
  1. 这反映出冯梦龙由衷地同情书中的这些主要人物

    This reflects that Feng Menglong heartily sympathized with these protagonists .

  2. 冯梦龙在戏曲创作和改编方面取得了重大成就。

    Feng Menglong made a great achievement in composing and adapting Chinese traditional operas .

  3. 冯梦龙是俗文学家吗?

    Feng Meng-long and the acient folk literature ?

  4. 对那些伤风败俗、道德沦丧的现象和行为,冯梦龙、凌蒙初进行强烈的批判和谴责。

    To those corrupt public morals , Feng and Ling condemn and animadvert strongly .

  5. 冯梦龙是中国第一位通俗文学的编辑家、研究家与理论家。

    Feng Menglong was the first editor , researcher and theorist of vernacular literature in China .

  6. 贞芪扶正胶囊配合化疗治疗中晚期恶性肿瘤临床观察从《情史·情贞》管窥冯梦龙的情贞观

    Efficacy of Zhenqi Fuzheng Capsules in Combination with Chemotherapy for Advanced Malignant Tumor : A Clinical Observation

  7. 但素政堂主人从事才子佳人小说出版事业时,冯梦龙已死,故素政堂主人当是冯梦龙后人。

    But the Bookstore only began to engage in publishing after the death of Feng Menglong , so its owner should be his descendant .

  8. 冯梦龙的戏曲情节理论非常丰富,他围绕着传奇最忌支离这一中心点展开自己的理论探索。

    Feng Meng-long 's play plot is very rich , which outspreads his own theory exploration enclos - ing the center of ' romance taboos fragment ' .

  9. 从冯梦龙特有的文化人格和心态,深刻剖析“三言”中商贾对待婚恋的不同态度,是掌握“三言”中商贾形象特征和了解冯梦龙情爱观的独特视野。

    By means of FENG s cultural personality and psychology , to analyze the merchants different standpoints towards marriage is the special horizon to understand the merchants charac .

  10. 明代资本主义萌芽,带来哲学上王学左派的兴起与文学上市民文学的繁荣,对冯梦龙的情爱观产生重要影响。

    The germination of capitalism in Ming Dynasty brings to the upspring of leftish WANG Yangming doctrine and prosperity of civil literature , which produces the significant influences to FENG .

  11. 明朝晚期最著名的奇闻作家也许是冯梦龙,他著写了神鬼小说《平妖传》和《醒世恒言》。

    Probably the most important late Ming anecdote writer is Feng Menglong who wrote the ghost story u Pingyaozhuan and the collection Xingshi HengyanOf M Proverbs Awakening the World yy .

  12. “情教观”是晚明作家冯梦龙在其辑评的文言短篇小说集《情史》序言中提出的观点。

    The view on education based on emotion was proposed by Feng Menglong , a writer in the late Ming Dynasty , in his preface of a collection of short stories ?" History of Love Stories " .