
  1. 1925年,他邀请了几位清宫的御厨合作,开设“仿膳”。

    In1925 , Zhao invited several imperial chefs to jointly open a Fangshan Restaurant .

  2. “仿膳饭庄”最先的创办人名叫赵仁齐,他是清宫的一位厨官。

    Zhao Renqi , a kitchen official of the Qing Court , first established Fangshan Restaurant .

  3. 今天,到北京的游客,要来仿膳饭庄,便可以一试昔日中国皇帝的享受。

    Today , visitors to Beijing can have a try of the food and dishes of Chinese emperors at the Fangshan Restaurant .

  4. 这些厨师开了饭馆。因为他们所作的菜式是仿照原来清宫的御膳,因此称为“仿膳”。

    Some of them opened restaurants and served dishes imitating the imperial meals of the Qing Dynasty , which are called Fangshan .

  5. 仿膳山庄位于北海公园湖滨之上,龙凤花纹于天花板上蜿蜒盘旋,餐室被金色和明黄色点缀得熠熠生辉。

    Fangshan lies on the shores of the lake in Beihai Park ; dragons curl across its ceilings and the dining rooms shimmer with gold and imperial yellow .

  6. 当然,北京还是中国御膳房所在地,仿膳饭庄号称是宫廷烹制方法的真正保管人。

    Beijing was also , of course , the home of Chinese imperial cuisine , and Fangshan restaurant claims to be the true custodian of palace cooking skills .

  7. 比如最普通的小窝头,民间是用玉米面做,仿膳是用栗子面做,其中就有个慈禧逃难的故事。

    For example , the most common food small Wotou is made of corn among the people , and chestnut flour in the imitative meal restaurant , and it has a story of the fleeing of Cixi .