
  • 网络Irun;irene;Irún
  1. 我们得在伊伦换车,并出示护照。

    At Irun we had to change trains and show passports .

  2. 他告诉我,伊伦-罗伯茨老师现在就在礼堂下面的教室里上课。

    Irene Roberts , he tells me , is in the class just down the hall .

  3. 矗立在供奉塞巴月神伊伦库赫的庙宇后的石灰岩柱。

    Limestone pillars rear from a temple of the Sabaean moon god Ilumquh .

  4. 他们让他进行一种特别的每日例行训练,这一训练从汤姆贾诺维奇手上传下来已有数年,最初是助理教练吉姆-博伊伦从密歇根引进的。

    They put Alston through the " daily dozen " drills held over from the Rudy Tomjanovich years that former assistant Jim Boylen brought from Michigan State .

  5. 但这是一种误解,那些尝试占领苏穆-伊伦的人都发现这风险他们担不起:投石车的攻击几乎没有对城墙造成损伤它们是用施过咒法的墓碑组成的。

    But this is misleading , and those who have tried to take Sumu-ilum have found that out to their peril , catapult missiles can do little harm to ensorcelled gravestones that make up the walls .

  6. 亚瑟的父亲是个国王,叫尤瑟·潘德拉贡。尤瑟看上了康沃尔公爵的妻子伊伦,于是靠魔法师墨林的帮助,化做公爵的模样接近伊伦,生下亚瑟。

    How Arthur Become King Arthur 's father was King Uther Pendragon , who fell in love with Igrayne , the wife of the Duke of Cornwall . With the aid of Merlin , a powerful magician , Uther took the form of the duke and so Igrayne became pregnant with Arthur .