
  • 网络visceral fat;visceral adipose tissue
  1. C反应蛋白与内脏脂肪型肥胖及其相关靶器官损害的关系

    Relationship between C-reactive Protein and Visceral Fat Obesity and Their Impacts on Target Organ Damage

  2. 经CT检查显示患者大腿、小腿的皮下脂肪萎缩,内脏脂肪增加,存在脂肪肝。

    The CT shows that this patient is referred for lipoatrophy of thigh and cnemis , increased visceral fat , adiposis hepatica .

  3. 内脏脂肪组织脂联素mRNA的表达水平可以作为胰岛素抵抗的重要参数。

    The level of adiponectin mRNA in visceral adipose tissue seems to be an important parameter of insulin resistance .

  4. 内脏脂肪素对巨噬细胞MMP-9的作用及其机制探讨

    Effects and mechanism of visfatin on MMP-9 in macrophages

  5. 2型糖尿病大鼠内脏脂肪组织visfatinmRNA表达的研究

    The Expression of Visfatin mRNA in Visceral Adipose of Type 2 Diabetic Rats

  6. 换言之,亚洲人在较低的BMI值时倾向有更多的内脏脂肪。

    In other words , Asians tend to have more visceral fat at lower BMI values .

  7. 蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶1B在2型糖尿病初诊患者内脏脂肪组织的表达水平

    Expression of tyrosine protein phosphatase 1B in adipose tissues of newly diagnosed diabetic patients

  8. 肥胖所致的内脏脂肪沉积和血游离脂肪酸(freefattyacid,FFA)水平的升高是导致脂毒性的关键因素。

    The deposition of visceral fat and high level of free fatty acid ( FFA ) in plasma induced by obesity are the critical factors which can cause lipotoxicity .

  9. 没有丛状蛋白D1基因的斑马鱼比他们“苹果型身材”的同类拥有更少的内脏脂肪。

    The fish without the Plexin D1 gene had less visceral fat tissue than their " apple-shaped " counterparts with the gene .

  10. 他人与我们既往的实验研究和初步的临床观察显示ARB能减少内脏脂肪堆积。

    Others and our previous study have found that ARB can reduce the intra-abdominal fat depots .

  11. 在普通人群中,我们得出的结论是较高的内脏脂肪组织(VAT)与低级别炎症相关,这可能导致亚临床左室舒张功能障碍。

    In general subjects , we concluded that higher amounts of VAT were associated with low-grade inflammation and this may lead to subclinical LV diastolic dysfunction .

  12. 结论:2型糖尿病大鼠内脏脂肪组织visfatinmRNA表达及血清visfatin水平均明显增高。

    Conclusion : The expression of visfatin mRNA in visceral adipose and the serum visfatin levels were significantly increased in type 2 diabetic rats .

  13. 通过做磁共振或CT扫描可以找到内脏脂肪,当然自己在家也可做个简单的测试:如果你腰围较大,或者是苹果状体型,那腹部肥肉很可能就是内脏脂肪堆积所至。

    You can spot visceral fat via an MRI or CT scan , but there 's a simple test for it at home : If you have a large waistline or you 're apple-shaped , you likely have visceral belly fat .

  14. 结论:与患者的BMI或腰围相对比,腹部内脏脂肪组织容积与男女性患者患糜烂性食管炎风险增加相关联。

    CONCLUSIONS : In contrast to BMI or waist circumference , abdominal visceral adipose tissue volume is associated with an increased risk of erosive esophagitis in men and women .

  15. 这些数据显示内脏脂肪是IL-6分泌的一个重要部位,这可能是腹型肥胖患者内脏脂肪与全身炎症反应相关联的潜在机制。

    These data suggest that visceral fat is an important site for IL-6 secretion , and provide a potential mechanistic link between visceral fat and systemic inflammation in persons with abdominal obesity .

  16. 试验1和试验2结束时,屠宰试验1中的自由采食组和试验2的所有仔猪,取背部、腹部和内脏脂肪组织,提取总RNA。

    On d 28 three ad libitum treatments in experiment 1 and d 21 in experiment 2 , all the pigs were sacrificed to obtain dorsal subcutaneous , abdominal subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue samples .

  17. 近年来研究表明内脏脂肪素(visfatin)、瘦素(leptin)与缺氧、易损斑块破裂、内皮功能紊乱、炎症和糖脂代谢紊乱等密切相关,促进动脉粥样硬化的发生和发展。

    Recent studies have shown that visfatin and leptin are related to the vulnerable plaque rupture , hypoxia , endothelial dysfunction , inflammation and lipid metabolism closely .

