
tínɡ zhǐ jūn shì xínɡ dònɡ
  • cease all the military actions
  1. 这被视为一个停止军事行动的含蓄警告。

    This is seen as an implicit warning not to continue with military action

  2. 政府辩称,停止军事行动只会使负隅顽抗的几百名塔米尔猛虎组织叛军和他们的领导VelupillaiPrabhakaran受益。现在,他们的行踪无从知晓。

    The government contends a pause to military action would only benefit the remaining several hundred hold-outs from the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and their leader , Velupillai Prabhakaran , whose whereabouts are unknown .

  3. 赖斯说,莫斯科必须遵守其停止军事行动的承诺。

    Rice said Moscow must abide by its stated promise to halt military operations .

  4. 穆巴拉克在向全国的电视讲话中,呼吁以色列立即停止军事行动。

    In a televised address to the nation , Mr. Mubarak called on Israel to cease its military operations immediately :

  5. 这个协定规定双方军队应在一月十三日午夜就各自位置上停止军事行动。

    It stipulated that the troops of both parties should cease military operations from their respective positions as of midnight , January 13 .

  6. 中方强烈呼吁有关方面立即停止军事行动,采取切实措施缓和加沙地区紧张局势。

    The Chinese side strongly calls on the concerned parties to immediately cease military operations and adopt realistic measures aimed at easing the tense situation in Gaza .

  7. 据琳达·格拉德斯坦恩报道,以色列总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡表示,在清除所有从加沙通往以色列的通道之前以色列不会停止军事行动。

    Linda Gradstein reports Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel will not stop fighting until it neutralizes all of the tunnels running to Gaza and Israel .

  8. 缅甸总统吴登盛曾在12月签署命令停止军事行动,但内战冲突依旧持续,国际社会怀疑这位前任将军对军队并没有完整的控制权。

    Fighting has continued despite an order in December by President Thein Sein to end operations . That cast doubt on whether the former general leading the country has full control over the military .

  9. 赖斯说,莫斯科必须遵守其停止军事行动的承诺。赖斯欢迎法国主导的俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚冲突斡旋努力所取得的明显进展。不过她说,化解危机所要采取的进一步行动,取决于交战双方信守各自公开表达的有意停止敌对状态的承诺。

    Rice is welcoming the apparent progress in the French-led mediation effort with Russia and Georgia but says further steps to defuse the crisis depend on the warring parties making good on their stated intention to cease hostilities .

  10. 利比亚宣布该国决定停止一切军事行动,受此影响,欧洲股票周五午盘延续早盘涨势。

    European shares extended gains in afternoon trade on Friday after Libya said it has decided to halt all military action .

  11. 拉斯穆森表示,卡扎菲已经停止了军事行动的步伐,但是利比亚的冲突需要通过整治手段而不是军事手段来解决。

    Mr Fogh Rasmussen said that Colonel Gaddafi had been stopped in his tracks , but he said the conflict in Libya required a political , rather than a military solution .

  12. 这份美方官员传出的草案呼吁双方在停火期间不要采取任何带有军事或安全目的的行动,这意味着停止大多数军事行动,但未阻止以色列继续关闭地道。

    The draft that US officials circulated called on both sides to refrain from conducting any military or security targeting during the ceasefire , which implies a halt in most military operations but does not preclude Israel from continuing to try to close tunnels .

  13. 苏丹政府并没有表示要准备停止其政府军事行动或其代理方对达尔福尔的打击。

    The Sudanese government has given no sign that it is ready to stop its forces or its proxies from bludgeoning the darfuris .

  14. 提议要求巴勒斯坦结束对以色列边界城镇发动的火箭袭击,也要求以色列停止在加沙的军事行动,并且解除对加沙具有破坏性的封锁。

    It calls for an end to Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli border communities , while Israel would halt all military action in Gaza and lift its crippling blockade of the territory .

  15. 联合国作出最后呼吁,要求叙利亚政府遵守星期二的最后限期,停止针对平民的军事行动,并谴责叙利亚军队向土耳其和黎巴嫩境内开火造成伤亡。

    The U.N. made a final plea for the Syrian government to comply with a Tuesday deadline for ending military action against civilians and deplored fatal cross-border shootings from Syria into Turkey and Lebanon .