
chū kǒu pèi é
  • export quotas
  1. 美国和欧盟昨日加大了在与中国日益升级的贸易争端中的赌注,就中国原材料出口配额向世界贸易组织(wto)提出联合上诉,这是双方贸易摩擦的最新迹象。

    The US and the European Union yesterday raised the stakes in a growing dispute with China lodging a joint case at the World Trade Organisation over export quotas on raw materials in the latest sign of friction over trade .

  2. 中国宣布相关计划,将遵守世贸组织(WTO)去年做出的一项裁定,取消对稀土的出口配额以及其他限制。稀土被广泛地应用于电子产品、计算机和汽车的制造中。

    China announced plans that would comply with a World Trade Organisation decision from last year by removing export quotas and other restrictions on rare earth elements , the minerals used widely in the manufacture of electronics , computers and cars .

  3. 去年早些时候,美国针对中国稀土出口配额在世界贸易组织(WTO)发起的挑战获得胜诉。

    The US won a challenge against the quotas at the World Trade Organisation earlier this year .

  4. 今年中国削减了稀土出口配额,此前中国输掉了贸易伙伴在世贸组织(WTO)提起的稀土诉讼案。

    China cut its quota on rare earths exports this year after losing a case brought against it at the World Trade Organisation .

  5. 《中国日报》(chinadaily)周二发表的一篇文章称,明年稀土出口配额将遭到削减,尽管商务部否认了这种说法,称正就此展开研究。

    An article in the China Daily on Tuesday said that exports would be cut next year although this was denied by the Ministry of Commerce , which said it was investigating .

  6. 随着我国WTO的加入,世界经济一体化的运行,出口配额的取消,出口量逐年增大,内蒙古羊绒制品在国际市场的影响日益增强,中国羊绒业已经可以影响世界羊绒业。

    After china joined WTO , as the word economic have developed to be all-in-one system and the export quota have been canceled , the influence of Inner Mongolia cashmere products have increased . Now the Chinese cashmere can effect the world market .

  7. 全球95%的稀土市场由中国供应,而中国正考虑对这些贵重矿物进一步实施出口配额限制。从混合动力汽车到iPod播放器,许多产品的制造都要用到稀土原料。

    China , which supplies about 95 per cent of the global rare earths market , is considering further curbs on export quotas for the valuable minerals used to produce everything from hybrid cars to iPod players .

  8. 还能够保护外资企业不受当地成分要求和出口配额的影响。

    and protect foreign-invested enterprises from local content requirements and export quotas .

  9. 入世后焦炭出口配额制度的思考

    Cogitation on Quota System of Coke Exports After China 's Entry into WTO

  10. 邻国乌克兰正在考虑针对玉米、大麦和小麦实行出口配额制。

    Neighbouring Ukraine is considering export quotas on corn , barley and wheat .

  11. 凡属附件1范围的产品均实行出口配额有偿招标管理。

    All products in Appendix No.1 are under the export quota paid bidding administration .

  12. 它们包括了授权调查范围,出口配额分配和与出口许可证相关的问题。

    They include the terms of reference , export quota allocation and issues relating to export licenses .

  13. 2004年度氟石块(粉)出口配额第二次协议招标公告

    Announcement on the Tendering in Agreement for Export Quota of Fluorite Block ( Powder ) in 2004

  14. 目前涉及修改原棉和棉纱出口配额限制的问题,委员会还没有做出决定。

    No decision was made with regard to revising the export quota limit for raw cotton and cotton yarns .

  15. 对未经上述批准的项目,商务部不予下达出口配额,发证机构不予签发出口许可证。

    Ministry of Commerce will not distribute export quota for the projects without above permission and license-issuing organs will not issue export license .

  16. 长期以来,由于受到出口配额的限制,全球纺织品服装贸易一直游离于自由贸易体制之外。

    Owing to the limit of export quota , worldwide textile and garment trade has long been wandering out of the free trade system .

  17. 但是工信部随后就削减了12%稀土矿出口配额,这相当于平均年份四分之一的出口量。

    But the ministry subsequently cut the annual export quota for all rare earths by12 percent , the fourth steep cut in as many years .

