
  • 网络Antimony pentoxide
  1. 胶体五氧化二锑研究现状及发展方向

    Colloidal Antimony Pentoxide : Current States of Research and Future Direction

  2. 水合五氧化二锑-磷钼酸铵的性能与复合机理

    Properties and structure of complex exchanger HYDRATED ANTIMONY pentoxide - ammonium molybdophosphate

  3. 杂质在制备胶态五氧化二锑过程中的行为

    Behavior of impurities in the process of making colloid sb_2o_5

  4. 水合五氧化二锑吸附稀酸中锶的研究

    Study on adsorption of strontium onto hydrated antimony pentoxide in diluted nitric acid

  5. 分析胶体五氧化二锑的形成机理。

    The mechanism of colloid formation was analyzed .

  6. 水合五氧化二锑离子交换机理的研究

    Ion exchange mechanism of hydrated antimony pentoxide

  7. 胶体五氧化二锑的制备、性质及对环氧树脂阻燃作用的研究

    Studies on Preparation of Colloidal Antimony Pentoxide , Its Properties and Flame Retardation to Epoxy Resin