
  1. 该部门欢迎本行政区内各团体提出申请。

    The Department is inviting applications from groups within the Borough .

  2. 赫坎按蚊种团内各亲缘种间基因组重复DNA的限制酶切长度差异

    Restriction fragment length differences of genomic repetitive DNA from five sibling species of Anopheles HYRCANUS group

  3. 细胞的形态和结构介于P细胞和心肌细胞之间。最后对窦房结内各细胞的功能特点加以讨论。

    The shape and structure of T cell is between P and myocardial cell , and situated on the periphery of node .

  4. 方法观察40例健康志愿者鼻咽咀嚼肌间隙内各结构的MRI表现;

    Methods The MR images of nasopharyngeal masticator space in 40 healthy volunteers were analyzed .

  5. 本文详细论述了基于Agent的通信平台设计,着重介绍了系统内各Agent间的通信机制,消息格式定义和通信安全机制的设计。

    This article presents the communication platform based on Agent , and designs the communication mechanism , message format and security mechanism .

  6. 同时还发现,同一倍性的种与种之间,种内各株系之间,DNA的含量有一定的差异。

    The result also showed there was some difference in DNA content to the same ploidy between different species and different strains of the intraspecies .

  7. 结果mRNA水平:生殖腺内各部位的雄激素受体mRNA表达三组间均无差异;

    Results On the mRNA level : in all reproductive glands , there is no difference in mRNA expression of androgen receptor among the three groups ;

  8. 结果食管壁内各层均存在动脉网,粘膜下层动脉网丰富,分深浅两层;NET编写P2P应程序。NET下的部分实现。

    Results There were arterial net in every layer of esophagus , the arterial net in submucosa was plentiful and might be divided into deep layer and shallow layer ;

  9. 通过对薄膜蒸发器内各料液进行CFD分析,针对高粘度物料提出了一种物料膜厚计算方法。

    A calculation method of liquid film thickness for high viscosity fluid was put forward by CFD analysis of fluids in thin film evaporator .

  10. 基于以上工作本文按照毫米波对信号源的要求,着力于解决系统内各部件的相互协调,完成Ka频段信号可调功率输出,实现了微波频率源的毫米波扩展。

    Based the above work , we can extend the frequency range of microwave signal source to millimeter wave band .

  11. 利用计算机求出H型钢内各点随时间变化的温度,绘出等温线,以研究H型钢理想的冷却方法。

    The nodal temperature changing with time in H-shaped steel column is solved by using computer and draws the isothermal line in order to study the more ideal cooling means of H-shaped steel column .

  12. 在该策略中,对OFDM帧间相同载波上的符号进行空时编码,实现空时分集;OFDM帧内各子载波上的符号则使用循环延迟引入频率分集,实现空频编码。

    In the new coded strategy , symbols on the same sub-carriers between different OFDM frames are to be space-time coded and then transmit diversity could be achieved ;

  13. 提出改进的一致性信息滤波(ICF)算法,实现通信和测量范围内各UAV节点的分布式信息融合。

    An improved information consensus filter ( ICF ) is proposed to achieve distributed data fusion for the UAVs within their communication and measurement range .

  14. 结果表明:采用该方法分配面源SO2允许排放总量,可保证城市总量控制区内各网格上的SO2浓度值均满足国家标准。

    The results show that with the method , SO_2 concentrations can be controlled within the National Standards on the grids of the control areas ( urban areas ) .

  15. 本文研究的结果提供了一套由精密星历计算轨道参数的方法及一套各个GPS卫星在一个较长时间段内各历元时刻的轨道参数,为进一步的研究提供数据。

    The result of this study provides a method calculating GPS satellite orbit parameters through IGS precise ephemerides . Orbit parameters of each GPS satellite at each epoch over a long period are calculated , which can be used for further research .

  16. 结合修正聚类分析模型及灰色预测GM(1,1)模型,建立了污染物达标浓度阈值计算模型,从而可确定系统内各因子在达标这个环境目标下的浓度临界值,即目标总量控制值。

    Based on both the modified clustering model and GM ( 1,1 ) model , the concentration threshold model of each pollutant is established to calculate the critical value with the environment aim at attaining the standard grade .

  17. 提出了一种自适应的Snake算法,对于初始包络上的每一点,按照Greedy算法中的能量公式计算其邻域内各点的能量.最后介绍了Greedy算法,并给出了文本语料搜索的具体流程。

    An adaptive Snake algorithm is presented in this paper . To every point in the initial position , the energy of the point in its neighbors is calculated using the formula given in Greedy algorithm .

