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  1. 先由GPS伪距单点定位、GPS星内差分定姿获得卫星间相对位置、卫星姿态的先验信息,再采用Bayes最小二乘进行编队星座状态整体确定。

    Getting the apriority of relative positions between satellites and attitudes of satellite by using pseudo positioning and intra-CDGPS , the entire states of formation constellation have been resolved by Bayes Least Square .

  2. 采用改良的Mankin骨关节炎的评分法(1~5分定为早期,6~9分为中期,10~14分为晚期)。

    A histologic evaluation was done according to the modified Mankin grading scale ( 1-5 points as early stage , 6-9 points as middle stage and 10-14 points as advanced stage ) .

  3. 那时,摩西在约旦河东,向日出之地,分定三座城

    Then Moses set aside three cities east of the Jordan

  4. 富贵功名,前缘分定.《西游记》

    Wealth and honour , glory and fame , are predetermined by fate .

  5. 森林土壤有机碳库组分定量化研究

    Quantification of Forest Soil Organic Carbon Pools : A Case Study in Liping County

  6. 安全注射与中国分定注射联盟

    Safe Injection and China Alliance for Sare Injection

  7. 所以我吩咐你说:要分定三座城。

    This is why I command you to set aside for yourselves three cities .

  8. 一种地球同步自旋卫星红外弦宽差分定姿方法

    Attitude Determination with Differential Values of the Earth Width for On-orbit Spin Stabilized Geostationary Satellites

  9. 就要在耶和华你神所赐你为业的地上分定三座城。

    Then set aside for yourselves three cities centrally located in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess .

  10. 你们要在锡安吹角,分定禁食的日子,宣告严肃会。

    Let a horn be sounded in zion , let a time be fixed for going without food , have a holy meeting .

  11. 也要分定属城的地业,宽五千肘,长二万五千肘,挨着那分圣供地,要归以色列全家。

    And ye shall appoint the possession of the city five thousand broad , and five and twenty thousand long , over against the oblation of the holy portion : it shall be for the whole house of Israel .

  12. 你们要分定禁食的日子,宣告严肃会,招聚长老,和国中的一切居民,到耶和华你们神的殿,向耶和华哀求。

    Let a time be fixed for going without food , have a holy meeting , let the old men , even all the people of the land , come together to the house of the LORD your god , crying out to the lord .

  13. 目前国内很多实验室采用气相色谱法对CO组分进行定值,本文就气相色谱法和气体滤光相关技术对CO的定值结果进行了比对。

    At present many home laboratories use gas chromatography methods to measure CO , this passage compared gas chromatography methods with gas filter correlation technique .

  14. InSAR系统差分干涉定标的研究

    Research on the differential interferometric calibration for InSAR systems

  15. NP为体词性短语时,根据结构,可以分为定中式偏正短语、“的”字短语、联合短语和同位短语。

    When NP is subjective phrase , it can be divided into modification phrases , the phrases of " de ", coordinative phrases and appositive phrases .

  16. 1份用血清学方法不能确定ABO血型的标本,用基因分型定为BO1型。

    A patient whose ABO blood group could not be determined by the routine serological method , was readily detected as BO 1 by PCR SSP .

  17. 轨道测量差分精确定轨方法

    An Accurate Differential Trajectory Determination Method

  18. 在终场结束前10秒钟,奥林匹亚队的乔治·拉卡一次三分篮定大局。

    Olimpia 's Jorge Racca decided the championship with a three point shot ten seconds before the final Buzzer .

  19. 英语冠词可分为定冠词、不定冠词和零冠词三种,用法十分复杂。

    In English , Article can be divided into three categories : Definite Article , Indefinite Article and Zero Article .

  20. 将气藏开发过程分为定产量生产和定井口压力生产两个阶段,针对不同的阶段,提出了不同的气藏动态预测方法;

    The whole period of gas production is divided into the constant-gas-production-rate period and the constant-wellhead-pressure period , and the performance prediction methods for the both periods are studied ;

  21. 目的:探讨CT及体位刺激试验对原发性醛固酮增多症(原醛)分型、定侧诊断的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of CT and posture stimulation test ( PST ) in the differential diagnosis and lateralization of primary hyperaldosteronism ( PA ) .

  22. 本文将从能量角度,根据Hamilton变分原理,定、转子摩擦界面采用纯滑动模型建立了该种电机的数学模型;

    Based on the Hamilton Principle , assuming pure slip contact in stator / rotor interface , the mathematical model is obtained .

  23. 其基本过程为:组织样本经Bligh&dyer脂质提取、TLC技术分离各磷脂组分,再用定磷法测定磷脂的含量。

    The experimental processes were : lipid extract from tissue sample by Bligh-dyer methods , separation of phospholipids by TLC . and quantitation of phospholipids by phosphorus quantitative method .

  24. 以Leishman-Beddoes模型为基础,对动态翼型气动特性分为非定常附着流、非定常分离流和动态失速三个部分进行模拟。

    Using the Leishman-Beddoes model , this paper represents three parts of flow behaviour for dynamic airfoil including attached flow , separated flow and dynamic stall .

  25. 手术方式依其病理分型而定。

    The method of operation mode dependeds on the pathologic classification .

  26. 可分的非定域中心力和轻核结合能

    Separable nonlocal central potential and the binding energies of light nuclei

  27. 每个坐标所乘的变分参数叫定标因子。

    The variational parameter multiplying each coordinate is called a scale factor .

  28. 治疗主要根据病变大小及病理分型而定。

    Treatment was chiefly determined by the size and the type of the lesion .

  29. 原发性醛固酮增多症的分型、定侧诊断

    Diagnosis of subtypes and lateralization for primary hyperaldosteronism

  30. 生物素标记葡萄球菌蛋白A介导的酶联免疲吸附试验是新建立的血清学方法,敏感性高,非特异性低,阴、阳分界线可定在1:10。

    Biotin labeled SPA-ELISA , a recently developed test , was high in sensitivity and low in non-specific reaction , and the demarcation line between positive and negative could be located at 1:10 .