
  • 网络borderline lesion
  1. 胃肠道交界性病变/肿瘤和相关病变的临床病理特点及其治疗原则

    Clinicopathological features and management of gastrointestinal borderline lesion and correlative lesion

  2. 甲状腺交界性病变的初步探讨

    The Rudiment Study of the Borderline Lesion of Thyroid

  3. 采用AgNOR的两种计数法对183例甲状腺结节性良恶性病变及其交界性病变进行了研究。

    183 cases of benign and malignant nodular lesions and borderline lesions of the thyroid gland were studied with two methods of AgNOR counting .

  4. 交界性病变的病理诊断目前仍是个难题。

    The histological diagnosis of borderline lesions has always been difficult .

  5. 交界性病变(6例,20.7%),主要是非典型性增生;

    Intermediate lesions 6 cases ( 20.7 % ), mainly dysplasia ;

  6. 系统论方法对交界性病变病理诊断思路的启示

    The Thinking for Diagnosis of Borderline Lesions with the Methodology of System Theory

  7. 异型增生可能系正常胃粘膜与胃癌之间的一种交界性病变。

    Dysplasia can be a borderline lesion between normal gastric mucosa and gastric cancer .

  8. 使本文研究课题具有一个完整发射机系统的雏形。甲状腺交界性病变的初步探讨

    So the subject has the rudiment of a transmitter . The Rudiment Study of the Borderline Lesion of Thyroid

  9. 交界性病变/交界性肿瘤是目前诊断病理面临的最大难题之一。

    One of the most problems is the diagnosis of the borderline lesion and / or borderline tumor to pathologists .

  10. 另外,交界性及癌前病变与良性病变组织中TRAP表达差异也有显著性。

    There is a obvious difference between borderline , pre cancerous and benign lesion in the expression of TRAP .