
tōu shuì
  • tax evasion;evade taxes;tax dodging;tax cheat;dodge (evade) a tax
偷税 [tōu shuì]
  • [dodge (evade) a tax;tax cheat] 偷漏税款。有意违反税收法规,用欺骗、隐瞒等手段不缴税或少缴税

偷税[tōu shuì]
  1. 加油机加装税控装置的意义加装税控装置后的加油站偷税手法与查控对策

    Tricks of Petrol Stations to Evade Taxes and Relevant Countermeasures after Installing Tax-controlling Apparatuses

  2. 那么,不难看出,这种行为输入偷税!

    So , see not hard , this kind of behavior inputs evade taxes !

  3. 又有两个经理因偷税漏税指控被传唤到沃辛治安法庭。

    Two other executives appeared at Worthing Magistrates ' Court charged with tax fraud

  4. 猖獗的偷税犯罪,给国家造成了巨大经济损失。

    Crazy crimes of tax evasion caused great damage to economy .

  5. 偷税犯罪手段的隐蔽性、多样性;

    The hidden character and variety of crime of evading taxes ;

  6. 分析政府反偷税的经济效应。

    Analysing the economic domino effect of government 's anti-tax evasion .

  7. 偷税犯罪侦查工作的艰巨性;

    The hardness of police investigation into crime of evading taxes ;

  8. 纳税筹划不同于避税和偷税。

    Tax planning is different from tax avoidance and tax evasions .

  9. 第三章:关于我国偷税犯罪的实证分析。

    Chapter three : Real analysis of tax evasion crime .

  10. 纳税人偷税行为原因分析与对策

    Analyzing the Reasons and the Countermeasures of the Tax Evasion

  11. 外资企业偷税犯罪侦查

    The Investigation of Tax Dodging by the Company Run by Foreign Capital

  12. 偷税犯罪产生原因的复杂性。

    The complicacy of cause of crime of evading taxes .

  13. 第二章:偷税的经济分析。

    Chapter two : Economic analysis is of tax evasion .

  14. 消除偷税漏税是本局的主要目的。

    Stamping tax fraud out is the main objective of this bureau .

  15. 偷税犯罪危害的日趋严重性;

    The tendency towards seriousness of crime of evading taxes ;

  16. 偷税与反偷税问题研究

    Research on Tax Evasion Tax Evasion and Anti - Evasion

  17. 新形势下对偷税的防范

    On the Prevention of Evading Taxes under the New Situation

  18. 偷税罪定罪公正论

    On the Fairness of Condemnable to Crime of Tax Evasion

  19. 本部分主要介绍了偷税犯罪的一般侦查方法,包括:调查询问、查帐、无帐假帐情况的侦查和司法鉴定。

    Part III , methods of investigation of crime of evading taxes .

  20. 论偷税罪的行为与结果偷税的法律问题研究

    Research on Tax Evasion On the Act and Result of Tax Evasion

  21. 对偷税犯罪的手段规定不科学;

    Its unscientific regulation for the means of tax-evading crime ;

  22. 对偷税博弈模型的扩展分析

    Extensive Analysis of Tax Dodging Model in Game Theory

  23. 增强公民纳税意识杜绝偷税漏税行为

    Enhance Citizens ' Sense of Paying Taxes , Stop Tax Dodging and Evasion

  24. 偷税发生的制度原因及对策

    Study on System Cause of Tax Evasion and Countermeasure

  25. 第二部分,偷税犯罪中常见的帐务处理手段。

    Part II , regular account disposal methods in crime of evading taxes .

  26. 这些非法劳工也会偷税漏税。

    These illegal immigrants dodge paying taxes , too .

  27. 大多数不老实的企业都依赖大量的偷税漏税。

    Most crooked businesses rely on substantial tax evasion .

  28. 长期以来,我国的社会经济一直被偷税问题干扰。

    Our economy has been disturbed by tax evasion for a long time .

  29. 对一般纳税人企业偷税行为执行后续处罚办法的探讨

    The Discuss on the Subsequent Punishment of Common Tax-Player Busineis ' Tax Evasion

  30. 1997年刑法对偷税罪重新作出了规定,在这些年的实践中,陆续暴露出其立法的矛盾和缺陷,助长了偷税行为的泛滥。

    In 1997 , Constitution prescribes new regulations on crime of evading taxes .