
  1. 从现在起,我将开始写我的书了。

    From now on , I will begin to write my book .

  2. 我在写我的书时,访问了一位母亲,

    One of the other mothers I interviewed when I was working on my book

  3. 当我正在写我的书,我解剖了长颈鹿和其他动物的很多特征。

    As I was writing my books , I did a lot of research on the anatomy and characteristics of giraffes and other animals .

  4. 我在写我的书的最后一章,对,就是我重写有重写的那章,不过我需要你的帮忙。

    I am on my last chapter of my book , yes the chapter I have been rewriting over and over , but I need your help .

  5. 我的意思是,在我要组织选票工作的同时我还要写我的书,然后每天只有这么24小时,时间根本不够用。

    I mean , I was trying to organize Project Vote at the same time as I was writing a book , and there are only so many hours in a day .

  6. 请把你的名词写在我的书上,好吗?

    Would you like to write your name down on my book , please ?

  7. 我得集中精神写我的申请书。

    I need to concentrate on my applications .

  8. 结果,我在1982年开始写我的第一本书《有纪律的交易者&形成赢家态度》。

    As a result , in1982 , I started working on my first book , The Disciplined Trader : Developing Winning Attitudes .

  9. 跟大多数新作者一样,我白天上班,晚上利用“闲暇时间”写我的第一本书。

    As with most new authors , I kept my day job while writing my first book during my " spare time " .

  10. 你写一本关于我的书,我能拿多少钱?关于我爸爸的书?很多钱

    How much would I get if you wrote a book about me ? About my dad ? Plenty .

  11. 那时我正在写我的上一本书,有些人说那本书很不同。

    but it was during the time I was writing my last book , and some people say that book is quite different .

  12. 我等待原稿被退回来,但在等待的同时,我已经着手在写我的第二本书,我在发现并享受着这种写作带给我的乐趣。

    As I expected the manuscript was returned to me , but while I was waiting for it , I was already busy writing a second book . I was discovering how much I enjoyed this craft of writing .

  13. 读童话时我总认为那种事情永远不会发生的,可现在自己却来到这童话世界了,应该写一本关于我的书,应该这样,当我长大了要写本可我现在已经长大了啊。

    When I used to read fairy tales , I fancied that kind of thing never happened , and now here I am in the middle of one ! There ought to be a book written about me , that there ought !