
dài cháng jī zhì
  • compensatory mechanism
  1. 结论EH及RH患者PAMP增高可能是机体维持自稳态的一种保护性代偿机制,EH与RH代偿程度有所不同。

    Conclusions PAMP is a vasodilator peptide . The increase of plasma PAMP may be the self compensatory mechanism by which the body maintains homeostasis . There was a difference in compensatory level between the patients with EH and RH .

  2. 结论术后4~6hSV和SW值的降低可能与麻醉使心肌收缩力减弱有关,HR明显增快则是SV和SW降低后机体产生代偿机制的结果。

    Conclusion The reductions in SV and SW at 4-6 hours after operation might be a result of anaesthesia that could weaken the contraction of heart . The presence of rapidness of HR at 4-6 hours after operation might be a compensatory mechanism for the decreases in SV and SW .

  3. CT灌注联合血管成像分析单侧大脑中动脉狭窄或闭塞患者脑血流代偿机制

    CT perfusion and angiography in evaluation of cerebral hemodynamics changes in unilateral middle cerebral artery steno-occlusive disease

  4. 另外,心力衰竭时,自主神经的代偿机制引起RAAS系统异常激活。

    Abnormal activation of RAAS is caused by autonomic nervous system .

  5. 结论中心型肥胖者体内存在着TNFα与胰岛素代偿机制的失调,这种失调可能导致和促进胰岛素抵抗。周围型肥胖者无此种现象,说明此型肥胖者胰岛素抵抗不明显。

    Conclusion Compensatory function imbalance of TNF and insulin levels occurs in cases of central type obesity , which may contribute to insulin inhibition in these cases but not in peripheral cases .

  6. 轻度心衰患者ACE2/ACEmRNA比值升高可能是心脏的代偿机制,促进AngⅡ降解,增加Ang1-7合成,保护残存的心功能。

    The increased ACE2 / ACE mRNA ratio in the patients with grade ⅱ CHF , may be due to cardiac compensation , indicating the promotion of Ang ⅱ degradation .

  7. 提示:CRF前期血NO水平升高,既可能是肾衰代谢改变的结果,也可作为肾衰的一种代偿机制;

    The NO level increase in prophase CRF is either the result from the metabolic change in renal failure or one of its compensation mechanisms .

  8. 结论HIF-1α在慢性脑缺血大鼠海马中的表达上调,可能参与了慢性脑缺血的代偿机制。

    Conclusion The expression of HIF-1 α is increased in rat hippocampus in chronic cerebral ischemia , suggesting that HIF-1 α may participate in compensatory mechanisms in chronic cerebral ischemia .

  9. 结论HIE时因缺氧缺血ET产生释放增多,CGRP因对ET有拮抗作用,在HIE时的升高可能是一种代偿机制。

    Conclusion More ET was produced and released in hypoxic ischemic situation , and the raising concentration of CGRP may be a complementary mechanism because CGRP Possesses a function that can resist the action of ET.

  10. 一侧迷路切除后前庭系统的变化及银杏叶制剂(Egb761)促前庭代偿机制的研究

    Study on the changes of vestibular system following unilateral labyrinthectomy and the mechanisms of Ginaton enhancing vestibular compensation

  11. 造成大鼠不同范围的心肌梗塞(MI)后,动态观察不同时期的静息和容量负荷状态下泵功能恢复的规律及其代偿机制。

    The characteristics of the recovery of cardiac pump function at rest and volume loading ( VL ) states , as well as its compensatory mechanisms were serially observed after myocardial infarction varying in size was produced in rats .

  12. 结论TIPSS手术加重心脏负担,增加氧供,但机体通过代偿机制能够维持正常氧耗。

    Conclusion TIPSS may increase the preload of the heart , and elevate oxygen delivery . Oxygen consumption is maintained in normal range by the compensatory mechanisms of the body .

  13. 结论新生儿生理性抗凝血因子处于一个较低的水平,α2-MG正常可能是一种代偿机制。在新生儿出血性疾病的诊断及抗凝剂的应用中应引起注意。

    Conclusion Anticoagulant functions were at a lower level and the level of α _2-MG maybe one saving mechanism which provides a information for diagnoses of neonatal hemorrhagic diseases and use of anticoagulant in clinic .

