
bèi tā mǐ sōng
  • betamethasone
倍他米松[bèi tā mǐ sōng]
  1. 结论CT导引下脊神经周围注射复方倍他米松是一种安全、有效的治疗腰根性神经痛方法。

    Conclusion Periradicular compound betamethasone injection under CT guidance is safe and useful in the treatment of lumbar radicular pain .

  2. 结果治疗后1、3d,倍他米松组的疗效显著优于强的松组和氢考组(P>0.05)。

    Results After 1,3 days , responders to treatment were higher with betamethasone than with prednisone or hydrocortisone ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. HPLC测定倍他米松尿素霜中倍他米松的含量

    Determination of betamethasone contents in Betamethasone-urea cream by HPLC

  4. HPLC同时测定复方倍他米松注射液中倍他米松磷酸钠和二丙酸倍他米松的含量

    Simultaneous HPLC determination of betamethasone sodium phosphate and betamethasone dipropionate in compound betamethasone injection

  5. 母亲接受倍他米松治疗对胎儿心率及其变异性的短期(0~48h)影响

    Short-term ( 0-48h ) effects of maternal betamethasone administration on fetal heart rate and its variability

  6. 复方倍他米松局部注射治疗糜烂型OLP临床研究

    A clinical study of local injection with compound betamethasone to treat oral lichen planus

  7. 方法:对A(玻璃酸钠)、B(玻璃酸钠+复方倍他米松)、C(玻璃酸钠+醋酸曲安奈德)3种用药方案进行成本-效果分析。

    METHODS : The cost-effectiveness analyses were conducted among 3 therapeutic regimens : regimen A ( sodium hyaluronate ), regimen B ( sodium hyaluronate plus compound betamethasone ) and regimen C ( sodium hyaluron_ate plus triamcinolone acetonide acetate ) .

  8. 结论复方倍他米松能够增加流感病毒损伤的嗅粘膜OMP的表达。

    Conclusion Compound Betamethasone can enhance The expression of OMP in the injured olfactory mucosa by influenza virus .

  9. 结果:制备了倍他米松醋酸酯的三种晶型和一个水化物,确定了它们的熔点,粉末X射线衍射特征及红外光谱特征。

    And the crystall structure were analyzed by means of the following techniques were used : DSC , TG , X - ray powder diffraction and IR spectroscopy . RESULT : The characteristic parameters of polymorphs and hydrate of betamethasone acetate were identified .

  10. 目的探讨复方倍他米松对流感病毒感染小鼠受损的嗅粘膜嗅觉标记蛋白(OMP)表达的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of Compound Betamethasone on the expression of olfactory marker protein ( OMP ) in murine injured olfactory mucosa by influenza virus .

  11. 按不同的引导方式对骶髂关节进行注射复方倍他米松注射液(7mg/mL)治疗,并与同期非注射治疗组进行90d随访观察。

    DP and CT group were injected with compound betamethasone ( 7 mg / mL ) into sacroiliac joints in a different guided way and followed up for 90 days .

  12. 单纯用钙泊三醇后再用钙泊三醇/倍他米松二丙酸盐与Tacalcitol治疗寻常银屑病疗效比较:随机双盲试验

    Efficacy of treatment with calcipotriol / betamethasone dipropionate followed by calcipotriol alone compared with tacalcitol for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris : A randomised , double-blind trial

  13. 复方倍他米松治疗瘢痕疙瘩临床疗效观察

    The Clinical Observation of Compound Betamethasone Treatment on Patients with Keloid

  14. 不同晶型倍他米松醋酸酯形成机理研究

    Study on Mechanism of Formation of Betamethasone Acetate Different Crystal Forms

  15. 倍他米松用于芬太尼静脉诱导时咳嗽反射的临床观察

    Effect of betamethasone on cough reflex induced by intravenous injection of fentanyl

  16. 疼痛消失时间和应用倍他米松治疗的次数。

    Time when pain disappeared and times of betamethasone administration .

  17. 倍他米松及其制剂的一阶导数差示脉冲极谱法定量研究

    Quantitative Study on Betamethasone and Its Preparation by First-derivative Differential Pulse Polarography

  18. 家兔鞘内注射复方倍他米松的神经毒性

    The neurotoxic effect of intrathecal betamethasone compound in rabbits

  19. 复方倍他米松注射液局部注射治疗活动期斑秃的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Treatment with Intralesional Betamethasone Compound Injection for Active Alopecia Areata

  20. 产前暴露于倍他米松与地塞米松的低体重新生儿近期不良结局的比较

    Short-term outcomes in low birth weight infants following antenatal exposure to betamethasone versus dexamethasone

  21. 倍他米松可能只获得了处方。

    Betamethasone may only be obtained by prescription .

  22. 复方倍他米松注射液加喜疗妥治疗瘢痕疙瘩疗效观察

    Study on diprospan and hirudoid treatment of keloid

  23. 目的建立了用分光光度法测定倍他米松搽剂中倍他米松的含量。

    OBJECTIVE A spectrophotometry method was established for the determination of Betamethasone in Betamethasone Liniment .

  24. 预先静脉注射倍他米松可有效降低麻醉诱导期间芬太尼所致咳嗽反射的发生。

    Injection of betamethasone in advance could effectively reduce cough reflex caused by fentanyl induction .

  25. 复方倍他米松神经阻滞治疗胸背部带状疱疹后神经痛的疗效

    Therapeutic effect of compound betamethasone on nerve block in relieving thorax - back postherpetic neuralgia

  26. 倍他米松声带注射术治疗慢性肥厚性喉炎

    Betamethasone injection in chronic hypertrophic laryngitis

  27. 结膜下注射倍他米松治疗穿透性角膜移植术后排斥反应致结膜坏死

    Conjunctival necrosis due to subconjunctival injection of betamethasone in treatment of graft rejection after penetrating keratoplasty

  28. 复方倍他米松穴位注射联合口服阿维A及抗结核药物治疗皮肤结核8例

    Compound Betamethasone Acupoint Injection Combined with Oral Application Retinoid and Antituberculosis Drugs Treat 8 Cases of Tuberculosis Cutis

  29. 倍他米松新霉素软膏治疗湿疹的随机、双盲、平行对照临床研究

    Betamethasone / neomycin ointment in treatment of eczema : a randomized , double-blind , and controlled clinical trial

  30. 复方倍他米松联合盐酸克林霉素局部封闭治疗囊肿性痤疮疗效观察

    Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Partial Seal Treatment on Cyst Acne with Compound Betamethasone union Clindamycin Hydrochloride