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  1. 清末留日学生从量到质的转变&关于清末五校特约留学的考察

    The Change From Quantity to Quality Occured Between Students Studying Abroad at Qing Dynasty & The Investigation for the Programs in Five Japanese University

  2. 该校有学生2800人,是美国最大的女子学院,与并附近的曼荷莲学院、艾姆赫斯特学院、汉普郡学院以及马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校并称为麻省五校联盟。

    With 2800 students , Smith is the nation 's largest women 's college . It is part of the Five Colleges consortium with nearby Mount Holyoke , Amherst , Hampshire and UMass Amherst 。

  3. 涉及国家政治、经济、自然环境、将帅素质、法令制度等诸方面的经五校七,体现了孙子的综合国家安全观;

    The " five constant factors " and " seven assessments " concerning a nation 's politics , economy , natural environment , generals ' qualities and legal systems , which reflects his comprehensive view of national security ;

  4. 赣鄂浙五所高职校体育教学现状与拓展的调研

    The Investigation and Analysis on Physical Education of Five Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges in Jiangxi , Hubei and Zhejiang

  5. 父母职业地位的高低对学生的班级归属感无显著影响。第五,该校学生的班级归属感不存在显著的父母学历差异。

    The status of parental occupations has not remarkable effects on students ' sense of classroom belonging . Finally , there is no significant parental diplomas difference in the students ' sense of classroom belonging .

  6. 根据十·五期间,我校承担的大幅面喷墨绘图机喷墨定位检测技术的需要,选用180dpi~360dpi透射光栅作为喷墨定位检测器件。

    According to the requirement of the Large-format inkjet plotter , we adopt the 180dpi ~ 360dpi transmission grating as the inkjet anchor point detector . Holographic lithography is one of important method for producing transmission grating .

  7. 星期一至星期五可到我校免费参观。

    Mondays to Fridays to be free to visit our school .

  8. 用五棱镜法调校平行光管原理的探讨

    Discussing The Principle of Adjust Collimator With Penta Prism Method

  9. 学生较早时向校服公司订购的冬季校服将于十一月二十日(星期五)送到本校,并派发给订购者。

    All ordered winter uniform from the uniform company will be sent to school and be distributed to students on Friday , 20 November .

  10. 第五部分针对我校日语教学存在的问题,借鉴国内外中学开设日语的经验,站在可持续发展的角度,提出了相应的解决办法。

    The solutions to the problems of Japanese teaching in our school based on the experience of other countries and regions in the point of sustainable development .