
shǐ tú
  • apostle;disciple
使徒 [shǐ tú]
  • [apostle] 基督教指耶稣或早期基督教团体派出的传教人

使徒[shǐ tú]
  1. 耶稣的使徒;彼得的兄弟;苏格兰的保护圣徒。

    Disciple of Jesus ; brother of Peter ; patron saint of Scotland .

  2. 这使徒成长系列的第四本书是使徒训练课程一年期完成的。

    This fourth book in the growing disciple series completes a year-long discipleship training course .

  3. 巴黎圣母院的使徒雕像也得以重获新生,为进行例行修复,它们被从大教堂尖顶上取了下来,就在尖顶被烧毁的几天前。

    A second life too for these statues of the apostles , taken from the cathedral 's spire for routine restoration , days before it collapsed12 in flames .

  4. Parnell广场上的圣马丁使徒教堂的移动Crib将在12月27日重新开放。

    The Moving Crib at St Martin Apostolate on Parnell Square will reopen on December27th .

  5. 并不是使徒行传作者的观点。

    That 's not the view of the author of Acts .

  6. 看来好像使徒会在他的百岁纪念年逝去。

    It seemed that the Apostle would die during his Centennial .

  7. 使徒信经就是这样一种对信仰的声明。

    The Apostle 's Creed is one such declaration of faith .

  8. 参孙用使徒的斧头杀死了非利士人。

    Samson slayed the Philistines with the axe of the apostles .

  9. 其实它并不是十二使徒写的。

    Now it wasn 't actually written by the twelve apostles .

  10. 使徒保罗在加拉太书中重申了这一点。

    Paul 's words in Galatians reinforce this point for us .

  11. 德国战后文学反思的使徒&走近伯尔、格拉斯

    Missionaries of Rethinking Postwar German Literature & Approaching Boell and Grass

  12. “使徒行传”叙述基督教最早的历史。

    The Acts of the Apostles relates the earliest history of Christianity .

  13. 使徒行传还谈论到作见证、作管家和祷告的大能。

    This book speaks about witnessing , about stewardship and about prayer .

  14. 你看那位圣洁的艾略特使徒可好啊?

    And how found you that godly man , the Apostle Eliot ?

  15. 当然我们也已读过《路加福音》和《使徒行传》

    Of course we 've already read Luke and Acts , too .

  16. 最初,使徒们和受限制的基督教化只对犹太人。

    Initially the Apostles and confined evangelization to the Jews .

  17. 而在之一,罗马天主教和使徒教会。

    And in One , Holy , Catholic , and Apostolic Church .

  18. 使徒保罗所说的范围何其广阔!

    How wide is this assertion of the Apostle Paul !

  19. 耶稣的使徒彼得正在讲道。

    Peter , one of the apostles of Jesus , was preaching .

  20. 路加写的书有路加福音和使徒行传。

    Luke wrote both the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts .

  21. 使徒们的陈述也都同样清清楚楚。

    The testimony of the apostles was equally plain .

  22. 是的,这是绝对可能的事;使徒保罗就懂得这一个秘诀。

    Yes , it is possible ; and the Apostle Paul knew it .

  23. 特格拉成为自己的使徒,传播讯息。

    Thecla becomes her own Apostle spreading the message .

  24. 这已经像一封后使徒时代的信了。

    This is already something like a post-apostolic letter .

  25. 这是使徒行传中保罗最后的演说的结尾。

    This is at the end of Paul 's last speech in Acts .

  26. 耶稣十二使徒之一,相传为第一部福音书的作者。

    One of the Twelve Apostles , traditional author of the first Gospel .

  27. 圣路加写作了第三部福音书以及〈使徒行传〉。

    Luke , writer of the third gospel and the Book of Acts .

  28. 他把使徒和先知混淆来讲。

    So he 's kind of mixing these words & apostle and prophet .

  29. 使徒行事,可以大刀阔斧,主教却应当谨小慎微。

    The Apostle may be daring , but the bishop must be timid .

  30. 使徒行传真正的主角是圣灵。

    The real actor in the book of Luke is the Holy Spirit .