
  • 网络export dependence
  1. 第二章包括进口依存度和出口依存度分析,对货物贸易和GDP的相关分析和回归分析。

    Chapter 2 contains the analysis of import dependence and export dependence , correlation analysis and regression analysis on trade in goods and GDP .

  2. 牛鞭效应使更多的出口依存度非常危险的供应国,这不仅有助于周期性波动。

    The bullwhip effect makes greater export dependence very dangerous to supplier countries , which only contributes to cyclical volatility .

  3. 我国是一个出口依存度极高的国家,出口型中小企业为我国的经济发展做出了巨大的贡献。

    China is a country of highly exporting dependent country .

  4. 出口依存度对三类产业的技术进步影响相同,都促进了三类产业技术进步的提高。

    The dependence degree of export has the same positive impaction to technological progress of three types of industry .

  5. 截止2009年,我国的贸易依存度仍高达45%,出口依存度为约24.5%①。

    By 2009 , China high foreign trade dependency still approached 45 % , export dependency around 24.5 % .

  6. 从无缝钢管生产格局和出口依存度现状分析我国淘汰落后无缝钢管装备的必要性

    Discussion on Necessity for Obsoleting Backward Seamless Steel Tube-making Equipment at Home in Terms of Production Setup and Dependence on Export of Seamless Steel Tube Industry

  7. 到2000年,出口依存度为12%,出口额占世界总额1.8%。

    By the year 2000 , exports should make up 12 % of China 's total production and 1.8 % of the total volume of world trade .

  8. 我国出口依存度与经济风险承受能力的非匹配性是我国近两年经济下滑的主要原因。

    The inconsistency between export dependency and the capability of enduring economic risks of our country is the prime reason for the decline of economy in the recent two years .

  9. 提高渔业的科技含量,发展科技渔业;优化渔业结构,形成新的国际竞争优势;扩大渔业国内市场需求,降低出口依存度。

    Increase technology content in fishery to develop technology fishery ; optimize fishery structure to foster new international competitiveness ; enlarge the demand in domestic market to reduce the ratio of dependence on export .

  10. 根据此三种因素对经济发展的作用不同,国际上有以美国为代表的高消费内需主导增长型和以日本为代表的低消费率、高出口依存度的出口主导增长型。

    According to the three kinds of factors on the economic development , there are high consumption of domestic demand-led growth , represented by the United States , and low consumption rate , high export dependence of the export-led growth , represented by Japan .

  11. 波兰是最大的经济体,并且其经济对出口的依存度不高。

    Poland is the biggest and its economy is less dependent on exports .

  12. 俄罗斯经济对外贸,尤其是出口的依存度很高,外部行情的变化容易引起俄罗斯经济的波动。

    The Russian economy is to a great extent dependent on the frontier trade especially the export , the external quotations on the market easily cause fluctuation of Russia economy .

  13. 但是,出口需求对外依存度过高,不但带来经济大幅波动等风险,而且影响经济可持续发展。

    However , the demand of exportation which relies too much on foreign side can not only bring risks such as huge economic fluctuation and so on , but also affect the sustainable development of the economy .

  14. 我国出口超速增长,出口依存度迅速提高,过度出口的现象和不利影响必须引起足够的重视。

    The over-rapid growth of our country 's export , the phenomenon of excess export and its disadvantageous influence should be paid much attention .

  15. 作为经济外向度较高且占有全国三分之一出口贸易总量的广东,全省的出口贸易依存度从1990年的68%上升到2002年的83%。

    The export volume of Guangdong province has occupied one third in China and the foreign trade dependence has increased from 68 % to 83 % .

  16. 出口贸易的发展对新疆经济增长的促进作用要大于全国,但新疆的出口依存度、出口对经济增长贡献率、出口拉动经济增长百分点、对外开放度、直接利用外资能力均明显低于全国平均水平。

    Promotion effect of export trade on economic growth of Xinjiang is bigger than the national level but export dependence rate , export 's contribution to economic growth and foreign direct investment in Xinjiang are lower than national level .