
  • 网络Eccentric Anomaly
  1. 给出了沿椭圆轨道运动航天器真近点角和偏近点角的运动方程。

    The analytic formulations are presented of the epicyclic motion of a spacecraft about the true anomaly and the eccentric anomaly .

  2. 针对J2项摄动的LEO卫星与地面站通信链路,提出一种由偏近点角的超越方程计算时间窗口的新方法,采用以大圆近似星下点轨迹的方法求解此方程。

    A transcendental equation about the eccentric anomaly is proposed to compute the time windows between the J2 perturbed LEO satellite and the ground station , and this equation is solved by using the great circle to locally approximate the ground trace .

  3. 通过将相对位置方程的径向和横向分量以偏近点角为变量展开为三角级数,发现除了一阶项外,三角级数的幅值为等比数列并且相角为定值。

    The first-order relative position equations are expanded as trigonometric series with eccentric anomaly as the angle variable . Except the terms of order one , the trigonometric series ' amplitudes are geometric series , and corresponding phases are constant both in the radial and in-track directions .