
  • 网络cash value
  1. 实用主义从真理发生学及其实际经验兑现价值的角度,提出了独特的真理效用论;

    From the perspectives of the genetics of truth and the empirical cash value of truth , Pragmatists propose their distinctive pragmatic theory of truth ( PTOT ) .

  2. 截止到目前,还没有人到美国新泽西州兑现价值33830万美元的强力球奖券。

    And so far no one has come forward in New Jersey to claim the winning Powerball ticket worth $ 338.3 million .

  3. 要实现办馆效益,必须做到入藏文献合乎社会需求,要千方百计地把文献提供给读者利用,要力求使兑现价值大于投入。

    To realize benefits of library services , we should adapt library collections to social needs , provide documents for as many readers as possible , realize value greater than input .

  4. 尽管当企业向员工发行股份时不会有现金上的交易,但企业这么做就失去了自己在市场上出售这些股份或期权以兑现价值的可能性。

    While no cash may change hands when a company issues equity to its employees , the firm denies itself the chance to sell those shares or options for value in the market .

  5. 有用即真理在本质上是错误的,但其在研究真理论时注重其兑现价值、在真理产生过程中注重人们相互认同的作用等对我们在全面认识真理论时是有一定的积极作用的;

    " Useful namely the truth " is wrong in essence . But it can play a positive role upon the process of achieving the values and the attention of mutual cognition in the formation of the truth .

  6. 兑现承诺与价值观回报是对知识员工的最好激励&关于建立知识团队心理契约的思考

    Commitment-focused and Value-based Compensations Is the Best Incentive for Knowledge Teams & A Study on Psychological Contracts for Dynamic Knowledge-based Teamwork

  7. 但新老收藏家以这些价格出售艺术品,仍能兑现相当高的价值。

    But seasoned and new collectors can realise substantial value at these prices .
