
èr shí ɡuó jí tuán
  • G20;Group of 20
  1. 主办二十国集团(G20)峰会的澳大利亚日前祭出一招“考拉外交”,安排了毛茸茸又害羞的考拉来欢迎世界各国领导人,让他们在讨论严肃议题前,先抱抱这些澳大利亚国宝。

    Australia arranged a warm and fuzzy welcome for the world 's most powerful leaders at this weekend 's G20 summit with a campaign dubbed1 " koala diplomacy2 " , in which top politicians cuddled the shy native marsupials .

  2. 二十国集团(G20)成员将同意对本国经济征收一种普遍的碳排放税。

    G20 members would agree to impose a broad-based carbon tax on their own economies .

  3. 尽管过去十年按实际价值计算美国GDP大幅增长,但和二十国集团的总体GDP对比,美国GDP下降了19%。

    S.GDP grew substantially in real terms during the decade , relative to the G-20 countries as a group U.S.GDP declined by19 % .

  4. 在4月2日于伦敦举行的二十国集团(g20)峰会上,他签署了支持贸易的宣言。

    He signed the pro-trade declaration of the group of 20 at its London summit on April 2 .

  5. 因此,他们中的每一个人都希望自己能出现在本周的二十国集团(G20)峰会上。

    Everyone who 's anyone , therefore , wants to be at this week 's Group of 20 meeting .

  6. 如果二十国集团(g20)成员国不加强协作,信心或增长的恢复都将无从谈起。

    There will be no recovery of confidence or growth without greater co-ordination among the group of 20 countries .

  7. 二十国集团和经合组织(OECD)目前正在审核改革跨国公司税收制度的具体举措。

    Indeed , the G20 and OECD are currently reviewing measures to reform the taxation of global companies .

  8. 为今年9月二十国集团匹兹堡峰会撰写的一篇文章保护发展:全球衰退背景下低收入国家面临的挑战(pdf格式)指出,很多脆弱国家倚重商品出口、汇款、外国援助以及紧急和安全援助。

    Many fragile states are heavily dependent on commodity exports , remittances , foreign aid and emergency and security assistance .

  9. 我不指望本周的二十国集团(G20)峰会能提供解决这个问题的方案。

    I have no hope that this week 's Group of 20 summit will provide a solution to this problem .

  10. 本周末,二十国集团(G20)的财长将在凯恩斯会晤,预计他们将会讨论应对避税问题的改革措施。

    G20 finance ministers are expected to discuss reforms to tackle tax avoidance when they meet in Cairns this weekend .

  11. 其意义不仅仅在于澳大利亚是二十国集团(G20)成员国中今年率先收紧货币政策的国家,追随以色列央行(BankofIsrael)在今年夏季的加息举措;

    Not just because Australia is the first G-20 country to tighten monetary policy this year , following the Bank of Israel 's rate hike in the summer .

  12. 2008年,多国政府和央行在纽约二十国集团(G20)峰会上发表的联合声明,稳定了全球市场。

    Governments and central banks stabilised global markets through their joint declaration at the G20 meeting in New York in 2008 .

  13. 看上去这似乎将成为他们在二十国集团(g20)峰会上的立场。

    It looks as though that will be their position at the impending summit of the group of 20 leading economies .

  14. 4月份二十国集团(G20)峰会召开前夕,欧盟和韩国的外交官们已准备取得一个突破。

    On the eve of April 's G20 summit in London , diplomats from the European Union and South Korea were poised for a breakthrough .

  15. 与之形成对比的是,未来五年中二十国集团(G20)互联网经济的年均增幅预计将达到8%。

    By contrast , the internet economy in the G20 countries is forecast to grow by 8 per cent each year for the next five years .

  16. (二十国集团(G20)虽然在囊括系统性新兴经济体方面要好得多,但实际情况证明它过于庞大,而且设计不完善,不能一直有效地发挥作用。)

    ( the G-20 , while much better at including the systemic emerging economies , has proven too large and incompletely designed to be consistently effective ) .

  17. 二十国集团(Groupof20,简称G20)财长准备本周末在澳大利亚举行会议,本文列出了形成此次会议整体背景的一些争论性问题。

    As financial officials from the Group of 20 economies prepare to meet in Australia this weekend , we take a look at some of the contentious issues that form a backdrop to the meeting .

