
yún xiāo fēi chē
  • roller coaster
  1. 坐了5次云霄飞车都没晕,真是太棒了。

    It 's great to go on the roller coaster five times and not be sick .

  2. 最近心情大起大落,真像在坐云霄飞车。

    I feel like I have been on an emotional roller coaster lately .

  3. 建造眩目的回旋木马,难以置信的云霄飞车,摩天轮,恐怖木屋和其他令人毛骨悚然的设备

    Build dizzy carousels , unbelievable roller-coasters , Ferris wheels , fear halls and other thrilling andand thirsty .

  4. 现代人能体验乘坐各种云霄飞车的滋味。

    People today can experience all kinds of roller coaster rides .

  5. 从云霄飞车上下来之后,她脸色苍白。

    She looked pale after the ride on the roller coaster .

  6. 包括数条云霄飞车在内的游乐设施多达25种。

    It has more than 25 rides including several roller coasters .

  7. 比起旋转木马,我更喜欢云霄飞车。

    I like the roller coaster more than the merry-go-round !

  8. 咱们现在去玩最受欢迎的云霄飞车。

    Let 's ride the most popular roller coasters now .

  9. 我的这一天在坐上这个惊险刺激的云霄飞车后算是正式开始了。

    My day had officially begun with just a phenomenal thrill ride .

  10. 你有时是否感觉像坐在情绪的云霄飞车上?

    Do you sometimes think you 're riding an emotional * roller coaster ?

  11. 好吧,那云霄飞车事件怎么解释?

    Ok , what about what happened at the roller coaster ? Huh ?

  12. 你会问罗南云霄飞车般的事业是如何起步的?

    How did Ronan 's rollercoaster ( 2 ) ride of success begin ?

  13. 我三岁时就坐云霄飞车了。

    I could ride roller coasters when I was3 .

  14. 云霄飞车:比以往冲得更高、更快!

    Roller Coasters : Higher and Faster Than Ever !

  15. 云霄飞车顺着铁轨往下疾驰。

    The roller coaster was flying down the tracks .

  16. 云霄飞车启动时,汤米把眼睛紧紧闭上。

    As the rolle coaster started to move , Tommy squeezed his eyes shut .

  17. 你得要有这麽高才能乘坐云霄飞车。

    NO07 , You have to be this tall to ride the roller coaster .

  18. 云霄飞车只是利用自然物理学。

    A roller coaster is just elemental physics .

  19. 我们喜欢乘坐云霄飞车。

    We liked to ride the roller coaster .

  20. 过去两年采访奥运筹备工作,就像是做在云霄飞车上的感觉。

    Covering the Games preparations over these past two years has been a roller coaster .

  21. 然而,作为一个产业,把云霄飞车视为主题乐园的象征是彻头彻尾的错误。

    But as a metaphor for the industry , the roller coaster is all wrong .

  22. 在富士山脚下坐云霄飞车大概会是个很特别的经验吧!

    To take a roller-coaster ride under the Fuji mountain must be a special experience .

  23. 我们叫他胆小鬼因为他不敢坐云霄飞车。

    We called him a coward because he was afraid to ride on the rollercoaster .

  24. 我们可以带宝宝去六福村玩云霄飞车。

    We 'll take him or her to Leofoo Village to ride the roller coasters .

  25. 山姆:我只喜欢鬼屋和云霄飞车。

    SAM : I was only interested in the Haunted House and the roller coaster rides .

  26. 接下来我前去乘坐最快、最高、最惊人的车:云霄飞车。

    Then I went on the fastest , highest and most frightening ride : the roller coaster .

  27. 第18单元座云霄飞车

    Unit 18 Roller Coaster Ride

  28. 艾莉为了要玩游乐园的云霄飞车,排队排了一个多小时。

    Ellie stood in line for over an hour to ride the roller coaster at the amusement park .

  29. 可以去喝便宜的啤酒,坐云霄飞车直到吐。

    We 'll drink cheap beer . We 'll ride on the roller coaster till we throw up .

  30. 汤姆:我从来都没有坐过云霄飞车,我想你陪我一起玩。

    Tom : I have never experienced a roller coaster . I want you to sit beside me .