
èr shí sì shǐ
  • the Twenty-Four Histories;a long intricate story
二十四史 [èr shí sì shǐ]
  • [the Twenty-Four Histories;a long intricate story] 指旧时称为正史的二十四部纪传体史书,即:《史记》、《汉书》、《后汉书》、《三国志》、《晋书》、《宋书》、《南齐书》、《梁书》、《陈书》、《魏书》、《北齐书》、《周书》、《隋书》、《南史》、《北史》、《唐书(旧唐书)》、《新唐书》、《五代史(旧五代史)》、《新五代史》、《宋史》、《辽史》、《金史》、《元史》、《明史》

二十四史[èr shí sì shǐ]
  1. 二十四史是记载中国几千年历史的重要典籍。

    The Twenty-Four Histories are important classical records if China 's history of several thousand years .

  2. 《明史》作为二十四史的最后一部,在它成书之时,学者们就给予了高度评价,认为在二十四史中,除前四史之外,《明史》是质量较好的一部。

    Scholars spoke highly of it when it finished , they believe in the Twenty-Four Histories , in addition to the before the Four , the Ming History is a good quality one .

  3. 一部二十四史,不知从何说起。

    It 's such a long and complicated story ; I hardly know where to start .

  4. 二十四史《循吏》、《酷吏》列传与中国古代监察官的选任

    Biographies of Fine and Cruel Officials in the Twenty-Fo ur Histories and the Selection of Supervisory Officials in Ancient China

  5. 本文主要介绍了我国20世纪后半期《二十四史》系列古籍整理和出版情况。文章从《二十四史》原籍的重印;

    The paper mainly introduced the arrangement and the publication of the twenty-four histories in the 20th century in our country .

  6. 收集了二十四史目录中有关针灸书目的史料,论述了正史目录在针灸医学史发展中的作用与贡献。

    The role of the catalogue of bibliographical history books in the development of medical history of acupuncture and moxibustion was discussed .

  7. 二十世纪后半期《二十四史》系列古籍整理出版述略及思考

    The Overview and Think of the Arrangement and Publication of " the twenty-four histories " Serial Ancient Books in the second half period of 20th century

  8. 作为“二十四史”之首的《史记》,在中国传统文化中占有举足轻重的地位,是最重要的传世典籍之一。

    As the captain of the " twenty-four histories " and one of the most significant descendant literatures , The Historical Records ( Shiji ), holds the balance of traditional civilization of China .

  9. 目前有很多二十四史及《清史稿》进行校勘的论著,但是涉及礼志部分的少之又少。

    There are a lot of " Twenty-Four Histories " and " The Draft of History of Qing Dynasty " in the collation of the theory , but some of the very few involving Records of Rite .