  18. 目的探讨由超声测量的内脏脂肪厚度(VFT)评价内脏性肥胖的价值及其和代谢综合征(MS)的关系。

    Objective To investigate whether visceral fat thickness ( VFT ) measured by ultrasonography could serve as a marker of visceral fat accumulation and the relation with metabolic syndrome .

  19. 在2型糖尿病大鼠内脏脂肪组织中差异表达基因共465条,包括全长基因384条,表达序列标识(EST)81条;

    In visceral adipose tissue of type 2 diabetic rats , 465 genes transcripts were altered in comparison with control rats , including 384 complete cDNAs and 81 expressed sequence tags .

  20. 与之相对应的是,肾小球滤过率、胰岛素抵抗程度亦随着内脏脂肪面积的增大而增加(P<0·05,ANOVA),脂质代谢差异不显著。

    Meanwhile , glomerular filtration rate and insulin resistance increased ( P < 0.05 , ANOVA ), whereas lipid dysmetabolism did not , as the visceral fat area increased .

  21. 高脂饮食组大鼠的内脏脂肪中visfatin表达显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Compared with control group , the visfatin expression of visceral fat tissue in HFD group were significantly higher ( P < 0.05 ) .

  22. 目的观察不同体重SD大鼠胰岛β细胞G蛋白偶联受体40(GPR40)表达水平与内脏脂肪含量及胰岛素1相分泌之间的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between visceral fat 、 first phase of insulin secretion and G-protein coupled receptor 40 expressing in beta cells in SD rats with different weight .

  23. 观察16w时各组动物颈动脉、冠状动脉、主动脉组织病理变化和内脏脂肪系数。

    Pathological changes of carotid artery , coronary artery , aorta and bowel fat coefficient were observed at 16th week .

  24. 同时,检测尼古丁治疗大鼠模型的四种胰岛素敏感组织(骨骼肌、肝脏、内脏脂肪和皮下脂肪)的关键蛋白(PPAR-γ、COX-2、AMPK)表达水平,从而寻找尼古丁影响的靶蛋白。

    Meanwhile , we detected key protein expression ( PPAR-gamma , COX-2 , AMPK ) in four insulin sensitive tissue ( skeletal muscle , liver , visceral fat and subcutaneous fat ) in nicotine treated rat model .

  25. 黄酮处理4w,可以明显改善模型小鼠的体重,并显著降低内脏脂肪含量和空腹血浆胰岛素水平。

    After FSP treatment for 4 weeks , body weight and the content of visceral fat mass were evidently decreased and the level of fasting blood insulin was also significantly decreased .

  26. 11-βHSD1在内脏脂肪组织的高表达促进肥胖的发生。

    The over - expression of 1 1 β - HSD 1 in visceral adipose can promote the development of obesity .

  27. 内脏脂肪素(Visfatin)是新发现的由内脏脂肪细胞分泌的一种脂肪细胞因子,可结合并激活胰岛素受体,模拟胰岛素作用,从而降低血糖;还能够促进脂肪组织的分化、合成及积聚。

    Visfatin , which not only directly binds to and stimulates the insulin receptor but also imitates insulin actions and lower plasma glucose levels , is capable of facilitating the differentiation , synthesis , accumulation of the adipose tissue .

  28. 探讨延边地区朝鲜族和汉族老年人体脂指数(BMI)、内脏脂肪(VF)、体脂肪率(BFR)与血压的关系,并比较这些因素在不同民族和不同性别老年人中的差异。

    To research the relationship between body mass index ( BMI ), body fat percentage , visceral fat ( VF ) and blood pressure in the Korean and Han nationality elder , and investigate the difference of above between Korean and Han .

  29. 给药4周后处死各组大鼠收集骨骼肌及内脏脂肪标本,观察骨骼肌组织病理学变化,采用Western-Blotting免疫印迹法检测及计算机图象分析系统分析葛根素组骨骼肌中PKB的表达水平。

    After 4 weeks of treatment , plasma glucose , plasma insulin , as well as skeletal muscles pathology and visceral fat were observed . Western blotting and computer image pattern analysis system were used to analysis expression of PKB in skeletal muscles .

  30. 脂肪萎缩(Lipoatrophy)主要表现为皮下脂肪萎缩和脂肪组织异常分布,同时存在胰岛素抵抗、血糖代谢异常、高脂血症、内脏脂肪增加、脂肪肝、高血压。

    The Lipoatrophy are characterized by loss of adipose tissue in subcutane and abnormal adipose tissue distribution , with insulin resistance , dysglycemia , hyperlipoidemia , increased visceral fat , adiposis hepatica , and hypertension .