
  • 网络Decision making principles;decision rule
  1. 在需求呈现出线性变化和二次非线性变化的条件下,可以给出具有“和谐之美”的统一方程和解析算法,对应上述决策原则的著名算法PPT、SilverMeal、LUC和Ritchie均为其特例。

    Thirdly , a kind of algebraic equation and related analytic heuristic algorithms for linear and quadratic time varying demand patterns , are presented here , while four well-known heuristics such as PPT , Silver-Meal , LUC and Ritchie 's are merely typical cases of the equation .

  2. 股份制企业投资决策原则分析

    An Analysis of Joint-stock Enterprises ' Principles of Investment Decision

  3. 模式识别过程中信息不完备情况下的决策原则分析

    Analysis of Decision Making Principles Under Incomplete Knowledge

  4. 通过描述一个激励高水平的可行激励契约集,得到一个基准的最优决策原则。

    By describing a feasible incentive contract set with high-level incentives , we derive a reference optimal decision principle .

  5. 然后定义了不同决策原则下的泛类比度,使类比度定义符合不同的决策要求。

    Secondly different extensive similitudes are defined based on different decision-making principles , which coincide with different demands in decision-making circumstance .

  6. 文章将此决策原则下的互联决策行为与在竞争原则下的互联决策行为做了比较。

    Furthermore , the paper compares IBPs policy decision behavior of interconnection under different decision principles ( cost principle and competition principle ) .

  7. 兼顾乐观主义和悲观主义的决策原则,利用综合评价均值建立了方案集上的全序关系,从而给出对所有方案进行群体排序的方法.最后给出一个算例。

    Considering optimism and pessimism decision principle , a group sequencing method for all alternatives was established by using compositive evaluating average value .

  8. 讨论了搞好堆浸的决策原则和主要工作,介绍了堆浸技术经济分析、工艺流程选择和治理三废的有关方法及要求。

    The economic analysis of heap leaching technology , selection of technological flowsheets and the methods and requirements for disposal of wastes are introduced .

  9. 遵循可持续发展原则;综合决策原则;山区环境保护优先原则;一体化保护原则。

    Follow the principles of sustainable development ; integrated decision-making principles ; mountain environmental priority principle ; mountain priority principle ; integration of conservation principles .

  10. 这种算法主要体现了两大原则,一是基于待分类别的光谱特征优化与参量化原则,二是类别判定中的模糊定义与专家决策原则。

    It is designed out in accord with two principles : one is the spectral feature optimization and parameterization , another is fuzzy and expert decision in pixel identification .

  11. 最后,在所建立的零件特征模型的基础之上,采用逆向决策原则,进行特征工艺路线和零件工艺路线的生成。

    At last , by means of inverse decision making principle , a process route of features and parts are generated on the base of feature based part model .

  12. 通过介绍物流中心的功能、分类、作用以及在系统思维下物流中心选址的逻辑思路、决策原则和影响因素,对城镇物流中心选址问题进行了综述。

    Introduces the conception 、 classification and function of logistics centers , under the systematic thinking , explains logic thinking 、 decision-making principles and influencing factors of logistics center location to summary urban logistics center location problem .

  13. 新的全球经济治理机制应该反映世界经济格局变化,遵循相互尊重、集体决策原则,增加新兴市场国家和发展中国家的代表性和发言权。

    The new mechanism for global economic governance should reflect the changes in the world economic landscape . It should observe the principle of mutual respect and collective decision-making and increase the representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries .

  14. 考生理性决策原则是追求高考分数最大化,最大化解取决于考生学习时间效能曲线形态,决定着考生学习时间与精力的分配方式,影响着考生的学习行为。

    To maximize the exam score is the examinees rational decision principle . The " learning time performance curve " determines the maximizing score , influences the examinees ′ learning behavior , and the distribution of examinees ′ energy and time .

