
  • 网络PLN;zloty
  1. 这会使兹罗提更加坚挺;兹罗提(波兰货币单位名称)兑欧元的汇率已经上升。

    That will strengthen the zloty further ; it has risen against the euro .

  2. 这会使兹罗提更加坚挺;

    That will strengthen the zloty further ;

  3. 这股抛售潮也波及了被视为比较坚挺的新兴市场货币,墨西哥比索下跌0.8%,波兰兹罗提下跌0.7%。

    The sell-off also hit currencies seen as more robust , with the Mexican peso down 0.8 per cent and the Polish zloty down 0.7 per cent .