
  • 网络Your shadow
  1. 把曾经的快乐收入行囊,将你的身影装在心间。

    Income luggage was happy to be your shadow installed between heart .

  2. 从此跟著你的身影旋转。

    Since then , following the rotation of your shadow .

  3. 你的身影,印我心上。

    The shadow of your frame is imprinted on my heart .

  4. 希望早日在球场上看到你的身影。

    I hope to see you on the court early .

  5. 困扰:现在不仅增加你的身影损失超过时间规定的目标。

    Haunt : Now only increases your shadow damage-over-time spells on the target .

  6. 永远朝着阳光走,你的身影在你背后!

    Please remember ," Walk toward sunshine forever , and you 'll " .

  7. 虽已荆棘满地,我依然坚信能寻觅到你的身影。

    Though that road may wonder , it will lead me to you .

  8. 我以为一切可以释然,脑袋却依然会浮现你的身影。

    I think everything can be relieved , but still can recall your head .

  9. 你的身影经常在梦里出现,我在拼命地呐喊请你别走。

    Your shadow appear frequently in dreams , I desperately cry you don 't leave .

  10. 尽管从未见过你的身影。

    I never met you in person .

  11. 想你的身影,想你爽朗的笑声。

    Your figure and your cheerful laughters ;

  12. 我不想入眠,因为当我睡下梦里总有你的身影

    I don 't sleep cause when I do all my dreams are dreams of you

  13. 你的身影是我陌生的,但我明晰地感知你的微笑,你的关怀;

    Your figure is strange to me but I can clearly feel your smile and concern ;

  14. 我的眼神是密密的丝线,把你的身影编织在甜蜜的梦境里。

    Even millions of silk threads , cannot weave out the beautiful landscape in my dream .

  15. 无论在林间漫步,还是在灯下沉思,你的身影时时都伴陪着我!

    Your image accompany me when I am walking in the forest or pondering under the lamp .

  16. 你的身影如此迷人。

    Your shadow so charming .

  17. 保持你的身影压入楼,为支持你慢慢降低,并提高身体。

    Keep your heels pressed into the floor for support as you slowly lower and raise the body .

  18. 在这里,故事每天都在发生,我在守望的是你的身影。

    In here , the story is occurring every day , I am keeping watch am your form .

  19. 夜晚在小巷子中偶然遇到了陌生人的时候我就好像看到你的身影

    The figure of an old man I saw late at night , I was able to find your shadow

  20. 你的身影,是骤雨中的百合,留下了这个季节最深的记忆;

    The view of your back is the lucy in heavy rain , leaving me the deepest memory in this season ;

  21. 上赛季我们经常可以在安菲尔德见到你的身影&在看台上观看你队友们的比赛是什么感觉?

    We saw you at Anfield a lot last season – how did you feel watching your teammates from the stands ?

  22. 你的身影,在我心的底片上曝光&摄得那么真,印得那么深!

    Your figure is left on the film of my heart , which is so clearly presented at the bottom of my heart .

  23. 在我的记忆之中我的生命充满你的身影谁也不能取代永远无人有此真情;

    There 's a place in my memory my life that you fill ; No other can take it no one ever will ;

  24. 我坐在大厅的一个角落,看着人来人往,就是不见你的身影出现。

    Sitting in a corner of the hall , I watched people coming and going , but just could not see you show up .

  25. 熟悉的路,我反复走了好几遍,可你的身影终究还是遗留在了回忆的边沿。

    The way of the familiar , I repeated walked several times , can you figure eventually still left behind in the edge of the memory .

  26. 只是突然依赖的隔屏,消失了你的身影,让我的思念在空中流转,无奈只好让无言的文字倾诉我的想念。

    But the sudden disappearing of your figure on the screen lingers my missing in the air , which can only be conveyed with my speechless words .

  27. 我有一个重要的问题要说,那是因为我总是希望看到每次比赛都有你的身影,但是最重要的是你必须在常规赛结束的时候保持健康。

    How bad I want to see u play on open night , if u think your knee isn 't a100 % I think u should wait .

  28. 轻轻飞过你的身影,如梦里飘过的仙子,醒来还能闻到你的发香。

    Fly past your person 's silhouette lightly , if the immortal drifting in the dream , the hair waking up being able to smell you are fragrant .

  29. 地等待你的身影,仅仅让你知道有那么一个男孩,在一个并不喧闹的城市,想和你有共同的。

    Waiting for you figure , and let you know only have so a boy , in a noisy city , not to and you have a common .

  30. 我愿,我愿永远生活在梦里,因为梦中,有你的身影。亲爱的,是否?是否我也在你的梦里?

    I wish to live always in the dream , in which your image I can see . oh , my dear , am I also in your dream ?