
chǔ xù zhài quàn
  • deposit bond;savings bond
  1. 伯克兰:您所说的储蓄债券章程是什么意思?

    Berklin : What do you mean about the Savings Bond plan ?

  2. 我们的储蓄债券章程对长期存款储户提供最高利率。

    Our Savings Bond program offers our highest rate of interest for long-term savers .

  3. 新发行的第37期国家储蓄债券是任何一个纳税人的必然之选。

    The new 37th issue of National Savings Certificates is a must for any taxpayer

  4. 我会从储蓄债券里取现给�

    I 'll cash in one of my savings bonds --

  5. 只有不可转让、流动性差的“美国储蓄债券”还不够。

    Non-negotiable , illiquid " US savings bonds " would not suffice .

  6. 我想把这些储蓄债券兑换成现金。

    I 'd like to cash these saving bonds .

  7. 等我把钱攒够了,我马一考虑把我的一部分积蓄换成储蓄债券。

    I 'll consider placing some of my savings in Savings Bonds as soon as I save enough .

  8. 听起来真不错,但是如果我不得不提前兑现储蓄债券怎么办?

    That sounds very nice . But what if I have to cash in the Savings Bond before maturity ?

  9. 嗨,又一个刺激经济的军备竞赛!在你工作或存钱的地方买美国储蓄债券吧!

    Hey , another arms race to stimulate the economy ! Buy US Savings Bonds where you work or save !

  10. 但是,我们希望顾客们十分确信有把握直到期满才支取存款,再来购买储蓄债券。

    But we encourage customers not to buy Savings Bonds unless they are reasonably sure they can hold them until matuity .

  11. 大卫•塞维尔:他们正在储蓄债券,这样7年后你就能得到足够多的钱去买一些东西了。

    David Seville : They 're savings bonds . In seven years you will get enough money from them to buy something nice .

  12. 当拥有一定财富时,人们不再满足于银行储蓄、债券等保守型投资,而将目光转向股票、外汇等风险型投资,同时随着中国进入WTO,投资者也可以选择海外产业投资。

    When having a certain wealth , people are no longer satisfied in bank savings , bonds and other conservative investments , while turning to the stock and foreign exchange risk investment , as China entered the WTO , investors can choose to overseas industrial investment .

  13. 在本文笔者选取了大多数学术论文中的统计项目,即手持现金、储蓄、债券、股票、保险准备金这几项作为的统计项目。

    In this paper the author selected the statistical projects that most academic papers using , namely cash , savings , bond , stock , insurance reserve . These items form the residents ' financial asset .

  14. 这些人喜欢长期投资于有形性较低的储蓄,如债券,股票。

    These persons tend to look for a higher return , in less tangible savings such as bonds and debentures .

  15. 这篇文章的作者总结道,新出现的储蓄过剩造成债券收益率处于低位,由此引发了疯狂的贷款行为,我们现在看到了这种行为的后果。

    The authors conclude that the low bond yields caused by newly emerging savings gluts drove the crazy lending whose results we now see .

  16. 我国居民金融资产结构由以前单一的现金&储蓄结构向债券、股票、保险等多元化结构转变。

    China 's population structure of financial assets in cash from the previous one-saving structure to bonds , stocks , insurance , diversified structural changes .

  17. 对于债务人,因为越来越多的储蓄存款流入债券和股票市场,银行储蓄存款的增长在下降。

    For the debtors , because more and more saving deposits flowed into bond and stock markets , the increase of saving deposits in banks slowed down .

  18. 如果在香港持有的人民币无法投资于中国内地,那么除了预期其升值之外,在香港以低收益率储蓄存款和债券的形式持有人民币几乎是毫无意义的。

    Apart from appreciation , there is little point holding renminbi in Hong Kong in low-yielding deposit accounts and bonds if it cannot be invested in the mainland .

  19. 但尽管存在过度储蓄的情况,债券义和团运动仍有可能出现。

    Yet it can still take place despite the existence of excess savings .

  20. 大部分公债的购买者来自国内,资本外流的控制措施也确保了国内储蓄者购买政府债券。

    Most of it is funded through domestic , not foreign , debt and controls on capital outflows ensure that domestic savers buy government bonds .

  21. 影响国际金融格局的因素有:购买消费品及服务的情况,购买实物要素即投资总量的情况,储蓄(包括购买债券)的情况,股票及金融衍生品的情况。

    The factors affecting the international financial structure are : the purchase of consumer goods and services , the purchase of physical elements which is reflected by the investment total , savings ( including the purchase of bonds ), equity and financial derivatives . 3 .

  22. 自愿储蓄、强制储蓄和税收-债券发行安排&三种社会保障机制的比较研究

    Over - Saving , Compulsory Saving and Tax - Bond Issue