
  • 网络communicative;Communicative translation;communication translation
  1. 相应而言,交际翻译法是其最有效的翻译方法。

    Correspondingly , communicative translation is the most suitable translation method .

  2. 交际翻译和语义翻译在汉语新闻标题英译中的应用

    Application of Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation in Translating Chinese News Headlines

  3. 交际翻译和语义翻译在认知翻译的后阶段分道扬镳。

    Communicative and semantive translation bifurcate at a later stage of analytical or cognitive translation .

  4. 汉英跨文化交际翻译中的ChinaEnglish

    China English in Chinese-English Translation in Intercultural Communication

  5. 然后运用PeterNewmark关于语义翻译和交际翻译的理论来衡量语用翻译,从而证明语用翻译应该与交际翻译相对应,而不是与语义翻译相对应。

    Then pragmatic translation is measured against Peter Newmark 's theory of communicative and semantic translation in order to prove that pragmatic translation should be correspondent to communicative translation , not to semantic translation .

  6. 功能对等与交际翻译之交汇点:交际对等

    Communicative Equivalence : The Intersection of Functional Equivalence and Communicative Translation

  7. 因特网在跨文化交际翻译中的工具性研究

    The Instrumentality of Internet in Translation as a Cross-Cultural Communication Process

  8. 从《红楼梦》中文化语汇的翻译看交际翻译与语意翻译

    The communicative translation and semantic Translation in A Dream of Red Mansion

  9. 交际翻译理论下公示语汉译英的读者关照

    Reader-Oriented Translation of Chinese Public Signs Based on the Communicative Translation Theory

  10. 语言景观翻译的现状及其交际翻译策略

    The Present Situation of Linguistic Landscapes Translation and Its Communicative Translation Strategy

  11. 戏剧翻译中语义翻译和交际翻译的比较研究

    Study on the Comparison of Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation in Drama Translation

  12. 对于这种类型文本的翻译,纽马克建议使用交际翻译方法。

    And Newmark suggests communicative translation for vocative texts .

  13. 语义翻译与交际翻译在广告翻译中的应用

    Application of Semantic and Communicative Translation to Advertisement Translation

  14. 文化障碍;语义翻译;交际翻译;

    C-E publicity materials ; cultural barriers ; semantic translation ; communicative translation ;

  15. 论交际翻译中的语义意义和语用意义(英文)

    Semantic and pragmatic meaning of communicative translation ;

  16. 语义翻译和交际翻译在中医英语翻译中的应用

    Application of semantic translation and communicative translation to English translation of traditional Chinese medicine

  17. 彼得·纽马克的交际翻译与语义翻译指出应依据不同文本类型及其功能采用交际或语义翻译方法。

    Communicative and semantic translation should be adopted according to the different text types .

  18. 语义翻译法与交际翻译法是彼得·纽马克提出的两种翻译方法。

    Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation are two translation approaches presented by Peter Newmark .

  19. 语用翻译当属交际翻译

    Pragmatic Translation Should Be Correspondent with Communicative Translation

  20. 纽马克的语义翻译和交际翻译理论。

    More focus is put on Peter Newmark 's semantic and communicative translation theory .

  21. 语义翻译和交际翻译视角下的唐诗英译研究

    Communicative and Semantic Translation Approaches to Chinese-English Interpreting

  22. 交际翻译与语义翻译在文化层面的比较

    The comparison between communicative and semantic translation

  23. 交际翻译和语义翻译视角下的汉英口译

    A Functionalist Framework Toward E-C Subtitling ; Communicative and Semantic Translation Approaches to Chinese-English Interpreting

  24. 文本类型视角下会计英语的语言特点和交际翻译法

    Linguistic Features and Communicative Translation Method of Accounting English from the Perspective of Text Types

  25. 根据纽马克的观点,信息型和呼唤型文本适合用交际翻译法进行翻译。

    According to Newmark , communicative translation is suitable for both informative text and vocative text .

  26. 交际翻译和语义翻译是两种基本翻译方法,两者各有特长。

    Communicative and semantic translation are two major translation methods and they have different advantages respectively .

  27. 汉英商标词之交际翻译

    The Communicative Translation of Chinese-English Trademarks

  28. 语义和交际翻译视角下英语成语及其汉译对比研究

    A Comparative Study of English Idioms and Chinese Translation from the Perspective of Semantic and Communicative Translation

  29. 从语义翻译和交际翻译探讨新闻英语中文化的可译度交际翻译法和语义翻译法在广告翻译中的应用

    Application of Communicative and Semantic Methods in Advertisement Translation ; Communicative and Semantic Translation Approaches to Chinese-English Interpreting

  30. 交际翻译理论与具体运算阶段的儿童文学翻译

    Communicative Translation and Children s Literature for Concrete Operational Stage ; Curricular design and oral interpretation for undergraduates