  14. 目的:观察非心脏外科手术病人应用急性等容血液稀释(ANHD)的组织缺氧界限及机体对ANHD的代偿机制。

    Objective : To study the acceptable limitation of acute normovolemic hemodilution ( ANHD ) and its compensatory mechanisms in non-cardiac surgery .

  15. 本研究通过复制不同类型的犬手术动物模型,拟从胃电图变化和cajal细胞变化探讨切断犬迷走神经后胃运动功能的部分代偿机制。

    In order to explore the compensation mechanisms of gastric movement following the vagotomy , the models of vagotomy , vagotomy adding pyloroplasty and proximal subtotal gastrectomy were made in dogs , and the changes of electrogastrograms and interstitial cajal cells were investigated .

  16. 结论近视眼自身存在一系列代偿机制。

    Conclusion There are some compensatory mechanisms in myopia .

  17. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒患者脑脊液酸碱失衡及其代偿机制

    Study of CSF acid-base disorders and compensatory mechanism in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis

  18. 术后主观旋转状态的变化存在复杂的代偿机制;

    There exist complicated compensatory mechanisms for subjective change of ocular torsion after surgery .

  19. 红细胞收缩:血小板无力症的可能代偿机制?

    Red blood cell clot retraction : possible compensative mechanism for patients with Glanzmann thrombasthenia ?

  20. 目的:研讨股四头肌麻痹时的步行代偿机制。

    Objective : To analyze the compensatory mechanism of walking when quadriceps femoris muscle is paralyzed .

  21. 肝静脉阻断后微循环代偿机制的探讨

    A Study on the Mechanisms of the Microcirculatory Compensation of the Liver after Occlusion of the Hepatic Veins

  22. 背景:心肌肥厚是一种代偿机制,主要发生于长期压力负荷过重的情况下,其过程受到多种基因的调节。

    Background : Cardiac hypertrophy is a response of the myocardium to increased workload , regulated by multiple genes .

  23. 结论当急性血液稀释致重度贫血时,犬机体动用多种代偿机制维持这种平衡,机体可无无氧代谢发生;

    Conclusion When acute severe hemodilution anaemia , The dog organism employ many kinds of compensatory mechanism to maintain metabolic equilibrium ;

  24. 其目标是寻求一个复苏平衡点,在此既可通过液体复苏适当地恢复组织器官的血流灌注,又不至于过多地扰乱机体的代偿机制和内环境。

    The concept is to restore some intravascular fluid and tissue perfusion with fluid infusion while respecting compensatory mechanisms and internal environment .

  25. 目的:探讨长期饮酒对大鼠周围神经肌肉功能及形态影响,并观察早期运动训练能否对其功能恢复产生促进作用,同时探讨其代偿机制。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of function and configuration of sciatic nerve and muscle in rat with chronic alcoholism and study the relevant mechanism .

  26. 虽然心肌细胞最初的生理性肥大是一种代偿机制,但是持续长久的心肌肥厚可能导致心律失常、心力衰竭甚至猝死。

    Although pathological hypertrophy of the myocardium is temporarily compensatory , prolonged hypertrophy may result in ventricular arrhythmias , heart failure , and subsequent cardiovascular mortality .

  27. 结论:心内膜主要影响心肌舒张反应及舒张早期充盈,在心肌肥厚代偿机制中起到一定作用。

    CONCLUSION : EE predominantly influences the relaxation in isolated myocardium and early diastolic filling events in hearts , and is involved in the cardiac compensatory mechanism in hypertrophied myocardium .

  28. 方法:分析了25例血小板无力症的临床表现、代偿机制、实验室检查、分子基础、治疗和预防措施。

    Method : Data of 25 GT patients were retrospectively studied , including clinical demonstration , lab findings , possible compensative mechanism , medical treatment and preventing for GT patients .

  29. 同时设计了基于服务状态的服务代偿机制,并提出了服务代偿目标节点的选择算法。

    The thesis also designs a service compensation mechanism based on the state of service . A node selection scheme is designed for choosing the best destination node for the service compensation .

  30. 另外,在早期发育阶段若缺乏某些基因,则可产生严重的行为异常,代偿机制的启动而掩盖该基因的正常功能。

    In addition , lack of a gene early in development can produce severe behavioral abnormalities or result in the activation of compensatory mechanisms that obscure the normal functions of that gene .