
  1. 本文探讨了工业工程(IE)的内涵外延、学科体系、主要职能和基本特征;

    Having hold a discussion on Industrial Engineering 's connotation and extension .

  2. 产品设计领域基于概念内涵外延的名词与动词的语义分析

    A Semantic Analysis of Noun and Verb Phrase Based on Concept Intension and Extension in Product Design

  3. 第五章中,作者更深一步地探讨了内涵外延的机制,并且把它视为一种认知语用学的现象。

    Part five is the further discussion of mechanism of connotation and denotation , taking them as a cognitive-pragmatic phenomenon .

  4. 通过内涵外延,该模式还可以对沿边地带的区域开发提供重要的指导意义。

    By expanding its intension , this model will also provide important guiding significance for the regional development in the belt along the frontier .

  5. 本文第二部分简要分析了拍卖合同在我国法律下的内涵外延,藉此确定了讨论的范围。

    The second part analyses briefly the connotation and denotation of auction contract in Chinese lawso as to confirm the scope of the study .

  6. 其次,系统地归纳和总结了员工绩效管理的内涵外延,包括员工绩效管理的定义、作用、过程、衡量等。再次,论文运用系统的方法与层次分析法,确定了建立评价模型的原则;

    The thesis induced the intension and extension of staff performance management , including the definition , effect , process and measure methods of staff performance management .

  7. 为了进一步准确的把握强制缔约的内涵外延,文章将强制缔约按一定的标准进行分类,作出了列举。依据强制缔约是否在法律上有明文的规定,将其分为直接强制缔约和间接强制缔约。

    In order to more correctly grasp its intension and extension of imperative contracting , the article classified it according to certain standard and discusses all these categories .

  8. 在进行省略句理解的时候,本文提出了在语义分析时进行省略判定的原则,根据概念的内涵外延,以及概念之间关系等对省略现象进行了恢复研究,经过初步测试,取得一定的成果。

    In the ellipsis sentences understanding , the ellipsis phenomenon was determined at the semantic analysis , and was realized its recover based on concept , connotation , extension , concept relations .

  9. 通过对金融自由化主要内容的整理,界定金融自由化的内涵外延、推进方式、经济效应、实施顺序和初始条件等。

    By analyzing the main contents of finance liberalization , the paper defines the intension and extension , the developing manner , the economic returns , the implementing procedures , the preconditions , etc. of the finance liberalization .

  10. 具体分析面向协调的经济环境系统管理的内涵外延,得出其既是社会经济宏观管理的内容,具有宏观管理的共性,但在可持续发展观下,在管理的目标和范围上又存在一定差别。

    After analyzing the connotation of " Ec-Ev " System management facing coordination , a conclusion is drawed that it has the commonness of macro-management , but from standpoint of sustainable development it has some differences in the management purpose and field .

  11. 对多领域战争空间Agent建模实践的内涵、外延、特点等内容进行了论述,并给出了原型设计,为本课题的长期研究奠定了基础,指明了方向。

    The connotation , extension , and characteristics of agent-based comprehensive-domain war universe were discussed , and its prototype was designed , which was a milestone of this long-term research plan .

  12. 基于课程整合的内涵与外延,分析课程整合的组织形式,并结合CAD课程教学的内容划分详细的单元教学计划,探讨课程整合的模式与具体实施过程。

    Analyses the organized forms of curriculum integration based the implications and extensions , partitioned the detailed teaching programs and discusses the implementation and correlated models of CAD curriculum integration combining with practicality in our college .

  13. 语义Web技术的发展为知识融合和同步带来了契机,在这种背景下,本文对Web中的多信息源存在的内涵和外延的异构以及同步处理机制进行了探讨。

    The advent and development of the Semantic Web brings good opportunities to them . Under such circumstances , this paper makes further analysis and research on an intensional and extensional heterogeneity between distributed information sources , and a knowledge synchronization mechanism .

  14. 第三章对全程型方法组合的内涵和外延进行界定,归纳常用单一方法的特点,分析可集成性,比较AHP/DEA、灰色模糊、模糊DEA三类组合做法的异同并做出评析。

    The third chapter gives the connotation and denotation of the entire-phase-type combination , concludes the characteristics and integration of single method , compares similarities and differences between AHP-DEA , gray-fuzzy , fuzzy-DEA the three kinds of combinatorial approach and make comments .

  15. 首先分析了空间数据挖掘和知识发现(SDMKD)的内涵和外延;

    The good methods and technologies of spatial data mining and knowledge discovery ( SDMKD ) may get excellent knowledge .

  16. 文章从信息构建(IA)概念的内涵与外延两方面结合图书馆员的特殊职业身份与现代工作环境,提出了网络环境下图书馆员应具备的IA素养,为现代图书馆员的职业资格考评提供参考。

    This paper introduces the basic literacy for the librarian that belongs to Information Architecture fields through analyzing the intension and extension of the concept of IA . It provides the reference for professional qualification examination and evaluation of modern librarian .

  17. 本文透过对委托代理关系和契约的研究,在GHM理论的基础上,重新界定了剩余权力的内涵和外延,确定了信息权力的存在并明确了信息权力内涵和基本特征。

    Based on the research of agency relation and contracts , the article redefines the residual power . It proves the existence of information power and describes its definition and characteristics .

  18. 在参考国内外相关学习资源元数据标准的基础上,通过构建基于CELTS学习对象元数据标准的教学资源本体,来揭示教学资源的内涵和外延以及同学科知识点的关系。

    In reference to the domestic and foreign relevant learning resources metadata standards , though the construction of instructional resource ontology on the basis of CELTS learning object metadata standard , the connotation and extension of the learning objects and the relationship with subject knowledge units has been discovered .

  19. 论河流生物&生态修复技术的内涵、外延及其应用

    Intension and extension of river biological-ecological recovery technologies and its application

  20. 高等教育质量概念:内涵与外延

    Concept of Quality in Higher Education : Connotative and Denotative Meanings

  21. 科技企业孵化器的内涵和外延

    The Connotation and Extension of the Scientific and Technical Business Incubator

  22. 该系统拓展了传统车间生产管理的内涵和外延,能够实现对车间产品数据、生产过程的全面管理。

    The system extends the connotation of traditional shop production management .

  23. 第一章界定军事外交的基本概念、内涵和外延,明确研究对象和范畴、内容和形式等。

    Chapter one defines military diplomacy and clarifies the research objects .

  24. 现代物流产业概念内涵和外延的理论研究

    Research on Connotation and Extension of Modern Logistic Industry Concept

  25. 创新的内涵、外延和经济学意义

    The Connotation , Denotation , and Economical Meaning of Innovation

  26. 另外,这些概念的内涵与外延也存在一些争议和发展。

    Furthermore , the definition of the concept is continuously being developed .

  27. 文化具有如此丰富的内涵和外延,正因为这一特点它具有强烈的吸引力。

    Culture which has such rich connotation and denotation has strong attraction .

  28. 概念内涵和外延关系的再认识

    Probing into the Relation between Intension and Extension of Concepts

  29. 从比喻的内涵和外延看修辞学的本质

    Catching the character of rhetoric from the connotation and denotation of parable

  30. 拓展电视产业的内涵与外延&广东电视台红海与蓝海战略

    Industry Industry The Extended Connotation and Denotation of TV Industry