
  • 网络plain bar
  1. 分析给出不同直径光圆钢筋的锚固长度,并按GB50010-2002的模式提出相应的锚固长度计算公式。本文提出的粘结-滑移本构方程与实测结果相关性好,可为活性粉末混凝土结构理论分析提供依据。

    According to GB 50010 & 2002 , the paper gives a new formulation to calculate the anchorage length , which can provide foundation for theoretical analysis of reactive powder concrete structures .

  2. 再论冷轧扭钢筋混凝土结构的力学性能&冷轧扭钢筋、螺纹钢筋、光圆钢筋混凝土梁结构性能的对比试验研究

    On the Mechanical Properties of Concrete Structure with Cold-rolled and Twisted Bars

  3. 在张拉摩阻力研究方面:用光圆钢筋和螺纹钢筋制作成的缓粘结预应力筋进行了不同龄期下的拉拔试验。

    The bond-retarded tendons made of plain steel bars and ribbed steel bars , respectively are stretched under different age .

  4. 研究了混凝土保护层胀裂时及胀裂前锈蚀对无横向约束光圆钢筋混凝土试件粘结性能的影响机理。

    The effect of corrosion on the bond between concrete and plain bar reinforcement without stirrups is studied during cover cracking and before cover cracking .

  5. 为了研究光圆钢筋与活性粉末混凝土的粘结性能,本文改变钢筋直径与锚固长度测定了粘结应力和滑移量。

    To study the bond capability between round steel bars and reactive powder concrete , the bond stress and slippage are measured with steel bars of different diameters and anchorage lengths .

  6. 此外用冷拔多头螺纹钢筋代换光圆钢筋后,带来的楼板配筋率下降,也是此类板开裂普遍的一个重要原因。

    And what is the addition is using the cold draw multiple thread steel bar substitution light round , brings the floor ratio of reinforcement drops , is also the reason of this kind of board dehiscence universal substantial .

  7. 热轧盘条和热轧光圆钢筋的合格率均为100%,显示我省生产这两种钢筋已达到较成熟的水平。

    The acceptance rates of the hot - rolled wire rods and hot-rolled plain steel bars are all 100 percent , indicating that the Province has reached a relatively high level in producing the two kinds of steel bars .

  8. 进行了14组试件来进行不同温度下钢筋与混凝土间的粘结锚固力实验,其中6组采用φ10光圆钢筋,8组采用Φ12螺纹钢筋。

    We carry through 14 groups tests to progress the anchor capability experiment between reinforcing steel bar and concrete at the differ temperature , there are 6 groups tests adopting round steel bar and 8 groups tests adopting screw thread steel bar .