  15. 南昌市政府对台招商调控遵循政府统一决策原则、社会经济发展总体平衡原则、协调原则、引导鼓励原则、预期原则。

    Abiding by the united government decision-making principle , the overall balance principle of social and economic development , coordination principle , guidance and encouragement principle and expectation principle , Nanchang government adjusts and controls the behavior in attracting investment from Taiwan of .

  16. 本文依据我国风险投资项目评估的决策原则和风险投资项目评估指标的设计原则,提出了我国风险投资项目评估模型,设计了我国风险投资项目评估指标体系。

    Based on venture capital project appraisal principle and the venture capital project appraisal indexes design principle in our country , proposes the venture capital project appraisal model in our country , and designs venture capital project appraisal index system of our country .

  17. 论文提出了科学合理、综合全面的桥梁施工风险决策原则和决策指南,解决了如何选取最优的建设方案和最佳风险应对策略的问题,为风险决策者提供了重要的决策参考。

    In this paper , the scientific , rational , synthetical and comprehensive guides are put forward . This makes how to select best construction project and optimum treatment strategies for construction risk of bridges possible , and provides important decision references to risks decision makers .

  18. 以经济理性和社会关系理性的决策原则作为企业采纳技术创新的决策原则,从社会资本理论的核心内涵&社会网络、信任和规范出发,全面探讨它们对企业技术创新采纳决策的影响。

    Taking economic rational and social relation rational as decision principle for firms in adopting technology innovation , starting from the core of social capital theory , social networking , trust and normal , a thorough survey of their influences on firms ' adoption of technology innovation was carried out .

  19. 选民共同参与决策的原则。

    The principle of sharing in decision making by the electorate .

  20. 将大型新兴市场纳入全球决策过程原则上是一个很好的想法。

    Bringing the big emerging markets into global decision-making is a fine idea in principle .

  21. 对概率分析结果进行决策的原则应用较多的是最大期望值原则。

    The most application principle on decision-making of probability analysis result is Maximum Expected Principle .

  22. 地州市领导科学决策的原则和方法

    Principles and Methods of Scientific Decision

  23. 此模式规范可帮助数据架构师明智地确定数据体系结构和文档决策指导原则。

    This pattern specification helps architects make informed decisions on data architecture and document decision guidelines .

  24. 如果考虑投资机会的价值,投资者作出投资决策的原则是:只有当净现值大于投资机会的价值时,才可以进行投资。

    By taking account into the value of investment opportunity , investors usually follow such a principle of making investment decision that Net Present Value exceeds the value of investment opportunity .

  25. 政府决策的原则是尽可能多地投入合理的成本,减少或避免不合理的成本,增强决策的实践理性,使决策落到实处,见到实效。

    The principle of administrative decision is to put in reasonable cost as far as possible , reduces or avoids unreasonable cost , and strengthens the practice reason on decision , put decision in practice and work effectively .

  26. 在分析操作级联关系的级联需求和继承激活基础上,阐述了对会话需求权限和会话激活权限的影响,并给出在新模型下进行访问控制决策的原则。

    Based on analysis of the cascaded requirement property and the inherited activation property of COR , the impacts on required permissions and activated permissions were discussed , and the principles to make access control decision were presented by concerning OIR and COR.

  27. 并且对城市的决策分析的原则进行了说明。

    And the city the principles of decision analysis are described .

  28. 一种基于可辨识矩阵与决策规则独立原则的缺损数据知识发现方法

    A Knowledge Discovery Algorithm of Imperfect Information Based on Distinct Matrix and Decision Rules Independence Principle

  29. 称之为临床决策不确定性原则:无法同时获得既准确又完整的信息是不太可能的。

    Call it the Uncertainty Principle of Clinical Decision Making : simultaneously true and complete information cannot be attained .

  30. 决策程序合法原则、决策利益衡平原则和决策责任自负原则是行政决策法制化的基本原则。

    The tenets of justice on decision-making procedure , of decision-making equity and of decision-making liability are the basic principle about legalization of administrative decision-making .