
  • 网络Agricultural environment monitoring;agricultural environmental monitoring;agriculture environmental monitoring
  1. 农业环境监测实验室三废的处理方法及管理探讨

    Treatment and Management of Three Waste in Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Laboratory

  2. 农业环境监测对于农业生产具有重要的意义。

    Agricultural Environmental Monitoring is very important for agricultural production .

  3. 基于WinCE嵌入式农业环境监测系统研究

    Agricultural Environment Monitoring Based on WinCE Embedded System Research

  4. 陕西省农业环境监测管理系统的开发

    Exploitation of Agricultural Environment Monitoring and Management System of Shanxi Province

  5. 一种用于农业环境监测的无线传感器网络设计

    Design of wireless sensor networks applied to survey of agriculture environment communication

  6. 我国农业环境监测体系发展现状与对策

    Present State and Future of Agro-Environmental Monitoring System in China

  7. 该技术是现代生物学技术同农业环境监测技术相结合的产物。

    The technology is the combined product of modern biotechnology and agriculture environmental monitoring .

  8. 我国农业环境监测网络的现状与发展

    Situation and Development pf Ag-ro-environmental Monitoring Network

  9. 叙述了中国农业环境监测工作和网络的简要发展过程,网络工作的主要成绩和贡献;

    A review on progress of agro-environment monitoring in China is described , which traced back the developing process of the job and the monitoring network .

  10. 传统的农业环境信息监测系统大都由模拟传感采集数据,通过A/D转换,由RS485总线传输数据接入PC机进行现场监测。

    The environmental information monitoring system for traditional agricultural is mostly collected by the analog sensors , through A / D conversion , data is transferred by RS 485 bus to access PC do to on site monitoring .

  11. 短信息服务技术在农业环境远程监测中的应用

    Application of short message service technology on agricultural environment remote monitoring

  12. 遥感植被指数在农业生态环境监测中的应用

    The applying RS vegetation indexes in monitoring agricultural environment

  13. 本课题对农业环境信息监测技术的发展具有重要意义。

    The subject is of far reaching importance of agricultural environmental information monitoring technology .

  14. 贵阳市无公害中药材基地农业环境质量监测与评价

    Monitoring and evaluation on agricultural environmental quality at the production bases for pollution-free traditional Chinese medicinal materials in Guiyang City

  15. 利用遥感技术实现大范围农田旱情监测已经逐渐成为农业资源环境监测及肥水高效利用的先进手段。

    Using remote sensing technology to achieve greater scope farmland drought monitoring has gradually become advanced methods in terms of agricultural resources environmental monitoring and efficient utilization of water .

  16. 经过三十多年的发展,无线传感器网络逐渐转向民用,在农业、环境监测、河流、医疗健康,建筑物环境智能化等方向都有着越来越多的应用。

    After thirty years of development , wireless sensor networks have been turning to civilian use , in agriculture , environmental monitoring , rivers , health care , and intelligent direction of the built environment have a more and more applications .

  17. 主要研究内容如下:(1)将多信息融合技术应用于农业生产环境监测;(2)组态技术开发农业生产环境监测系统;(3)可以方便、低成本实现远程监控功能。

    The main contents are as follows : ( 1 ) the application of multi information fusion technology in agricultural production environmental monitoring ; ( 2 ) configuration technology development in agricultural production environmental monitoring system ( 3 ) convenient and low cost remote monitoring capabilities .

  18. 针对设施农业环境信息自动监测的需求,研制了以单片机为核心的WHICH-1型温室环境信息采集器。

    A MCU-based system WHICH-1 is developed for the greenhouse environmental information collecting .

  19. 项目所研发的系统可以适用于温室大棚、猪场等多种农业生产环境的监测。

    System developed with the project can be applied to greenhouses , farms and other agricultural production monitoring .

  20. 农业部农业环境监测总站隶属于农业部环境保护科研监测所,建立于1979年。

    Agro-Environment Monitor Center ( AEMC ) was officially established in 1979 and is affiliated to the Agro-Environment Protection Institute ( AEPI ) of the Ministry of Agriculture ( MOA ) .

  21. 无线传感器网络在工业控制,农业生产,环境监测,军事国防等方面,都有着巨大的应用潜力。

    WSNs have a broad application prospects and can be widely used in many application areas , such as industry and agriculture produce , environment monitor , military affairs and so on .

  22. 结果表明:目前该地区的茶园土壤环境按农业土壤环境质量监测标准分析基本适合种植茶树和生产符合卫生质量标准的茶叶。

    The results show that : at the present , these soils are suitable to planting tea tree and to producing tea that suit health standard based on monitoring standard of environment quality .

  23. 以上分析说明植物物候对气候变化响应比较敏感,通过分析和掌握气候和物候变化规律,了解其对当地植物物候的可能影响,可为农业生产、生态环境监测和评估等提供一些理论依据。

    As a result , the phenological response to climate change is remarkable and through study to understand the relations between climate and phenology , it is likely to provide some theoretical basis for agricultural practice and the monitoring and assessment of ecological environment .

  24. 为了提高农业土壤、作物背景调查分析的质量,农业部环境监测研究所分别组织了土壤参考样品的比较测试。

    In order to improve the analytical quality of the background values in soils and crops , an intercomparison test among 23 laboratories has been organized .

  25. 从污灌对农业可持续发展的制约进行分析,认为聊城市污灌区农业可持续发展必须制定和完善相应法律法规;加强污灌区农业环境的调查、监测和污染治理工作;

    For sustainable agriculture development of the polluted irrigated areas , investigation , supervisions and countermeasures to agriculture should be strengthened ;

  26. 采用专家模糊聚类法把农业生态地质环境划分为3种类型、11个地质环境单元,提出了合理开发利用水资源、环境治理、农业生态地质环境质量监测等修复措施。

    The paper divides the environment into 3 categories and 11 elements and puts forward rehabilitation measures of rationally developing and utilizing water resources , environmental management and monitoring of agricultural ecologic and geological environment by using the method of expert fuzzy clustering .