
  • 网络value investment strategy
  1. 基于A-H股溢价率的价值投资策略研究

    Value investment strategy research based on A-H premium rate

  2. 价值投资策略的行为金融学解释及其实证研究

    A Behavioral Finance Interpretation of Value Investment Strategy and Its Empirical Evidence

  3. 股票价值投资策略研究

    Research on Value Investment Strategy of Stocks

  4. 价值投资策略和小公司策略在中国股市都可以获得超额收益;

    Investors who use value investment strategy and small firms strategy can obtain abnormal return in market ;

  5. 价值投资策略与势头投资策略的超额收益检验&对中国证券市场有效性的检验

    Test of Excess Profits of Contrarian Trading Strategy and Momentum Trading Strategy & Test of efficiency of China stock market

  6. 证明价值投资策略在我国股票市场是适用的,可以取得超额收益率。

    Prove the value investment strategy in the Chinese stock market is suitable , the excess yield can be obtained .

  7. 理性的证券投资者应当摒弃投机心理,树立理性的投资理念,采取价值投资策略,以上市公司的基本分析为出发点,重视企业的内在价值在股票投资中的作用。

    Rational investors should build up concept of rational investment , conduct value investment strategy with the irrational stockjobbing being through away .

  8. 在第五章,作者引入了新的风险因子,利用多因子模型来解释价值投资策略的超额利润。

    In Chapter Five ,, the author adopt new risk indices to construct multi-factor models to explain the anomalous return produced by VCIS .

  9. 价值投资策略,即通过对股票内在价值的分析,并比较股票价格来决定股票的买卖策略的一种投资理念。

    Value investment strategy mainly depends on analyzing the inter value of the stock , and comparing the stock price to determine whether to buy .

  10. 在投资领域,传统上我们坚持长期的价值投资策略,然而,如果我们采用一种周期性的投资策略,我们就可能做的更好。

    In the field of investment , we insist on the traditional value of long-term investment strategy , however , if we adopt a cyclical investment strategy , we can do better .

  11. 本文对中国股票市场进行了环境分析,解释了主要几种市场环境因素对价值投资策略在中国发展的影响。

    And vice versa . Based on the analysis of Stock Market Environment of China , this paper hereby explains the effect that the main factors can produce to the strategy of value stock portfolio .

  12. 引导广大投资者运用价值投资策略对于优化股票市场资源配置有着非常重要的现实意义。

    Guide the investors use the value investment strategy . It for the stock market optimize the allocation of resources , and the function of the healthy and stable development has a very important practical significance .

  13. 本文引入交易量的概念来描述投资者的行为,通过实证发现价值投资策略的合理解释是过度反应假说,并且投资者存在过度反应的投资行为。

    This paper introduces the concept of trading volume to describe investors ' behavior , and demonstrates with evidence that the feasible explanation to the Value Investment Strategy is the Over-Reaction Hypothesis , and there really exists over-reaction behavior on the part of investors .

  14. 研究证实不同类型交易者相互作用导致较大的价格波动,价格动力学呈现出分叉等复杂性。通过数字模拟,研究市场上常见的价值投资策略和技术分析策略对价格动力学的影响。

    The researches confirm that the interactions of the different type traders cause the more price fluctuation and the price dynamics presents complexity , such as bifurcation etc. The numeral emulations study the influence of value investment strategy and technique analysis strategy on price dynamics .

  15. 所以,投资者应当倾向于采用价值分析投资策略,采用持有期间为半年以上的中长期投资持有策略。

    So we suggest investors should incline toward the adoption of value analysis investment strategy , and holding period should more than half a year .

  16. 尽管如此,价值分析投资策略已经能够起到比较好的效果了,价值组合能比魅力组合获得更高的收益率,而风险却相对较低,因而有着更高的投资价值。

    For all that , the value analysis investment strategy can get good result , value portfolio can acquire higher return with lower risk compare to magic portfolio .

  17. 通过研究,本文发现,上海股票市场上投资所采用的投资策略与市场的风险特征有关,价值分析投资策略的有效性与系统性风险在市场总风险中所占的比重负相关。

    We find the choice of investment strategy relate to the risk character , the effect of value analysis investment strategy negative relate to the proportion of system risk .

  18. 我国股市的均值回复性与参数价值反转投资策略&基于上海股票市场的经验分析多元总体均值差异显著性检验的研究

    Mean Reversion of Chinese Stock Market and Parametric Contrarian Investment Strategies & An Empirical Study on Shanghai Stock Market ; The Application of Multiple Hoteling T ~ 2 Test in Psychology

  19. 最后比较检验结果得出结论并对于中国证券市场是否可以使用价值反向投资策略提出建议。

    Finally , the test results are compared to make the conclusion and make some recommendation about whether the strategy of value contrarian investment can be useful in our Chinese stock market .

  20. 中国可转换债券价值分析及投资策略研究

    Analysis of the Value of Chinese Convertible Bond and Tactics of Investment

  21. 主要从企业的价值评估、投资策略的选择、管理体系构建和资源的整合等方面详细地分析并购的失误和问题;

    Specified the faults and question of acquisition from the affects of value estimate , selection of investment strategy , construction of management system and integration of sources etc ;

  22. 说明基于稳定的自由现金流量、低财务杠杆、低自由现金流量乘数和参考公司价值评估的投资策略能获得高于市场平均水平的回报率。

    This explains that investment strategy which based on stable free cash flow , low leverage and low free cash flow multiples and the reference of company value will gain higher return than the average market return .

  23. 基于DEA的相对投资价值评价与股票投资策略研究

    Research on the Relative Value Evaluation of Shares Based on Data Envelopment Analysis and Investment Optimization

  24. 通过对数变换将最优问题的HJB方程转化为半线性偏微分方程,证明了最优投资组合解的存在性,给出了价值函数和最优投资策略。

    The HJB equation associated to the optimal investment problem becomes the semilinear partial differential equation by the logarithmic transformation . The existence of optimal portfolios solution is proved and the value function and optimal strategies are given .

  25. 在信贷受限的环境下,诸如“深度价值投资”之类的策略可能将遇到挑战。

    Such'deep value'strategies may be challenged in an environment where credit is limited .

  26. 价值线开创了如今被称作价值投资的股票投资策略。

    Value Line pioneered the equity strategy that has come to be called value investing .