  18. 现将修改后的《农产品出口配额招标实施细则》印发给你们,请遵照执行。

    The revised Rules for the Implementation of Invitation for Bids for Agricultural Product Export Quotas is now printed and issued to you for implementation .

  19. 配额申请人应当在每年11月1日至11月15日向出口配额管理部门提出下一年度出口配额的申请。

    An applicant of quotas shall apply to the administrative departments of export quotas for the next year between November 1 and 15 of each year .

  20. 2005年1月1日所有的纺织出口配额将取消。配额制度的结束,使纺织服装贸易更加自由化,从而可为纺织品出口国创造更多的贸易机会。

    All textile quotas will be eliminated by Jan.1 , 2005 . Canceling quota , textile trade will be freer and exporter will have more trade changes .

  21. 中国商务部发布的声明表明,中国自6年前有记录以来首次提高了稀土出口配额。

    China has raised its export quota for rare earths for the first time since records began six years ago , according to a statement from the Ministry of Commerce .

  22. 多数粮食的少量出口配额,以及完全禁止小麦出口,惊动了全球市场。由于一些最重要的产粮国出现歉收,全球市场本来就已在进行调整。

    Small export quotas on most grains and a complete ban on wheat exports have shaken up world markets already adjusting to poor harvests in some of the most important producing countries .

  23. 过去3年里,中国一再削减稀土出口配额,表示为了发展本国清洁能源和高科技产业,中国自己需要更多的稀土供应。

    Over the past three years , China has steadily cut export quotas for rare earth elements , saying it needs additional supplies in order to develop the domestic clean energy and high-tech sectors .

  24. 自从今年早些时候,稀土产量占全球97%的中国削减出口配额之后,日本贸易公司一直在拼命努力寻求多样化的稀土供应来源。

    Japanese trading houses have been desperately trying to diversify their sources of rare earths since China , which produces 97 per cent of the key minerals , cut export quotas earlier this year .

  25. 日本企业每年消费2.5万至2.7万吨稀土,但是中国表示,2012年稀土出口配额将和去年一样,为3万吨。

    Japanese companies consume 25,000 to 27,000 tonnes of rare earths a year , but China has said its total rare earths export quota for 2012 will be 30,000 tonnes , as it was last year .

  26. 第四十二条配额持有者未使用完其持有的年度配额的,应当在当年10月31日前将未使用的配额交还出口配额管理部门;

    Article 42 A holder of quotas who has not used up its quotas for the year shall return the unused quotas to the administrative departments of export quotas prior to October 31 of the current year .

  27. 中国已连续3年下调稀土出口配额,但北京方面现在正考虑明显加大遏制稀土出口的力度,这可能会促使跨国公司去争抢其它供应来源以满足自身不断增长的需求。

    Export quotas for rare earths have been cut for three years but Beijing is now considering a plan for much sharper curbs which could leave multinational companies scrambling for other sources to supply their own growing needs .

  28. 中国近期放宽了稀土出口配额,允许今年上半年出口1.63万吨稀土,比2009年同期增加逾8%。

    China recently eased its export quotas , boosting the allowance for the first half of the year to 16,300 tonnes of rare earth elements , up by more than 8 per cent compared with the same period in 2009 .

  29. 二不需要国家增拨原材料,不影响燃料、动力、交通运输、外贸出口配额等的全国平衡的。

    2 the joint venture will not require any additional allocation of raw and processed materials by the state , nor will it affect the national balance of fuel and power supplies , communication and transportation , or foreign trade export quotas .

  30. 2012年的稀土出口配额将从2011年的30246吨小幅增长3%,至31130吨,但它扭转了6年来连续下降的趋势&与2005年的65609吨相比,目前的出口配额下降了一半多。

    The export quota will increase just 3 per cent from 30,246 tonnes in 2011 to 31,130 tonnes in 2012 , but it reverses six years of sustained cuts , which has seen the export quota more than halve from 65,609 tonnes in 2005 .