
guān zhōu yán
  • pericoronitis
冠周炎[guān zhōu yán]
  1. 本文采用TDP治疗冠周炎81例,并作了抑菌实验。

    This paper reported that 81 cases of pericoronitis were treated by TDP , and the bacteriostatic experiment had also been done .

  2. 结果:显效率50.6%,总有效率96.3%,TDP对冠周炎致病菌有抑制作用。

    The results showed that the remarkable effective rate is 50 . 6 % , the total effective rate is 96 . 3 % . The TDP therapy is of an inhibitory action for pathogenic bacteria of pericoronitis .

  3. FE复合酶对孕妇冠周炎的临床疗效观察

    Observing the clinical effect of FE Compound Enzyme for treating pericoronal infection

  4. FE复合酶口腔喷雾剂治疗冠周炎的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of FE Composite Enzyme in Treating Periodontitis

  5. 结果FE复合酶治疗急性冠周炎改善临床症状较对照组明显(P<0.05)。

    Results FE composite enzyme was advantage to control group in relieving clinical symptom and syndrome in treating acute periodontitis .

  6. 目的观察FE复合酶对冠周炎的疗效及不良反应,并与甲硝唑漱口液进行比较。

    Objective To observe the clinical effect of FE composite enzyme on the periodontitis and side effect , comparing with metronidazole solution .

  7. 方法选取急性冠周炎100例,随机分为2组,FE复合酶组和甲硝唑漱口液组各50例,每天局部用药4~5次。

    Methods 100 cases with acute periodontitis were selected and randomly divided into two groups , namely FE composite enzyme group and metronidazole group . every group included 50 cases . Medicine was locally given 4 ~ 5 times every day .

  8. 对照组Eg阳性率为17.5%(21/120),Tt阴性。矛周病、冠周炎患者Eg感染度重者占多数、龋齿患者Tt阳性率高者占多数。

    The positive rate of Entamoeba gingivalis in control group is 17.5 % ( 21 / 120 ), while Trichomonas tenax is negative The majority of the patients with periodontal disease and pericoronitis have severe Entamoeba gingivalis infection .

  9. 目的观察派丽奥(Periocline,盐酸二甲胺四环素)治疗急性智齿冠周炎的临床效果及不良反应,并与碘甘油进行比较。

    Objective To observe the clinical effects and its side-effects of Periocline ( tetramycin dimethylamine hydrocloride ) treating acute wisdom teeth periodontitis and compared with iodine glycerine .

  10. 局部冠周冲洗治疗急性冠周炎的疗效观察

    Observation on the Effect of Local Pericoronal Rinsing on Acute Pericoronitis

  11. 智齿冠周炎最有效的治疗方法?

    The remedial method with wisdom tooth the most effective pericoronitis ?

  12. 冠周炎如果不及时治疗,可以恶化形成更严重的感染。

    Untreated pericoronitis can progress to a much more severe infection .

  13. 盐酸米诺环素软膏在智齿冠周炎治疗中的作用

    Application of Minocycline Hydrochloride Ointment in Treatment to Wisdom Tooth Pericoronitis

  14. 急性智齿冠周炎初期即时拔牙的疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Third Molar Extraction at Early Stage of Acute Pericoronitis

  15. 脉冲半导体激光治疗冠周炎的临床观察

    A clinical observation of pericoronitis treatment with pulse semiconductor laser

  16. 局部药物治疗急性智齿冠周炎的序贯试验

    A sequential trial of acute pericoronitis treated by drug membrane

  17. 探讨冠周炎急性期下颌智齿拔除的适宜性

    Probe into the suitability of mandibular wisdom teeth extraction during acute pericoronitis

  18. 大学生下颌智齿阻生及冠周炎发病情况调查

    Incidence survey on impacted mandibular third molars and pericoronitis of College Students

  19. 下颌智齿冠周炎致颊部皮瘘临床分析

    A clinical study on buccal skin fistula induced by pericoronitis

  20. 脉冲微波理疗在冠周炎治疗中的应用观察

    Clinical Application of Pulse-microwave Physical Therapy to the Pericoronal Infection

  21. 冠周炎的发生与下颌第三磨牙位置的相关研究

    Correlation study of pericoronitis and position of mandibular wisdom tooth

  22. 克林霉素治疗智齿冠周炎临床疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on the Effect of Clindamycin in Treating Pericoronitis of Wisdom Tooth

  23. 急性冠周炎患者冷疗前后的免疫状态研究

    Immune Status in Patients with Acute Pericoronitis by Cryotherapy

  24. 方法回顾性分析22例下颌智齿冠周炎所致颊部皮瘘的临床资料。

    Methods 22 cases with buccal skin fistula induced by pericoronitis were studied .

  25. 甲硝唑粉局部用药治疗孕妇冠周炎

    Clinical Effect of Metronidazole for Local Treating Pericoronal Infection

  26. 目的:探讨情绪指导对急性智齿冠周炎治疗的辅助疗效。

    Objective : To study the effects of mentality teaching on pericoronitis treatment .

  27. 奥硝唑加地塞米松糊剂治疗急性冠周炎的序贯试验研究

    Sequential test of ornidazole and dexamethasone paste on the treatment of acute pericoronitis

  28. 手术治疗急性冠周炎的临床探讨

    Operative treatment of acute pericoronitis : a clinical study

  29. 目的:评价替硝唑在治疗急性化脓性智齿冠周炎中的临床作用。

    Objective To discuss the cost-effect of two schemes in treating acute pericoronitis .

  30. 替硝唑治疗冠周炎、牙周炎的临床及微生态学评价

    Evaluation of the effect of tinidazole on clinical and microecology in pericoronitis and periodontitis