关的色彩选择的决定因素。

    This article will further focus on some important factors related to colour choice in packaging dairy products in PET .

  15. 包埋后的DHA具有更好的稳定性,可将其添加到乳制品及其它食品中。

    We can add it into dairy and other foods .

  16. 乳制品中的Maillard反应标示物及其应用

    Indicators of Maillard reaction and their application in milk products

  17. 总部位于北京的ChinaVenture的分析师WanGe表示,由于食品安全方面的忧虑,光明食品可能难以把乳制品引入澳大利亚。

    Wan Ge , an analyst with Beijing-based China Venture , said that Bright might struggle to introduce dairy products into Australia due to food safety concerns .

  18. 新型高阻隔包装材料PVA的诞生,既保证了乳制品的安全,又降低了资源消耗。

    New high barrier package material PVA birth , also had guaranteed the dairy products security , had reduced the resources consumption .

  19. 中国今年发生幼儿三聚氰胺中毒案之后,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)已经禁止进口中国乳制品。三聚氰胺会引发肾衰竭。

    The European Commission has already banned the import of Chinese milk products after children were infected with melamine – which can cause kidney failure – in China this year .

  20. Clarke不能吃任何小麦支票、唐磊、咖啡因或者是乳制品。

    Clarke has been forbidden to eat wheat , sugar , caffeine or dairy products .

  21. 筛选过程当中,首要的指标是检测菌株对低pH值和对胆盐的抗性以及在发酵或非发酵乳制品当中的存活能力。

    The first requirement we set for a candidate Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains were resistance to low pH , resistance to bile and ability to survive in fermented and non fermented milks .

  22. 荷兰合作银行资深乳制品分析师提姆亨特(TimHunt)表示:自三聚氰胺危机以来,中国奶粉进口增长了一倍以上。

    China 's milk powder imports have more than doubled since the melamine crisis , says Tim Hunt , senior dairy analyst for Rabobank .

  23. 在饮食中,维生素B12来源于肉类,鱼类,乳制品,其它动物制品,和加强的早餐谷类。

    In the diet , B12 comes from meat , fish , dairy , other animal products , and fortified breakfast cereals .

  24. 随着中国加入WTO后乳制品进口关税的不断减让,发达国家看好我国的乳制品市场,大量国外的乳制品进入中国市场将冲击中国的乳牛业。

    With the further decreasing of tax after joining WTO , developed country attach more importance to our country 's milk products market , so much foreign milk products will go into the Chinese market and charge Chinese milk cow production .

  25. 利用PCR-DGGE技术分析乳制品中的乳酸菌(英文)氨基酸自动分析仪检测乳及乳制品中羟脯氨酸

    Detection of the Lactic Acid Bacteria in Commercial Yoghurts by PCR-denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Determination of hydroxyproline in dairy products using amino acid analyzer

  26. Quark干酪是一种受人喜欢、易于消化的低脂、高钙、高蛋白的乳制品,具有温和的酸味。

    The Quark cheese with the mildly acidic flavour is one kind of low fat , high calcium and protein dairy product , which is easily digested and popular with people .

  27. 该公司表示,奶酪消费目前还不到中国乳制品市场的4%,但它将随着必胜客(PizzaHut)和麦当劳(McDonald's)等快餐连锁店的扩张而增长。

    It says cheese consumption , currently less than 4 per cent of the country 's dairy market , will rise alongside the expansion of fast food chains such as Pizza Hut and McDonald 's.

  28. 应用所提出的方法测定了3种不同的乳制品中的铜、锌、铁及锰,测定值的RSD值均小于3.5%,回收率在93.0%~103.0%之间。

    Samples of 3 kinds of dairy products were analyzed by the proposed method , giving RSD ′ s less than 3.5 % and recoveries in the range of 93.0 % - 103.0 % .

  29. 新西兰乳制品出口巨头恒天然(FonterraCo-operativeGroup)周三表示,该公司持股43%并卷入了有毒婴幼儿配方奶粉丑闻的中国公司已经破产。

    New Zealand dairy export giant Fonterra Co-operative Group said on Wednesday that a Chinese company in which it has a big stake and that was involved in a scandal over poisoned baby formula , has gone into bankruptcy .

  30. 中央电视台(cctv)在播出的节目中表示,为了保证乳制品的安全,有关部门已将问题奶粉下架、封存、召回、销毁。

    " In order to ensure the safety of the milk products , the relevant government departments have pulled them from shelves , sealed them , recalled them and destroyed them , " CCTV said in its broadcast .