
ǒu xiànɡ chónɡ bài
  • idolatry
  1. 青少年偶像崇拜及其负向效应的抑制与诱导

    Restraining and Guiding about Youngster 's Idolatry and Its ' Negative Effect

  2. 从中国教育体制看青少年的偶像崇拜现象初中生偶像崇拜现象及其教育对策研究

    The Research on Idolatry of Junior High School Students and Its Educational Countermeasures

  3. 年轻一些的演员们开始把他当成偶像崇拜并加以模仿,这让他觉得很有意思。

    He was amused by the way younger actors started to hero-worship and copy him .

  4. 从童年起,我就把自己的父母当作偶像崇拜,觉得他们做的一切都是对的。

    Since childhood , I put my own parents on a pedestal . I felt they could do no wrong

  5. 偶像崇拜与人类生活密切相关。

    The idolatry has close relations with the humanity and their lives .

  6. 精神分析理论视角下的青少年偶像崇拜问题

    The Issue of Idol Worship by Adolescents in Prospect of Psychoanalytic Theories

  7. 榜样教育与偶像崇拜的耦合

    On the Combination of Example Education and Idol Worship

  8. 将理想化或者当作偶像崇拜的。

    A biography that idealizes or idolizes the person .

  9. 不要把我的爱叫作偶像崇拜,

    Let not my love be call 'd idolatry ,

  10. 关注青少年偶像崇拜现象

    Pay More Attention to Teenagers ' Idolatry Phenomenon

  11. 贝克汉姆现象:消费社会背景下的偶像崇拜与媒介制造

    Beckham Phenomenon : Idol Worship and Media Creation Against the Backdrop of Consumptive Society

  12. 他宽容罗马的偶像崇拜。

    He bore with the idolatry of Rome .

  13. 青少年的偶像崇拜态度与人格特征和心理健康水平显著相关。

    Youth idol worship attitude and personality characteristics and mental health was significantly related .

  14. 我想我把她当做偶像崇拜是我自己的过错。

    I guess it was my own fault for putting her on a pedestal .

  15. 恩典理论反对了对现实人的偶像崇拜。

    The theory of the grace of God opposes idolatry to a real human being .

  16. 偶像崇拜与时尚商品营销

    Idolatry and Fashion Commodity Marketing and Management

  17. 豪尔赫·马丁表示他因为博物馆的“偶像崇拜”感到厌恶。

    Jorge Martin said he is turned off by the museum 's " idolatry . "

  18. 传媒偶像崇拜反映了现代偶像、大众传媒与受众之间的一种共谋的关系。

    The media idolatry reflected collusive relationship among modern idol , mass media and audiences .

  19. 同时,该消费群体具有组织性、排他性和偶像崇拜等特点。

    Organization , exclusivity , and personality cult are the main characteristics of this group .

  20. 云南壮族的牛崇拜与牛图腾文化偶像崇拜对偶像的崇拜

    The Worship of the Cattle and Its Totem Adoring of the Zhuang Nationality in Yunnan

  21. 这样一来,我就得变成一个偶像崇拜者了。

    ergo , I must turn idolator .

  22. 可以考证很多习俗直接来自古代某些欧洲人的偶像崇拜。

    Many of its customs are directly traceable to the ancient idolatries of various European peoples .

  23. 偶像崇拜的或与之有关的。

    Relating to or practicing idolatry .

  24. 事实上,现在在中国人当中,这种偶像崇拜很常见。

    In fact , that kind of star-worshipping is not uncommon nowadays among the Chinese people .

  25. 然而这的确是符合时代潮流偶像崇拜一种形式的改变。

    But it is in the nature of religion that forms change to fit the times .

  26. 刍议体育运动中的偶像崇拜

    On the Idolatry in Sports

  27. 试论体育偶像崇拜

    On Worship of Sports Image

  28. 偶像崇拜与奥赛罗悲剧

    Idolatry and Othello 's Tragedy

  29. 偶像崇拜的多维度解读

    Multidimensional Interpretation of Icon Worship

  30. 逻辑线索即为一神与泛神、多神、偶像崇拜之争。

    The logic clue is about the dispute between monotheism and pantheism , polytheism and idol worship .