
  • 网络nuo culture;Exorcise Culture
  1. 贵州土家族传统体育与傩文化关系探讨

    Discussion about the Relations Between Tujia Traditional Sports and Nuo Culture

  2. 巫文化与傩文化关系新探

    On the Relationship between Sorcery Culture and Nuo Culture

  3. 江西傩文化的旅游开发研究

    Study on the Tourism Exploitation of the Luo Culture in Jiangxi

  4. 傩文化土族形态探微

    A Study on the Tus ' Form of Nuo Culture

  5. 动机理论与傩文化之本源

    " Motivation Theory " and the Origin of Nuo Culture

  6. 内涵与特征:土家族的傩文化

    Connotation and Feature : Nuo Culture in the Tujias Area

  7. 中日稻作文化与傩文化比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Rice Cultivating Culture and Nuo Culture in China and Japan

  8. 宗族性祭礼&婺源鬼舞的傩文化研究

    Clan of Ceremonies-Wuyuan Nuo Dance Ghost Cultural Studies

  9. 赣传统傩文化研究

    A Study on Traditional Promise Culture in Kan

  10. 实施大湘西傩文化一体化营销策略和灵活性定价策略。

    We should implement systematical marketing and elastic price strategy of big XiangXi exorcism Culture .

  11. 因此,傩文化对地方社会有着多维的意义和影响。

    Therefore , the Nuo culture of the local community has a multi-dimensional significance and impact .

  12. 沅陵傩文化的伦理分析

    Ethical Analyses of Yuanling Exorcism Culture

  13. 贵州傩文化主要表现在傩戏的演出中。

    In Guizhou province there exist three types of the Nuo opera in three different regions .

  14. 傩戏是傩文化的载体,面具是傩戏艺术的重要特征。

    It is the carrier of Nuo culture , with masks as its major artistic feature .

  15. 土家族的傩文化是一种内涵丰富、特色鲜明的文化体系。

    Nuo culture in the Tujias Area is a cultural system containing abundant connotation and marked feature .

  16. 制度文化(傩文化、楚文化、历史遗迹、湿地文物等);

    Regulation culture such as Nuo culture , Chu culture , historical site and remains , wetland historical relics .

  17. 傩文化是一种古老的文化现象,在黔北农村有着广阔的市场。

    As an old cultural phenomenon , Nuo culture in Qianbei has a broad marketing space in the countrysides .

  18. 傩文化土族形态探微土族民间信仰中的神只与仪式&对民和土族村寨保护神信仰及相关仪式的人类学考察

    A Study on the Tus ' Form of Nuo Culture On the Gods and Ceremony in the Fold Belief of the Tus

  19. 中华傩文化源远流长,具有历史、审美和旅游应用的重要价值。

    The Luo Culture has a long history in China , and it has the important value of history , aesthetic appreciation and tourism .

  20. 傩文化是了解当代壮族民众的社会生活、族群特质和信仰习俗的重要途径。

    Zhuang Nuo culture is the important way to understand the contemporary social life of Zhuang , ethnic characteristics , religious beliefs and customs .

  21. 壮族傩文化的研究,对于深入当下我国傩文化与区域社会的研究具有重要的意义。

    The study of the Zhuang Nuo culture has important significance to go deep into the current Nuo culture and the regional community in China .

  22. 沅陵傩文化有其深厚的伦理意蕴:以傩神、傩歌等形式映现的生态伦理追求;

    The Exorcism Culture has its own profound ethical implications : it represents the seeking of ecological ethics in ways of Exorcism gods and songs ;

  23. 安徽池州傩戏面具随着历史的变迁而不断发展,显示了傩文化、傩戏的不朽魅力和独到的特色。

    In Anhu , Chizhou Nuo drama mask 's development continuously shows the immortal vitality , the symbolization and decoratlization of color shows ancient romantic imagination .

  24. 厉鬼瘟神信仰,是福建祠神信仰中与傩文化相关的特殊形态。

    Thirdly , the faith of ferocious ghost and god of plague is a special form that is related to Nuo culture in Fujian popular cults .

  25. 论湘鄂西、湘鄂川黔苏区的文化建设湘西巫傩文化与湘鄂渝黔桂边土家族武术

    On the Witchcraft Culture of Western Hunan and the Tujia People ′ s Wushu in the Border Area of Hunan , Hubei , Chongqing and Guizhou

  26. 江西省拥有丰富的文化资源,包括神秘的民俗文化&傩文化、历史悠久的瓷器文化、水上运动文化以及红色文化等。

    Jiangxi is rich in cultural resources , including the mysterious folk culture-Nuo culture , long history of porcelain culture , water sports culture , and red culture .

  27. 摘要在湖北恩施三岔一带,有一种古老的还愿仪式,这种仪式保留了许多巫文化和傩文化因子。

    Around Sancha of Enshi in Hubei province , there is an old ceremony for promise fulfillment , which reserves many factors of cultures about Witch and luo .

  28. 本文首先对巫傩文化的含义做了一个清晰的论述,并对湘西地区巫傩文化的盛行情况进行了概述。

    In the paper , firstly , the meaning of Witchcraft culture has made a clear exposition , and the Western regions the prevalence of Witchcraft culture are outlined .

  29. 永靖与临夏回族自治州、青海省临近,特有的地理位置为永靖傩文化和其他宗教文化的交流提供了便利。

    Yongjing located next to Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture and Qinghai Province , its unique location provides convenience for the communications between Yongjing Nuo culture and the other religious cultures .

  30. 永靖地区傩文化在不断发展变化,随着当地的民俗、道教、佛教等的宗教渗入逐渐演变出丧葬傩形式。

    The Nuo culture of Yongjing is constantly evolving and changing , Nuo funeral has been gradually evolved with the penetration of the local customs , Buddhism , Taoism and the other religions .