
  • 网络IGBT;Small outline transistor;FET;TFT;HEMT
  1. SiGe基区异质结晶体管电流和频率特性的解析模型

    Analytical Model of Current and Frequency Performance in SiGe-base Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

  2. 用于卫星通信的异质结晶体管(HBT)器件和电路的功能特性

    Performance Capabilities of HBT Devices and Circuits for Satellite Communication

  3. Si/SiGe/Si双异质结晶体管(HBT)的负阻特性

    Negative Resistance Characteristics of Si / SiGe / Si Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

  4. GexSi(1-x)合金基区异质结晶体管模拟器&GSHBT

    A Simulator for Ge_xSi_ ( 1-x ) Alloy Base Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor & GSHBT

  5. 精细胞后期和成熟精子中,MTmRNA集中在顶体管以及顶体和杯状核之间的狭带中。

    At the late spermatids and spermatozoa , MT mRNA localizes in the acrosomal tubule and the narrow band between cup-like nucleus and acrosome .

  6. 介绍了SiGe异质结晶体管的特点和微波宽带低噪声放大器的设计理论;

    The characteristic of SiGe HBT of LNA and the theory of design of microwave wideband LNA is firstly presented .

  7. 本文的目的是分析溶液同ISFET界面的情况以及界面状态同晶体管输出的关系。

    The aim of this paper is to analyze the conditions at the solution-ISFET 'S interface and to relate them to the transistor output .

  8. RTD与HBT是高频高速器件,共振隧穿二极管-异质结晶体管(RTD-HBT)环形振荡器有很好的应用前景。

    RTD and HBT are devices with advantages of high frequency and high speed , RTD-HBT ring oscillator has a great potential for future application .

  9. 4-D-201催化剂插体管带压清堵

    Study on Clearing Blockage of 4-D-201 Catalyst Inserting with Pressure

  10. 采用MBE方法生长了8nm基区的InGaP/GaAs双异质结材料,研制成具有负阻特性的异质结晶体管。

    A thin base ( 8nm ) InGaP / GaAs dual heterojunction material is grown by MBE and a heterojunction bipolar transistor ( HBT ) with negative differential resistance ( NDR ) is fabricated .

  11. 由临界偏置下单结晶体管(UJT)组成的自激振荡器置于一交变磁场中时,如果两者的频率接近,则振荡器输出脉冲的幅度将急剧增加。

    When the UJT biased in critical state is submited to an alternative magnetic field , the frequency of which is close to a frequency of the UJT oscillator , the amplitude of the UJT free oscillation is strongly amplified .

  12. 设计和研制了耗尽型选择性掺杂异质结晶体管。

    Depletion Model Selective doped heterojunction transistor is designed and fabricated .

  13. 浆体管流特性及其设计参数计算

    Characteristics of pipeline flow of slurry and calculation of design parameters

  14. 薄基区异质结晶体管的负阻特性与分析

    Negative Differential Resistance Characteristic and Analysis of Thin Base HBT

  15. 石灰石浆体管流特性研究

    Research for Characteristic of the Chalk Slurry Pipe Flow

  16. 低开启电压的InGaP/GaAsSb/GaAs双异质结晶体管

    Low Turn-on Voltage of InGaP / GaAsSb / GaAs Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor

  17. 差动式核磁共振磁强计例子包括激光、体管、子显微镜和磁共振成像。

    Examples include the laser , the transistor , the electron microscope , and magnetic resonance imaging .

  18. 异质结晶体管的设计与性能

    Designs and Performances of HBTs

  19. 纵分裂分为切向分裂与径向分裂,切向分裂增加管状叶状体管周细胞数从而使管体增大,径向分裂形成管外壁突起细胞,最终发育为分枝;

    Vertical-division included tangential-division and radial-division , tangential-division made the pipelike thallus more thick , and radial-division made the branch formed .

  20. 实验结果表明:在层流范围内其实验数据与理论解吻合较好,说明理论模型能够分析多孔体管内的层流流动和换热。

    The experimental results show that relatively good agreement has been found between the theoretical solution and the experimental data in laminar region .

  21. 本文较详细地讨论了异质结晶体管的设计原理、材料选用和结构设计。

    In this paper , the design principle of heterojunction bipolar transistors ( HBTs ), including energy band gap design and semiconductor material selection as well as device structure design , are discussed in more detail .

  22. 介绍了一种测试复杂流变体管流实验装置的研制情况,给出了专门标定该装置压力传感器、温度传感器、蠕动泵以及管路内径的方法。

    This paper introduced the development of pipe-flow instrument applied to test the complicated rheological fluid , and introduced the method to demarcate pressure sensors , temperature sensors , peristaltic pump and diameter of the pipe .

  23. 最终,在微带线上制成了W频段平面集成体效应管压控振荡器,并进行了测试。

    Finally a W-band microstrip integrated Gunn VCO is designed completely and tested .

  24. Ku波段低相位噪声体效应管

    Ku Band Low Phase Noise Gunn Diodes

  25. 方法:30颗离体单根管下颌双尖牙,用不锈钢K型锉,以标准法进行根管扩锉。随机分为3组,每组10颗牙,分别进行根管冲洗。

    ( Methods Thirty ) human teeth with single root-canal mandible premolar were instrumented using standard technique , then were divided into 3 groups , carrying on root-canal irrigation .

  26. 方法:25颗离体直根管前牙,随机分为5组,不锈钢K锉常规法预备根管,应用5种冲洗剂组合进行冲洗。

    METHODS : 25 extracted human maxillary anterior teeth , with a single straight root were randomly divided into 5 groups . They were instrumented with K-files and conventional preparation technique .

  27. 正常妇女不同卵巢激素状态离体输卵管平滑肌自发收缩活动及其对NE反应性研究

    Studies on the spontaneous contraction and the response to ne of isolated oviductal isthmic muscle from Chinese women under different ovarian hormonal states

  28. 划线法和MTT法均显示IFN-β对离体淋巴管内皮细胞的增殖和游走有明显的抑制作用。

    Method of scraping line and MTT showed that IFN - β could evidently inhibit the proliferation and migration of LE cells in vitro . 4 .

  29. 结果:在对照组中,α-catenin主要表达于精子细胞顶体、管周肌样细胞和Leydig细胞胞质。

    Results : In the control ,α - catenin was expressed in the acrosome of spermatids and the cytoplasm of Leydig cells and peritubular myoid cells .

  30. 材料与方法:离体单根管前磨牙30颗随机分为3组,每组10颗牙采用机用Profile预备根管并去除涂层,分别采用手用充填器充填氢氧化钙糊剂;

    Material and Methods : Thirty single-rooted premolars were randomly divided into three groups . For the 10 teeth of each group , we used the Profile rotatory device to prepare the root canal and remove its smear layer with 15 % EDTA .