
  1. 通过对具体作品的解读,分析了公文特定的话语方式,揭示公文写作中所具有特殊的政治文化意义。

    After reading the very article and analysing the specific terminologies of official documents , the author reveals the special political significance of official document writing .

  2. 公文中使用模糊语言是不可避免的,模糊语言在公文中所起的作用是精确语言不能替代的。

    It is inevitable to use fuzzy language in official documents , and its role cannot be replaced by precise language .

  3. 公文理论是对公文规律性的总结,考察明代公文理论的研究状况,总结明人在公文研究方面所取得的创新成果,对系统地研究公文理论有着重要的意义。

    Make clear of the research condition about the Ming Dynasty official document theory , summarizing the innovation achievement on the official document research by people in Ming Dynasty , both of these are do good to we to study the official document theory systematically .