
  • 网络whole milk;whole breast
  1. 选用11头初生重43.05±4.52kg的荷斯坦公犊牛,群养模式下,全乳饲喂生产小白牛肉,实验期120d。

    In the experiment , 11 Holstein bull calves ( birth weight 43.05 ± 4.52kg ) were fed with whole milk to produce white veal in group pen for 120 days .

  2. 在育成期,日增重及饲料摄取量全乳组均高于代乳组,但无显著差异;

    In whole milk group than the other , but significant difference does not exist .

  3. 方法对22例行保乳术的早期乳腺癌患者(10例左侧,12例右侧)行术后全乳放疗并配合使用ABC技术。

    Methods Having breast conservative surgery , 22 early stage breast cancer patients ( left-sided lesion 10 , right-sided 12 ) were treated by whole breast radiotherapy with active breathing control ( ABC ) technique .

  4. 术后全乳切线照射50Gy,瘤床追加电子束照射1125cGy。

    Tumor bed was irradiated additional 1 125 cGy with eletron beam .

  5. 全乳固体快速测定方法研究

    Study on the method of quick measuring solid component in milk

  6. 皆行手术治疗,包括局部切除、全乳切除、根治术及扩大根治术等。

    Treatment varied from local excision of the tumor to radical mastectomy .

  7. 全乳固体微波滤纸快速测定方法的研究

    Study on the Method of Total Milk Solids with Microwave and Filter Papers

  8. 成了需要全乳切除的幸运儿。

    I 'm the lucky one who 'll have her breast fully removed .

  9. 影响乳腺癌调强适形放射治疗全乳临床靶区确定的因素

    Factors Influencing Clinical Target Volume Delineation of Intact Breast in Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer

  10. 乳腺癌全乳切除加全腋淋巴结清除术的远期疗效

    Long-term result of total mastectomy with complete removal of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer

  11. 乳腺癌保乳术后全乳野中野适形调强放射治疗技术

    Field in field technology in total breast IMRT after breast conserving surgery on breast cancer

  12. 说明全乳饲喂的犊牛相对于其它组生长发育状况最好。

    It is implied that the calves fed with milk exclusively have the best growth state .

  13. 用显著性检验方法判断全乳固体快速测定方法的可靠性

    Reliability testing of rapid analysis on determination of solid phase in milk by means of significance test

  14. 病人被随机按1:1比例分为术中瘤床靶向放疗和术后全乳放疗。

    Patients were randomly assigned in a1:1 ratio to receive targeted intraoperative radiotherapy or whole breast external beam radiotherapy .

  15. 目的:探讨汤药在高危乳腺癌全乳切除术后复发因素中的作用。

    Objectives : Studying and researching the effectiveness of herbal medicine on the recurrence factors of high-risk breast cancer after adenomammectomy .

  16. 在这个研究中,作者比较术中瘤床照射和术后全乳放疗的效果。

    In this study , the authors compared targeted intraoperative radiotherapy with the conventional policy of whole breast external beam radiotherapy .

  17. 目的:总结早期乳腺癌保乳手术后局部复发的表现,分析全乳放疗的作用。

    Objective : To summarize the expression of local relapse after early breast-conserving surgery and to analyze the role of whole-breast radiotherapy .

  18. 犊牛早期断奶对反刍胃的发育饲料利用率及生长发育的影响&全乳及代乳

    Effects of early weaning on ruminant stomach DEVELOPMENT 、 FEED utilization efficiency , growth and development of calves & whole milk milk substitutes

  19. 术中可见左侧全乳为巨大肿块占据,乳腺组织少且被压迫,肿块有包膜,血运丰富。

    The left breast is occupied by the mass with integrate envelope and abundant blood supply , while breast tissue is highly compressed .

  20. 根治术471例,改良根治204例,27例行全乳切除加低位腋清除术。

    471 patients underwent radical mastectomy , 204 patients underwent modified mastectomy , and 27 patients underwent total mastectomy with low axillary nodes resection .

  21. 全乳加入凝乳酶后,所测定的牦牛个体乳样均能正常凝乳,而中国荷斯坦牛乳中有35%的样品无法凝乳。

    All of the yak milk samples coagulated normally after adding chymosin , while in Chinese Holsteins , 35 % of the milk samples failed to coagulate .

  22. 方法:111例临床Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期患者行保乳手术,术后行全乳放疗,局部缩野照射。

    Methods : 111 patients with stage ⅰ or ⅱ breast cancer were treated with conservative surgery and breast radiation therapy , boosts were given at the primary tumor site .

  23. 且处理前后试牛鲜乳质量(鲜乳密度、乳脂率、全乳总固体、乳蛋白和乳糖)无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    And the milk quality ( density , butterfat percentage , total solid body of milk , butter-protein and milk sugar ) had no obvious distinction before and after test .

  24. 作者认为,全乳切除加全腋淋巴结清除术预后好,功能好,尤其适用于临床Ⅰ、Ⅱ期的患者。

    It is suggested that total mastectomy with complete axillary lymph node removal provides good prognosis and good function . It is especially indicated for clinical stage ⅰ and ⅱ patients .

  25. 因此,三组试验中全乳饲喂条件下犊牛的前胃发育受到明显抑制,而牛奶与犊牛料自由采食或定量采食条件下的犊牛胃形态发育基本正常。

    So fore stomach of the whole milk feeding group development was restrained , and morphological development of free feed and quantitative gather the food group were basically normal . 2 .

  26. 将4颗自然脱落的釉质发育不全乳前牙用于釉质溶解度的研究,比较发育不全部位和正常部位釉粉的溶解度。

    Four exfoliated hypoplastic anterior deciduous teeth were studied about the solubility of dental enamel in order to compare the solubility of the defective enamel with that of the normal enamel in the same teeth .

  27. 术后不加全乳放疗组局部复发率高(2.56%与20.00%)。

    The local recurrence rate in the group without whole-breast radiotherapy after operation was higher compared with that in the group of whole-breast tangential irradiation plus tumor-bed radiotherapy ( 20.00 % vs 2.56 % ) .

  28. 实验组给药前后鲜奶密度、乳脂率、全乳总固体率、乳蛋白率和乳精率均无明显差异(P>0.05);

    And the milk quality ( density , butter-fat percentage , total solid body of milk , butter - protein and milk sugar ) had no obvious distinction before and after the test ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  29. 肿瘤活检后进行化疗和中药治疗2例,乳腺癌根治术3例、全乳切除及肿物切除各1例。后5例术后皆进行了放疗和化疗。

    Treatments consisted of chemotherapy and Chinese herb drugs in 2 cases , radical mastectomies in 3 , simple mastectomy and removal of the tumor mass each in 1 . The latter 5 cases were treated with postoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy .

  30. 强化全营养乳对环磷酰胺致突变和移植性肿瘤的抑制作用

    The inhibitory effect of fortified full nutritional milk on mutagenicity induced by cyclophosphamide and transplanted tumor in mice