
  • 网络supply chain risk;scr
  1. 基于多Agent的供应链风险管理

    Multi-Agent Based on Supply Chain Risk Management

  2. 最后基于Agent提出有效地管理供应链风险的框架模式。

    Finally , the model of supply chain risk management will be proposed based on agent .

  3. 基于EPC模式的建筑供应链风险研究

    The risk research of architectural supply chain based on EPC model

  4. 本文主要研究制造企业DT公司供应链风险管理。

    This article main research manufacture enterprise DT Corporation supply chain risk management .

  5. 并根据这些因素构建了VMI模式下零售商主导型供应链风险评估体系。

    And it constructed retailer supply chain risk assessment system in VMI mode based on these factors .

  6. FMECA方法在供应链风险管理中的应用研究

    Application of FMECA in Supply Chain Risk Management

  7. 基于混合模糊算法的供应链风险ECF体系研究

    A Study on the Risk Early Warning-control-feedback System in Supply Chain Based on Hybrid Fuzzy Theory

  8. 基于SCOR模型的供应链风险识别、评估与一体化管理研究

    Study of Supply Chain Risk Identification , Assessment , Integration Risk Management Based on SCOR

  9. 在全面分析供应链风险因素的基础上,论文运用模糊综合评价方法对供应链的风险进行了评估,建立了供应链风险的BP人工神经网络预测模型并阐述了供应链风险处理策略;

    Part four bases on the analyses of the sources and factors of risk of supply chain . It evaluate the risk of supply chain by employing fuzziness comprehensive evaluation . Then it brings forward the forecast model of the BP neural network .

  10. 而后文章基于SCOR模型建立了企业供应链风险评估指标体系,并对其进行识别。

    Bases on the SCOR model , this paper establishes a supply chain risk assessment index system and then carries on the recognition .

  11. 达信风险咨询(marshriskconsulting)供应链风险管理负责人格里林奇(garylynch)表示,多数供应链问题并非来自生产设施的实体破坏,而是交通问题和缺乏能源供给造成的。

    Gary Lynch , head of supply-chain risk management at marsh risk consulting , said most disruption would not come from the physical destruction of production facilities , but from transport problems and a lack of energy supply .

  12. Downside-risk测度下闭环供应链风险控制和利润分配机制研究

    Risk controlling and profit distributing mechanism in closed-loop supply chain on theory of Downside-risk

  13. 首先介绍了SCOR模型的相关理论、供应链风险管理过程的理论以及基于SCOR模型的供应链风险管理框架。

    First , it introduces the relevant theory such as SCOR model , supply chain risk management theory ; supply chain risk management framework based on the SCOR models .

  14. 风险评估:确定了供应链风险评价指标体系,构建了模糊层次(F-AHP)综合评价模型,利用实地调查数据对当前的农产品供应链风险进行了实证评估。

    Risk assessment : We determined the supply chain evaluation index system , built an F-AHP model , used empirical data to evaluate current agricultural supply chain risk . We had the following conclusions .

  15. 然后,使用因子分析的方法对模型进行了实证分析,得出了基于SCOR的公立医院供应链风险识别模型;最后针对研究所识别的公立医院供应链风险提出一些政策建议。

    Then , using factor analysis method to do data research , and get the model of risk management identify of public hospital based on SCOR . Finally , according to the public hospital identify supply chain risks ; we put forward some policy suggestions .

  16. 论述了移动供应链风险的分析过程,建立了电子商务企业移动供应链风险评价指标体系,并应用DEMATEL方法,对电子商务企业移动供应链面临的风险因素进行了定量的评价,得出了相关结论。

    Discusses the process of mobile supply chain analysis , the establishment of a business enterprise mobility supply chain evaluation index system , and apply DEMATEL methods , supply chain , enterprise mobility business factors facing the quantitative evaluation , draw the relevant conclusions .

  17. 本文主要研究工作和成果如下:1、根据供应链风险来源,对供应链风险因素进行划分,并对各个风险进行细化;

    According to the risk origination , classify supply chain risk .

  18. 笔记本电脑代工行业的供应链风险管理研究

    Research on the Supply Chain Risk Management of Notebook OEM Industry

  19. 供应链风险形成机理研究

    A Study On Mechanism of the Formation of Supply Chain Risks

  20. 消费电子行业的供应链风险控制研究

    The Study of Supply Chain Risk Control in Consuming Electronics Industry

  21. 基于网络层次分析&未确知测度的集群式供应链风险评估模型。

    Cluster supply chain risk evaluation model based on ANP-unascertained measurement .

  22. 第三章针对供应链风险管理过程。

    The Chapter 3 focuses on supply chain risk management process .

  23. 弹性系数在供应链风险传导研究中的应用

    Application of Elasticity Coefficient in Study about Supply Chain Risk Conduction

  24. 基于银企联盟的供应链风险防范研究

    Research on Supply Chain Risk Guard Based on the Bank-enterprise Alliance

  25. 企业风险管理视角的供应链风险管理研究

    Study of Supply Chain Risk Management Based on Enterprise Risk Management

  26. 项目型供应链风险传递及其对策研究

    Research on Project Supply Chain Risk Transmission and Response Strategies

  27. 基于直觉模糊关系的供应链风险评估

    Risk Evaluation of Supply Chain based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relations

  28. 供应链风险类别、脆弱性因素及管理方法解析

    An Analysis of Supply-chain Classification , Vulnerability and Management Method

  29. 供应链风险分析及决策模型

    Study on Risk Analysis and Strategy Model of Supply Chain

  30. 供应链风险量化分析与优化控制

    Quantitative Analysis and Optimum Control of Risks in Supply Chain