  18. 美国和欧洲在二十国集团(G20)峰会上立场不同,除了文化和意识形态因素以外,至少还有一个深刻的经济原因。

    Sir , There is at least one profound economic reason , apart from cultural and ideological ones , underlying the differing US and European positions for the Group of 20 summit .

  19. 这种经济上的成功在政治舞台上也得到了体现,二十国集团(G20)正取代七国集团(G7),成为国际决策的首要论坛。

    This economic success has been mirrored on the political stage , with the Group of 20 nations replacing the Group of Seven as the primary international policymaking forum .

  20. 周四,在二十国集团(G20)财长和央行行长会议召开前夕,各方围绕全球经济脆弱性源头的分歧进一步深化,削弱了有关加强国际合作的讨论。

    Deep divisions over the sources of global economic fragility intensified on Thursday before the Group of 20 meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors , undermining talk of greater international co-operation .

  21. 全球经济复苏追踪指标(tiger)显示,经济乏力的现象普遍存在于二十国集团(g20)领先经济体中,但发达经济体的恶化程度比发展中国家更加严重。

    Weakness extends across the group of 20 leading economies , according to the tiger ( tracking indices for the global economic recovery ) index , but advanced economies have deteriorated more than developing countries .

  22. 世贸组织(WTO)将于今日发布的一份报告显示,世界各国政府在不断推高贸易壁垒,尽管它们在二十国集团(G20)峰会和其它抵制保护主义的论坛上曾作出高姿态的承诺。

    Governments around the world have continued to push up trade barriers in spite of high-profile pledges at the G20 summit and other forums to resist protectionism , according to a World Trade Organisation report to be published today .

  23. EdwardBarbier说,二十国集团应该效仿中国和韩国,开始向绿色项目大量投资。

    The Group of Twenty , or G20 , should follow China and South Korea and start investing heavily in green initiatives , says Edward Barbier .

  24. 世贸组织上周警告,尽管各国政府在4月份伦敦二十国集团(G20)峰会上承诺抵制保护主义,但贸易壁垒正在增加。

    The WTO last week sounded an alarm about a rise in trade barriers in spite of a pledge by governments around the world at April 's G20 meeting in London to resist protectionism .

  25. 如果说二十国集团(G20)在哪一个领域具备了进行协作、以利于全球经济的条件,那就是汇率领域&因为一个国家的货币贬值,就意味着其它国家货币的升值。

    If ever there was an area ripe for Group of 20 co-ordination for the good of the global economy it would be currencies , since a depreciation for one is an appreciation for everyone else .

  26. 财政部部长谢旭人在莫斯科出席二十国集团(G20)财长和央行行长会议时表示,今年中国将继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。

    Attending the meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of the Group of 20 in Moscow , Finance Minister Xie Xuren said China will keep implementing positive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy this year .

  27. 巴西、俄罗斯、印度等国也表达了购买IMF债券的兴趣。IMF发行票据意在增强该基金的借贷能力,协助实现二十国集团(G20)关于增强IMF资本实力的承诺。

    Countries including Brazil , Russia and India also have expressed interest in purchasing IMF notes , whose issuance is meant to bolster the fund 's lending capacity and help fulfill a G-20 pledge to strengthen the Fund 's own capital position .

  28. 然而,在安排全球第二大经济体的刺激计划时他十分镇定,并坚称已做好准备,要在明日发达国家和新兴国家的二十国集团(G20)峰会上发挥突出的作用。

    However , he is unruffled as he lays out his plans to stimulate the world 's second largest economy and insists he is ready to play a prominent role at tomorrow 's G20 summit of leading and emerging nations .

  29. 上周末,美国、中国等二十国集团(G20)财长要求欧洲在本周日前针对上述所有问题制定一个全面的计划。

    Over the weekend , the finance ministers of the G20 , which includes the United States and China , gave Europe until next Sunday to come up with a plan that addresses all of the above concerns in a comprehensive plan .

  30. 即便在贸易领域,世界贸易组织(WTO)总干事帕斯卡尔拉米(PascalLamy)最近也敲响了警钟,他指出,二十国集团(G20)成员国在过去7个月里累计实施了100多项贸易限制措施。

    Even on trade , Pascal Lamy , director-general of the World Trade Organization , recently rang alarm bells , noting that more than 100 trade-restrictive measures were implemented by the Group of 20 leading nations in the previous seven months .