
  • 网络preference theory;Preferred Habitat Theory
  1. 基于偏好理论的绿色生态住宅需求模型分析

    Demand model analysis of green ecological residence based on preference theory

  2. 基于公平偏好理论的锦标机制研究

    Research for Tournament Schemes Based on Fairness Preference Theory

  3. 该模型的理论基础主要由Lancaster偏好理论和Rosen的产品特征市场供需均衡模型两部分组成。

    The hedonic price theory mainly included two parts : Lancaster 's partiality theory and Rosen 's characteristic market equilibrium analysis .

  4. 基于涉他偏好理论的员工激励机制设计

    The Employee Incentive Based on Other-regarding Preference Theory

  5. 婴儿面孔偏好理论模型述评

    Review on the Theories of Infant Face Preference

  6. 银行业监管者的监管偏好理论与实证分析国家监狱管理署(监管署)

    The Theory of Supervisory Preference of the Supervisors of the Banking Business and the Empirical Analysis ;

  7. 个人偏好理论、总效用理论与社会福利理论之间有个重要的区别。

    There is an important distinction among individual preference theories , total utility theories , and social welfare theories .

  8. 资本结构的主流理论可以归结为两种:静态平衡理论和顺序偏好理论。

    Therefore , the mainstream theories on capital structure can be summarized into Static Tradeoff Model and Pecking Order Theory .

  9. 根据显现偏好理论,投资者的投资行为显现了其内在的风险偏好。

    According to the revealed preference theory , the portfolio formed by investors reveals their prefer-ence about risk of investment .

  10. 第二章基础理论与相关概念的界定,包括公共选择理论、政治系统理论、制度创新理论、显示性偏好理论的概述与总结。

    The second chapter contains basic definitions including public choice theory , political system relationship , system innovation theory and revealed preference theory .

  11. 边际生产率理论、社会比较理论、组织政治学理论及分配偏好理论也证实了组织收入分配政策中的公平因素的重要性,联合产权更是从产权角度奠定企业内公平收入的产权基础。

    Marginal productivity theory , social comparative theory , institutional politics theory and bias distribution theory also prove the import of fairness in institutional distribution .

  12. 传统的利率期限结构可分为三类:预期理论、流动性偏好理论和期限偏好理论。

    The traditional interest rate term structure can divide into three kinds : the expectation theory , the liquidity preference theory and the preferred habitat theory .

  13. 时间偏好理论认为,现在消费和未来消费存在相互替代的关系,时间价值的存在使得人们更加倾向于现在消费。

    Time-favor theory is that there is substitution effect between present consumption and future consumption , and the existence of time value makes people incline to consume now .

  14. 在分析犯罪原因、制定犯罪防控对策的时候,本文还借助了经济学中的有限理性和稳定偏好理论。

    When analyzing the causes of crime and formulating strategies of crime prevention and control , this thesis adopts the bounded rationality and stable preference theory of economics .

  15. 西方学术界主要从经济发展战略的工业化偏好理论和政治结构的非均衡性两个角度做出解释。

    The western academic circles give two reasons for explaining it , which are the theories of industrialization hobby in economic development strategy and the non-equilibrium of political structure .

  16. 而后追根溯源,阐释了消费信贷的经济学理论基础,即时间偏好理论、生命周期假说和持久性收入假说。

    Then , tracing to its source , explains the economics theoretical foundation of the consumer credit , that is , time-favor theory , life-cycle hypothesis and permanent-income theory .

  17. 然后对利率期限结构的三大传统理论:预期理论、市场分割理论和流动性偏好理论,及各种理论的优缺点进行了研究。

    Secondly , it studied the three kind of traditional theories of rate term structure : expectation theory , market segmentation theory and liquidity preferred theory , and the advantages and disadvantages of each .

