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  1. Δ-伪度量族与Menger概率度量空间

    Family of Δ Pseudo Metrics and Menger Probabilistic Metric Spaces

  2. 本文用Anosov伪轨族跟踪定理证明了在双曲回归集中周期点的稠密性,并给出了双曲回归集的谱分解定理。

    The density of periodic points in hyperbolic recurrent sets is proved by using Anosov theorem on families of pseudo-trajectories , and the spectral decomposition theorem of hyperbolic recurrent sets is given .

  3. 证明了完备的一致局部半凸概率赋范空间上的概率压缩映象必有唯一不动点,得到了一类度量线性空间中关于伪范数族一致压缩映象的不动点定理。

    This paper proves that every probabilistic contraction map from E to E has a unique fixed point , where E is a complete and uniformly local semi-convex probabilistic normed space , and obtains a fixed point theorem in metric linear spaces .

  4. 具有二值自相关特性的p元伪随机序列族的构造

    Construction of p-ary pseudorandom sequences with ideal two-level autocorrelation functions

  5. 加密算法的选取上,选取性能高效的适合存储加密和软件实现的伪随机函数族SEAL算法作为加密算法。

    For the choice of encryption algorithm , the SEAL algorithm , which is a pseudorandom function family algorithm and highly efficient , was believed to be the best proper algorithm for storage encryption .

  6. 伪Newton-R族算法的导出及其性质

    Derivation and Property of Algorithm of Pseudo - Newton - R Class

  7. 伪Newton-δ族的导出和全局收敛性

    Derivation and global convergence for pseudo - Newton - δ class

  8. 伪Newton-δ族算法对一般目标函数的收敛性

    Convergence of the pseudo-newton - δ class methods for general objective functions

  9. Hilbert空间中Lipschitz伪压缩映像有限族公共不动点的杂交投影算法

    Hybrid Projection Algorithm for Common Fixed Points about Finite Family of Lipschitz Pseudo-Contractive Mappings in Hilbert Spaces

  10. 对无约束优化问题提出了一个新的拟Newton法(伪Newton-R族算法),这种方法具有二次终止性及调比不变性。

    In this paper , a new quasi-Newton method ( algorithm of pseudo-Newton-R class ) is presented for unconstrained optimization , this method possesses the property of finite convergence for quadratic function and scale invariance .