
  • 网络value chain management;VCM
  1. 本文是从正面和侧面六个方面分析阐述了价值链管理与企业标准化之间的关系,作为两者结合的一种初步探讨。

    This paper expounds the relation VCM with enterprise standardizing from six ways .

  2. 基于价值链管理的企业内部控制目标是实现企业价值最大化,而经济增加值(EVA)能够真正衡量企业价值创造,同时也是一种管理体系和激励机制。

    The goal of the enterprise internal control that based on the value chain management is to achieve the maximum of the enterprise value . However , Economic Value Added ( EVA ) can truly measure the enterprise value creativity and the managing system and the urging structure as well .

  3. e化价值链管理研究

    A Study on the E-Value Chain Management

  4. 第5部分通过两个案例的分析,为企业实施e化价值链管理提供借鉴。

    Part 5 analyzes two representative cases and provides references for the enterprises to implement e-value chain management .

  5. 前言:以邯钢信息化改造项目为背景,提出了邯钢建立基于价值链管理VCM、供应链管理SCM和作业成本分析法ABC的“三赢”总体信息化管理模式;

    Based on information system reformation project in Handan Iron and Steel Group Co Ltd , a " Tripe Win " whole information management mode based on VCM , SCM and ABC is put forward .

  6. 创新点之五:建立了科研设计单位的ECC评价指标体系,并以HBS院为研究对象进行了实证,提出了HBS院核心竞争力培育与价值链管理的协同与整合办法。

    The fifth new point : ECC index evaluation system of Scientific Research Designing Unit has been established with HBS institution as researching target for confirmation . In the paper the synergistic and integrated measures of cultivation of core competition and value chains in HBS are introduced .

  7. 在协同价值链管理的指导下,引入作业成本法,提出基于作业成本法的EERP目标成本控制,并对其控制过程进行讨论。

    Under the supervision of collaboration value chain management , this thesis introduces ABC ( Activity-based Costing ) technique and presents the goal cost control process of EERP based on ABC , and discusses its control procedure .

  8. 本文以EZ公司为模型,研究价值链管理理论在重型装备制造业中的应用,探索出了企业实施价值链管理的基础、前提、方法和必要措施。

    In this paper , EZ company as a model of value chain management theory in the heavy equipment manufacturing industry in the application of the enterprise to explore the basis for the implementation of value chain management , premise , approach , and necessary measures .

  9. 建设银行价值链管理体系的构建

    Ways of Establishing Value Chain Managing System for the Construction Bank

  10. 高校财务价值链管理的特征分析与内容

    The Characteristic Analysis and the Contents of Financial Value-Chain Management in College

  11. 工程建设企业的价值链管理模型及其应用

    The Model and Application of Value Chain Management on Engineering Construction Enterprise

  12. 基于价值链管理的会计流程重构

    To Reengineer Accounting Process Based on Management of Value Line

  13. 体育产业价值链管理效应与运用研究

    Research on the Effects and Application of Sports Industry Value Chain Management

  14. 基于竞争战略的企业价值链管理模式研究

    Research on Value Chain Management Mode Based on Competitive Strategy

  15. 基于一体化与反一体化知识决策的图书馆价值链管理

    Value Chains Management of Library Based on Integration and Disintegration Knowledge Decision

  16. 价值链管理与供应链管理的协同性分析

    Synergetic Analysis of Value Chain Management and Supply Chain Management

  17. 企业应重视价值链管理

    Enterprise May Pay Attention to the Management of Value Chain

  18. 南水北调工程价值链管理研究

    Researches on value chain management of South-to-North Water Transfer Project in China

  19. 基于价值链管理的存货模型探讨

    Discussion about the Inventory Model Based on the Value Chain

  20. 浅谈价值链管理中的协同效应

    On the synergy Effect in the Management of Value Chain

  21. 基于价值链管理的我国造船业财务战略研究

    Financial Strategy Research of China Shipbuilding Industry Based on Value Chain Management

  22. 高校图书馆实施人力资源价值链管理的实践

    The Practice of Implementing Human Resource Value Chain Management in University Library

  23. 从知识管理到知识价值链管理

    From Knowledge Management to the Management of Knowledge Value Chain

  24. 类生产函数企业价值链管理模型研究

    A Study about Value Chain Management Model of Quasi-Production Function

  25. 人力资源价值链管理:赢得竞争优势

    Human Resource Value Chain Management : Obtaining Competitive Advantage

  26. 论速度经济下的价值链管理创新

    The Research on the Dynamic Value Chain Management Based on the Speed Economy

  27. 对价值链管理在面粉加工业应用的构想

    Thoughts on Application Management of Value Chain Machining Flour

  28. 基于价值链管理的虚拟企业构建及其发展战略研究

    Research on Construction and Development Strategy Virtual Enterprise Based on Value Chain Management

  29. 基于价值链管理模式的钢铁企业会计系统研究

    Research on Accounting System of Steel Enterprises Based on Value Chain Management Model

  30. 基于价值链管理的供应商筛选的研究

    Study on supplier selection based on value chain management