  18. 目的探讨超声定量组织多普勒速度成像技术(QTVI)评价正常人左、右心室间及左心室内各节段心肌同步性运动的价值。

    Objective To assess the inter - and intraventricular synchronicity in systole and diastole using quantitative tissue velocity imaging ( QTVI ) .

  19. 目的观察大鼠弥漫性轴突损伤(DAI)早期脑内各部位淀粉样前体蛋白(β-APP)表达的变化。

    S Objective To observe the changes in the expression of β - amyloid precursor protein (β - APP ) in selected brain areas in early stage of diffuse axonal injury ( DAI ) in rats .

  20. 抗体与样本反应时间在组内各时间段之间的比较中,反应时间>5min时平均荧光强度(MFI)、阳性率均无统计学差异;

    With the time of sample and antibodies ' reaction , the MFI increased and there was no significant difference after 20 min of the reaction ;

  21. 接着详细分析了定量反馈理论控制器的设计原理与方法,并将其应用到某型涡扇发动机控制系统中,设计了全包线范围内各个子区域的涡扇发动机OFT鲁棒控制器。

    The QFT controller design methodology is studied , and applied in the control system of the turbofan engine to design the robust controller in the full envelope .

  22. 零件库作为CAD系统的一个重要的组成部分,可以有效的缩短设计时间、降低企业成本,是企业内各部门之间、企业与企业之间信息共享的平台。

    Parts Library , as the essential part of the CAD system , could efficiently shorten the designing time and lower the Enterprise Cost . And it is also the platform to share the information between the departments in the Enterprise and from one Enterprise to another .

  23. 结果体外循环冠脉搭桥组尿微量白蛋白与尿肌酐比值(m-Alb/Cr)、尿N-乙酸-β-D氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)浓度组内各点相比,T1与T0比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Results The ratio of urinary microalbumin to creatinine and NAG levels increased significantly at T_1 as compared with that at T_0 in on-pump coronary revascularization ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 设计了一个用来识别汽车颜色的BP神经网络,通过对网络内各结构参数的改进,克服了传统网络易陷入局部最小点、收敛速度慢等缺陷。

    A BP neural network is designed to recognize the color of vehicle . Traditional BP algorithm has many defects , such as slow rate of convergence , falling into a local minimum easily and so on . Network parameters are needed adjusted to avoid these defects .

  25. 研究了在不浸酸鞣制过程中,鞣液的pH值、紫外吸收以及皮内各层的pH值和相变温度的变化规律,以进一步认识不浸酸铬鞣剂的鞣制机理。

    To understand the tanning mechanism of no-pickling chrome tannage , the variation of pH value and ultraviolet spectra of tanning liquor during the chrome tanning without pickling were studied . Also , the pH value and phase transition temperature in different layer of leather were measured in the experiment .

  26. R20的目标是通过全球范围内各地方政府的互相合作,拟定及实施低碳和抵御气候变化的项目。

    The goal of R20 is to develop and implement low-carbon and climate-resilient projects through cooperation among local governments around the world .

  27. 方法以辖区内各县区CDC填报全省统一报表为数据来源,对汕头市CDC健康教育专业人员构成、设备、经费等情况对照现有的有关部省级相关要求进行研究与分析。

    Methods Unified report forms from the individual districts and counties as data resource , research and analysis were conducted on the composition of professionals , equipment , fund with the requirement of the ministries and provinces as control .

  28. 于2001年6月,在每组围栏内各放入5雄5雌成年大仓鼠,检验投放EP-1毒饵后对大仓鼠繁殖力的影响。

    In June of 2001 , each enclosure was supplied with 5 male and 5 female adult greater long-tailed hamsters , and with baits .

  29. 结果表明,用普通玻璃扩散管盛气、NaCl饱和溶液封闭,倒立放置,在一个月内各气体组分含量变化在±5%范围以内,是一种简便、适用的气体封存、放置方法。

    The result shows that the variation of various gas samples stored upside down in ordinary glass diffusion tubes and sealed with saturated NaCl solution for one month is less than 5 % . It is a convenient and appropriate method for sealing and storing gas samples .

  30. 结果表明,NB和ZINB模型对数据拟合较好,模型内各气象因子显著性水平较高,对雷击火发生次数均具有较好的预测能力。

    Comparison of the two models according to AIC , Vuong and other methods showed that the fitting ability and predictive power of ZINB model are better than those of the NB model .