  18. 但是,由于流动性偏好理论的假设前提(有效市场假设)与现实不符,致使“国债期限越短,利息成本越低”的观点在实践中不一定成立。

    However , due to the unrealistic hypothesis of effective market , the view point of " the shorter period , the lower the state debts interest cost will be " is not realistically right .

  19. 运用所学的经济学需求理论、恩格尔曲线及风险偏好理论对小灵通建设项目进行分析和评价,并通过投资效益分析评价了该项目的可行性和投资风险性。

    And the essay analyzes and appraises the Xiao Ling Tong building project using the learned economic demanding theory , Engel curve and Venture Partiality Theory and the feasibility and the investing venture by investing benefit .

  20. 本文试图说明风险偏好理论形成和发展的基本脉络,从风险偏好的角度说明不确定条件下选择理论的现代发展对期望效用理论的挑战。

    This paper shows the development of risk preference theory , and describes the challenge which is raised by modern development of choice theory under uncertainty to expected utility theory in the view of risk preference theory .

  21. 总体而言,相对于农村已婚女性,城镇已婚女性劳动力供给决策的模型结果更符合家庭经济学中的共同偏好理论预测。

    In a word , comparing to that of village married women , labor force supply decision model of town married women has a more suitable result for the forecast of common preference theory , which belonging to Home Economics field .

  22. 在代表规格品选择的问题上,本文打破了传统的方式,依据显示偏好理论,从消费者的消费选择中发现不同商品和服务项目的特征,并通过数理方法对其进行分析。

    On the selection of representative specification , this paper looks for the character of different goods and service through the choice of consumers , and does the analysis through the mathematical method according to the theory revealed preference , which breaks the tradition .

  23. 第二,全权委托偏好理论的分析结果表明,商业银行各层级间的不信任、员工素质过低、商业银行内部管理机构官僚化、契约刚性等因素都会导致银行业X-效率的产生。

    Second , the analytic results of Carte-Blanche preference principle show that incredulity among commercial banks ' different levels , low quantity of employees , commercial banks ' inside administrative organization bureaucracy , contract rigid and other factors will also lead to banks ' X-efficiency .

  24. Myers的优序理论是目前流行的用于解释公司融资偏好的理论之一。

    Myers ' Pecking Order Theory is a popular doctrine explaining corporate financing preferences .

  25. 分别探讨了新古典经济学、演化经济学、STS研究和政策科学四种不同学科维度和理论视角下科技(创新)政策的研究进路、政策工具偏好及其理论基础。

    From the four subject criterion and theoretical perspective of new classical economics , evolutionary economics , science technology and society and policy science , the research route , preference of policy tools and theoretical basis of policy science technology and innovation are respectively discussed .

  26. 进而运用要素禀赋理论、需求偏好相似理论对我国外贸企业开拓新兴市场进行理论层面的可行性分析。

    Then use Factor Endowments Theory and Theory of Demand Preference Similarity to do feasibility analysis .

  27. 讨论偏好的理论&累积展望理论应该与讨论风险的随机占优准则一致。

    The theory about preference-cumulative prospect theory should be compatible to the stochastic dominant theory about risk .

  28. 在前一个理论发展中,扇形的无差异曲线理论否定了预期效用理论的独立性假设,偏好反转理论否定了预期效用理论的偏好传递性假设。

    In developments in the theory of choice under uncertainty . fanning indifference curves rejects independence hypothesis of the expected utility model .

  29. 现有描述公平偏好的理论模型要么强调收益分配公平、要么强调行为动机公平、要么强调收益分配和行为动机的综合公平。

    Present theoretical models on fairness preference emphasize fairness of income allocation , or fairness of behavioral motivation , or integrate fairness of both income allocation and behavioral motivation .

  30. 针对传统的博弈理论在解释蜈蚣博弈悖论等现象所体现的博弈方面的缺陷,利用偏好逆转理论传统的蜈蚣博弈进行分析。

    Aiming at the limit of traditional game and the defects of game theory for centipede game paradox , we analysis the centipede paradox with the Preference Reversal theory .